Valley Gospel

The Comforter

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 2 Episode 3

Discover how the Holy Spirit can transform your spiritual journey as we explore its powerful ministry at Valley Gospel Church. Ever wondered about the true significance of speaking in tongues or the baptism in the Holy Spirit? This episode promises to unravel these mysteries, emphasizing their crucial role as we move closer to the end times. You’ll gain insights not only from respected Pentecostal authors but, more importantly, through the Holy Spirit's own revelations.

Join us as we reflect on the comforting role of the Holy Spirit, known as the Comforter, and His presence that guided Jesus’s disciples through confusion and uncertainty. Scripture passages like John 16:13-14 and John 14:16 offer a backdrop for understanding how the Spirit guides believers into all truth, continuing Jesus's ministry beyond His ascension. We'll also explore prophetic promises like those from the prophet Joel, ensuring that divine support is available to all, especially during challenging times.

Lastly, experience the profound peace and spiritual fulfillment that comes with singing praises to Jehovah. Stand firm on the authority of God's Word and embrace your identity as a blood-bought child of God, filled with faith, gratitude, and the hope of salvation. Whether you’re facing life's trials or celebrating victories, let the Holy Spirit's guidance provide solace and true peace, much like the warmth of a fresh-out-of-the-dryer blanket. Revel in the anticipation of Christ's return and let this episode inspire a deeper connection with your faith.

Speaker 1:

Not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have room to receive Him. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, Woo, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church. We are a non-denominational Pentecostal church located in Springdale, Pennsylvania. Our sole mission is to present the living truth of a risen Lord Jesus Christ to a remnant church and a lost world.

Speaker 3:

So let's go into the service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church directed by the Lord to focus a portion of my preaching on one particular aspect of ministry, that being the operation of the Holy Spirit. And so when he let me know that this was one of those messages for this week, I got excited. But I have this certain thing in mind when I think of a Holy Spirit message or a Holy Ghost message message, and that's today's kind of a different aspect of his ministry. You know, as I grow older in the Lord and try to please him, it seems my study has become really focused on the work of the Holy Spirit, specifically on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. And I believe that to be the case because of kind of what everybody talked about this morning, what our worship team sang about this morning, because time marches forward at ever-increasing speed through the end times, through the last days to the return of our King, days to the return of our king, and the Lord's revealed to me the importance of his ministry, of the Holy Spirit's ministry, in these times. You know, I've studied as much as possible. I've read all the Pentecostal authors, the respected ones, on their take on the operation, the work of the Holy Spirit, and I try to gain insight so that I'm able to present to the church a concise and revealing message.

Speaker 3:

Regarding the Holy Spirit's ministry and all of that study, I have to say, while it's really interesting and it's exciting to read, it's limited in its enlightenment. It seems you always kind of run in. Unless you get off into crazyville, you always run into a dead end, not a dead end, a stop Like you can't go any farther than this and I've come to the realization that we can only fully understand about the Holy Spirit what the Holy Spirit reveals to us. I don't care who we read, who we listen to. It's limited because the Holy Spirit doesn't talk about himself, so it is limited. I've studied the names paraclete, advocate, helper maybe the most important in what today's message kind of focuses around comforter.

Speaker 3:

I've looked at his attributes, his character, his work, his ministry and all I really know is he is God, he is the third person of the Trinity, he is eternal, he is the Spirit of Christ. However, I do know a bit about his mission. His mission is to indwell believers, to consistently point us to Christ. His operation is to bring us to Christ, to keep us in Christ, to empower us in our walk to empower our ministry. So, christy, let's go to work.

Speaker 3:

The Holy Spirit's always, always at work in us, making Christ known. And here's also what I learned, daniel. Maybe the most important thing is that he always delights not a word I use very often delights. He delights in our seeking why he came. He loves when we dig deeper, trying to figure out why he's here. So, if you'll turn with Chrissy, please, to John 16. John 16, 13, and 14. And I'll just set this up for you real quickly Prior to Jesus' departure from this planet, he calls a meeting with his disciples, one last meeting face to face, one last time of in-person communion and before he leaves and this is part of what he said so whenever you get there, would you please stand. John 16, 13 and 14.

Speaker 2:

How be it when he, the spirit of truth is, come, he will guide you into all truth. Come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine and show and shall show it unto you.

Speaker 3:

Beautiful. It's no accident that all of the messages thus far in the new year are ones that touched on the ministry of the Holy Spirit. One called alongside to help and I have to tell you his first name says it all Holy, holy. I used for a subject this morning very simple phrase the comforter. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord, thank you for this revelation of truth, lord, thank you for showing it unto us, lord, for helping us to go deeper in your word. Lord, I thank you for the anointing that you've placed not only on me but on your congregation, to hear and to receive. Let this word this morning be a lamp unto our feet, a light to our path. It is in the name of your blessed August, soon coming son. We pray. Amen and amen. Please be seated.

Speaker 3:

As Jesus's disciples stood on the mount of transfiguration, their eyes were fixed on Jesus, his ascension, and I would guess that it was a time of exhilaration. Everything had come to pass, everything was coming true, just as Jesus had said. So this was a time of excitement, but it was also a time of confusion. It was also a time of dissolution, because, as much as they understood, george, just like we talked about what you prayed about as much as they understood. There were still a lot of unanswered questions or things that they just didn't understand, maybe a sense of abandonment. What are we going to do now? What are we going to do now? He's not here anymore. He huh, the guide, our mentor, our rabbi of rabbis, was leaving, physically taken away, no longer there. Told them I'm out of here, and if they didn't actually speak their discouragement, I'm sure they felt it to some degree. Now, who's going to lead us? Not Peter. Peter's too wishy-washy Up one minute, down the next, Can't have Peter. Who's going to lead us? Not John. Oh temper, he's one of the sons of thunder. Not James. Too loud, too loud, he yells. Everything has to scream every message. Not Thomas. Thomas doesn't even have any faith. He knows the word. He doesn't believe it. He told us to preach the word. He doesn't believe it. He told us to preach the gospel. But who's going to guide us? Who will have our backs? Who will give us words of eternal life? Jesus left.

Speaker 3:

Jesus saw their pain. He saw, he knew what lay ahead for them. He knew the hardships that they would face, the persecution, the incarcerations, the punishment that they would bear for his name. He saw that into the future, what these few men and women would face to the future, what these few men and women would face. And I don't know if they heard his words at that meeting when he said I won't leave you comfortless. I don't think they heard or didn't understand. I won't leave you comfortless. I don't think they heard or didn't understand. I won't leave you comfortless. I will come to you. I will come to you.

Speaker 3:

His words were powerful, his wording precise I will not leave you alone with Satan. That's what he told them. Oh, you won't have to fight alone. Oh, you will have to fight, but you won't have to fight alone. Jesus said look, I know the Father's plan. I know it. I know it completely and fully. And if you could understand, you would actually rejoice that I'm leaving John 14. And I know how many of you know that the Bible isn't necessarily chronological. So you kind of got to skip back and forth to get a full story of what's happening here, john 14, 16. And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him, but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you. All right, whole lot going on there, right. Uh, a prophetic word he's with you now. He's going to be in you after I'm gone. I'm leaving.

Speaker 3:

Jesus said, as one who has been constrained, constrained by this body, this flesh suit that Jesus put on. It held me in Capernaum and if you were in Judah and needed me, I'm 80 miles away. I was in Jerusalem. You needed me. I wasn't there. I was constrained by geography, I was constrained by the flesh. I came in mortality as the God-man, restricted by all these things on this planet, on this earth, restricted by time and space. But I will return. I will return in all power. I will return constricted by nothing, hallelujah Restrained by no one, limited by no force. I'm coming back Not talking about the return of Christ, by no one, limited by no force. I'm coming back Not talking about the return of Christ. It's talking about the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ. I will return to you in spirit, and that is the Holy Spirit of Christ, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Now the question is that arises and especially if we're, it's always arisen in different Bible studies. But isn't the Holy Spirit sent to all. According to the prophet Joel right, the Spirit will fall on all flesh. So isn't the Holy Spirit sent to all? Don't we teach that the Holy Spirit is the hound of heaven and that he will go into any hell hole, to the gates of hell, to call people lost and undone to Jesus? Isn't that his purpose? Isn't that his function? And that's true. That's true. He is sent to the world. He is sent to every lost sinner as convictor. That's his role. That's what brings an unbeliever, an atheist, to Christ. It was the Holy Spirit that brought me to Christ as an unbeliever. He is. That's his operation Convictor of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. Let's, we'll read it quickly 16, still in John, 16 and 8. And when he has come, he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment. That's all I wanted to read.

Speaker 3:

Sin, sin. We hear so much about it. Growing up, we had a list of sins right and we even classified them Mortal sin, venial sin. These all had different punishments. Okay, gambling was a big sin if you did it out in the street, but if you did it at the church bazaar on their chuckalock wheel, no sin at all, not an issue. That's the way I grow up.

Speaker 3:

Firstly, convicts of sin, the reasoning for sin. What is sin, by the way? What is sin Ultimately? That's the basis. All sin means is missing the mark. It's not a list, it's not this, it's not that, it's not this thing we have to avoid because that's a sin. It's missing the mark, simple interpretation of what it is.

Speaker 3:

But at the root of any sin, as Daniel pointed out, is unbelief. Unbelief, not believing in God's ways, not believing his power, not believing his wrath that's coming, not believing his law, not the law, his law. And we see that in the majority of the church today, that we teach that while God is only merciful, that that's all he can be, is merciful, and that he wouldn't send anyone to hell and that he winks at sin and that he's not opposed to any of the evils in this world. That's at the core of if you've seen the commercial he gets us, he gets us. That's at the core of that particular I don't even want to say denomination at that particular outreach Unbelief, unbelief, not believing his ability to save, to heal, to deliver, to set free. Don't really grasp that. It's good to believe, but I don't know if I believe in God's physical healing. I don't know if I believe that he can deliver me from a bondage. So, secondly, that's conviction of sin.

Speaker 3:

Secondly, he convicts of righteousness, verse 10. Of righteousness, because I go to my father and you see me no more. This is the proof, this is the proof positive, the proof of his righteousness and therefore of our righteousness in him, his deity. Look, I'm being supernaturally delivered, I'm being super Jesus said, I'm being supernaturally transported to heaven, translated to streets of glory in your sight. And not just the disciples were there. He invited everybody come and see, because this is the proof. And you all called me a wine-bibber and a glutton and a religious zealot. You called me a sinner, you even called me the devil. Now, what do you say? What can you say now? And finally, he convicts of judgment, verse 11,.

Speaker 3:

Of judgment because the prince of this world is judged. Maybe this is if you got one of those three, this might be the most important the Holy Spirit testifies that the prince of this world has been cast out. Satan, he's been judged, he's been found wanting, he has been sentenced. Just a sentence is not fully carried out. Judgment's done, that's over. At the cross, every stronghold was broken for you and I At the cross. The power of sin was defeated. Sin has no dominion over us. At the cross, victory was won.

Speaker 3:

So, even though the Holy Spirit is a convictor, a counselor, a teacher, that isn't his primary purpose. That isn't primarily why he came. His primary purpose in this time, in this place and if you believe we are in the last of the last days, as Colette alluded to so rightly, that he is raising up a remnant for this time, this place, just prior to his return His primary purpose is to abide in remnant believers, all believers, but I'm making the case for now in remnant believers. He's all those things, but his primary purpose is to abide in us, those of us who made, if you listened to last week's message, the second crossing, hallelujah Believers who are now enabled to walk in the finished work of Christ by faith in the Spirit, by faith in the Spirit. When prayer meets faith, jamie, when prayer intersects with faith Explosive, tnt, dunamis, dynamite Glory the Holy Spirit wants to make his mission known In us and through us. He doesn't want it to be a secret. We're not to be a conclave amongst ourselves, speaking in tongues to each other. That isn't the point.

Speaker 3:

The Holy Spirit wasn't given to you and I as passive or an influence. You know so many of the books that I read and don't misunderstand. I'm not saying they're wrong. I understand the poetry of it, but so many of the books that I've read describe him as a sweet mist, a perfume, a sweet-sm, smelling savor. And one of the books actually said just breathe him in. I don't know what that means. I have no idea what that means, because the Holy Spirit is God Almighty.

Speaker 3:

He has a personality, unlike the other two members of the Godhead, god the Father and God the Son. He has a mind, he has eyes, he has ears, he has feelings, he has emotions. Yet even those that do acknowledge, those that mouth the words name of the Father, son, holy Spirit, those that mouth those words, treat him as something less, something less or completely ignore him. Yet God sent him, jesus went away, sent the Holy Spirit so that he could be personal with us, one on one, that he could sit in the pew with you, that he could be in your car with you as you travel, that he's in the plow truck, the tow truck, sam, he's with you. That's how personal. That's how personal he wants to be. If we open ourselves, he'll speak to us, he'll guide us, he'll listen. He'll listen even to our silliest little issues that we have going on, silliest little issues that we have going on In our relationship with Christ.

Speaker 3:

It's the Holy Spirit that teaches us to call our heavenly father, abba, dad, that we can call him Dad. I don't know, that's powerful to me. That is such an emotional understanding that we're able to call him dad. And when we walk with the son, he's more than a dad. He's your dad, he's your dad. I don't know about you, but my dad could do anything. He could move mountains. He could lift, he could tear trees out with his bare hands. He could whip anybody in the whole coal mine he could. My dad, my dad. It's the Holy Spirit that tells us, it tells you you're no longer an orphan, you're not alone, you're not by yourself, you don't have to fight this fight alone. We're legally sons and daughters and it's the Holy Spirit that assures us that we're loved, that we're loved.

Speaker 3:

In the Old Testament, god has never addressed his father, never even addressed his, much less addressed his dad or daddy. Most translations tell us that Abba is actually translated daddy as opposed to just dad. But in the New Testament the Holy Spirit cries out you're an heir, you're a joint heir, you have it all. You're one of the king's kids Hallelujah. You're not poverty stricken, you're not left out, you're not forsaken, because God is your dad. Jesus is your Messiah, your kinsman, your king. The Holy Spirit has been sent to us to guide, to defend, to protect and to keep us so that we can do the will of the Father, so that we can do what we're called to do and listen.

Speaker 3:

If you can embrace this, if this is making sense to you, if you can get this, your days of feeling condemned they're limited. You won't feel condemned. You will seldom guilt will seldom raise its head. You will never feel unworthy, never feel unworthy. And he whispers to us this is the Holy Spirit's job. He whispers to us your sin's gone. It's gone. It's gone. My child, don't worry about the things you did in the past. It's gone. Eternity is now. You have an appointment with Dad. You have a purpose here. Now, you know, without the second crossing and if you didn't listen to it, and I apologize, we'll hurry things along. It was a busy week and I didn't get everything ready for the podcast but without the second crossing, the baptism in the holy spirit without being spirit-led. And that's what the second crossing is all about.

Speaker 3:

We live in that constant conviction, even as a Christian. We live in that conviction, guilt, that we may not be living right or well. I shouldn't have done that. It's constantly rolling around in our heads, in our spirits, that we've done something wrong, and if that's the case, then we resist the Holy Ghost, we resist his operation, we resist the baptism and we won't allow him to work in us. We won't see.

Speaker 3:

If the Holy Spirit's always a gentleman, he won't force himself into any aspect of your life. We have to invite him into every area, every activity, everything that we do. It's not about how good we are or how righteous we think we are or even how holy we think we are. It's about allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us, just getting out of the way. Let him work in us, in our life, because when he's allowed, when we allow him, when we invite him to work in our life, in our ministry, I don't even want to use the word conviction, because it's not even unpleasant, it's maybe more like correction. It's not even harsh, it's gentle and loving.

Speaker 3:

And let me tell you, not a day goes by, not one day that the Holy Spirit doesn't say you sure you wanted to say it like that, pastor. You think you answered correctly. Not a day goes by that I don't get that loving, kind, gentle correction. Is that really what you wanted to do? He always gets my attention too with the title pastor.

Speaker 3:

And look, the more we're not afraid to deal with the issues in our lives, the happier and freer we become. You know we put some things out of the way, not going to deal with that right now. Little bit too tough, I'll wait for another time. The happier we become, deal with it, let the Holy Spirit deal with it. He's talking, we're listening, we're responding. That's what walking in the Spirit is. We give it this spooky-booky title. And walking in the Spirit, that nobody gets. It's one of those things. I don't know what that means. It's kind of like breathe him in. I don't know what that means. It's kind of like breathe him in. I don't know what that means. That's the second crossing. That's the second crossing. Romans 5 and 5. I'll hurry. Romans 5 and 5. Romans 5 and 5.

Speaker 3:

And hope maketh not ashamed, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us Sometimes. Sometimes and I don't know, maybe I'm just talking to me, maybe none of you have ever had this Sometimes we're robbed of our closeness with the Lord. We're robbed of that ever-increasing closeness with the Lord, maybe by legalism, maybe by religion, because that's the way Mom did it, because that's the way mom did it, that's the way dad did it, that's the way the old church saw it, and we need to understand that. The Holy Spirit comes to convict the world, but he's come to comfort the believer, convict the world, to comfort the believer, convict the world, comfort the believer. Wow, hallelujah, indeed he fills the world. He fills the world. Conviction, leading, call it whatever you like, but he came, Kr Christa, just for you, just for you, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever. He came for the world. He fills the world, but he came just for you. And I, alright, I'll finish Romans 8. Romans 8 and 15. For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry. Here's that word Abba, father, the spirit. If you have a King James, it says, the spirit itself should have been translated himself Beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. If so, be that we may suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. You know what that is? Do you know what those couple of verses are? That's your adoption papers. It is, that's what that is. That's your adoption papers. It is, that's what that is. That's your adoption papers. The Holy Spirit is the seal on that adoption. That's a whole other sermon, powerful, regarding the adoption.

Speaker 3:

But I want to focus in closing on the comforter, comforter after all, it's the title of the message. The comforter, often called. Comfort means to ease one's pain, to ease one's sorrow, right? I read this great paraphrase at least I thought it was great. But a paraphrase that says the word that he is a comforter is like being wrapped in a blanket that has just come out of the dryer, and that's pretty sweet stuff, right? Especially if you've been outside in all this and you crawl into a blanket. That's, you see, before Christ.

Speaker 3:

In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit came occasionally as creator, as builder, as worker of miracles, but only in the New Testament does he come as comforter, and more particularly in the last days, maybe out of necessity, I'm not sure Reminding us, though, that he resides in us, that all power lives in us. I told you this isn't your, it isn't my normal Holy Ghost message. I'm usually shouting right, he lives in us. He lets you know that it gives you the ability to say greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, and that you can say that with confidence, denise, you can say that, with power, he is greater than sickness. He is greater than devils and demons and imps and evil spirits. Don't you know that the Holy Spirit will use all that power that resides in him, will use all that power that resides in him, all that power, to drive out that oppression or that depression that seems to overtake us at every turn, that he will use all that power to raise a standard against the devil when the enemy comes in like a flood, that power to raise a standard against the devil. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Holy Spirit raises up a standard against him. To be quite honest with you, I think the comma was put in the wrong place by the translators. I think it's this way when the enemy comes in comma. Like a flood, the Holy Spirit raises the standard against him. When the adversary comes against you problems, persecution let the Holy Ghost work, let him do his thing, let him do what he was sent to do. Listen, he'll lead you out. Do you honestly believe See, here's where it gets convoluted.

Speaker 3:

Because do you honestly believe that a spirit that resides in you, georgie, a Holy Spirit that resides in you, do you honestly think, when the enemy comes at you, do you think that the Holy Spirit would go? Good luck with all that. Do you think he wouldn't, that he wouldn't raise every power to come against that which has come against you? Yeah, he won't sit idly by and let you go through that on your own. And here's truth. He's come to stay. He's come to stay. He's not visiting, he's come to stay. He's come to comfort us in our trial. He delivers you from your trial.

Speaker 3:

And look, I know there are teachings that tell us well, if you're in a trial or you're in a situation, if you have an illness, if you're battling something or a bondage in your life, then there's something wrong in your life, there's something wrong in your walk. And you know, we even try to hide those afflictions. We try to hide them. No, I'm fine, I'm good, I feel good. No, I'm not limping. No, I'm not sick, I'm just overcome with a multitude of symptoms. That's baloney and it's not scripture at all. It's not at all scriptural. We all have trials. We all have tribulations not at all scriptural. We all have trials. We all have tribulations. Or you will have, you will have. But if we get knocked down, get back up. If you get pushed around, push back, the Holy Ghost will dust you off and set you back on the road of life.

Speaker 3:

It is in the time as the song they sang this morning, it is in the time of the greatest trials that the Holy Spirit speaks loud and clear, that he works patience in us, that he builds experience within us for something that we're going to face down the road. He's training us. You know, the church does its best work, and I think this translates to Christians as well. We do our best work in times of persecution. When we're fat and sassy, nothing gets done. In times of persecution, we do our best.

Speaker 3:

But know this he loves you in your trial, the Holy Spirit loves you in your trial. Whatever you find yourself facing, the Holy Spirit is telling us, telling you look, you've committed to Jesus. You've made that commitment. He loves you so much. I'll never let you go. I'll never let you go. I've been sent to do a work in you and I'll work in your life forever.

Speaker 3:

There can be look, there can be no true peace unless it's brought, given by the Holy Spirit. You'll never have that true peace trying to forget this or put that behind you or this. You cannot find true peace unless the Holy Spirit gives us. Because wherever you try to get peace I don't care whether it's counselors, psychologists, friends, pastors, priests that peace barely lasts for the ride home, huh, yeah, you feel it while you're in the chair. By the time you get home, the peace is gone already. But the peace and comfort that the Holy Spirit gives is eternal. It's everlasting to everlasting. And I'll leave you with this. If you ask your heavenly father, if you ask dad for a piece of bread, he won't give you a stone. If you ask dad for a fish, what he's gonna give you? A snake. The good father gives good gifts to his children and he will send you the comforter. He's already sent the comforter. He will give you the comforter. Amen. Thanks for listening. Amen, amen. Would you please stand?

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to this week's podcast. We pray it was an encouragement and a blessing to you. You can contact us at Valley Gospel Church, 1069 Butler Logan Road, Springdale, Pennsylvania, 15144. We invite you to listen to this week's worship service that follows and tune in for next week's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it fills me with peace and washes over me Like a sweet, gentle rain. I love to sing your praise, lord. It brings the victory, no matter what I face Through all of my days. I love to sing your praise. There's a place inside of my heart when a song of thanksgiving starts, because of all of your goodness. Oh, your goodness, and the joy that you give. I will let my song fill the air and the joy that you give, I will let my song fill the air. Yes, I'll sing it everywhere. Lord, my praise will crescendo Every day that I live. Oh, let's sing it. I love to sing your praise, lord. I love the sound of your name. We do, lord. It fills me with peace and washes over me like a sweet, gentle rain. Sing your praise, lord. It brings the victory, no matter what I face through all of my days, I love to sing your praise. Yes, lord, we give you all the glory this morning. Lord, you are worthy of all praise. Lord, I love to see your skies when you paint a glorious sunrise. I love the dew in the morning and hearing songbirds sing, but there's nothing sweeter to me Than to join in harmony With all my brothers and sisters Singing praise to our King. I love to sing your praise, lord. I love the sound of your name. Yes, it fills me with peace, washes over me Like a sweet, gentle rain. I love the singing of praise, lord. It brings the victory, no matter what I face through all of my days. I love to sing your praise. I love to sing your praise, lord. I love the sound of your name. Yes, it fills me with peace, washes over me Like a sweet, gentle rain. I love to sing your praise, lord. It brings the victory, no matter what I face, through all of my days. I love to sing a praise On the authority of the Holy Word. I rise up and take my stand. I'm a blood-bought child of the living God who is the great I am. I'm an heir to all that heaven holds and no principality will ever take away my royal crown, given on His authority. Yes, lord, thank you, jesus.

Speaker 1:

There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. There's no one like Jehovah. The home King comes. He's riding on the clouds, shining like the sun. At the trumpet, call, lift your voice. It's the year of Jubilee, and out of Zion till salvation comes. We give you all the praise, Lord Hallelujah.