Valley Gospel

They’re Not After Me, They’re After You (Part One)

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 26

Is the modern church losing its voice in the face of critical societal and moral challenges? We confront the church's reluctance to take a stand on rising anti-Israel sentiment and pressing issues like the plight of missing immigrant children, children's rights regarding gender identity, and the alarming abortion rates in America. This episode calls for a shift in focus from superficial concerns to prioritizing truth and righteousness. Engage with us as we dissect the actions of religious leaders, including Pope Francis, and the church's hesitancy to engage in political discourse, stressing that neutrality is not an option for those committed to proclaiming the truth.

Join us as we emphasize the urgent need for political involvement in light of biblical prophecy. Drawing from Matthew 24, we explore the necessity of vigilance against deception, urging Christians to remain steadfast amidst modern trials. Our discussion highlights the erosion of religious freedoms and the importance of upholding foundational Christian values in the United States, even as church attendance declines. We challenge the church to persist in sharing the gospel and engaging in global evangelism, recognizing the critical role faith plays in addressing societal changes.

Finally, we reflect on the role of Christianity in a world that desperately needs its message. With questions about whether mission work has strayed from being Christ-centered, we examine the influence of secular support and revisit America's Christian roots. Our conversation encourages listeners to reconsider how faith intersects with political and social issues, calling for a public expression of belief. We invite you to experience the overwhelming love of God, celebrating His eternal presence through worship at Valley Gospel Church. Let the power of divine love and mercy inspire you to engage more deeply with your faith.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open, he'll open up the windows of heaven, he'll pour you out a blessing, and you will not have the room not because of you, but because he's good and you will not have the room to receive him.

Speaker 3:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church. We are a non-denominational Pentecostal church located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our sole mission is to present the living truth of a risen Lord Jesus Christ to a remnant church and a lost world. Let's get into the service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 4:

But let me start with this. I have I want to choose the proper word I am increasingly disappointed with the church's stance today. Church's stance today have been disappointed and maybe that's not the right term, disappointed, no-transcript. And I'm left with one observation the modern church has lost its way. Now let me say this Thankfully, there is a remnant. There are good preachers, good ministers, good ministries out there that are still proclaiming the gospel and preaching the truth, even though the numbers seem that they have dwindled. You say, what are you talking about, pastor? I'll be really clear.

Speaker 4:

Last October, a terrorist army attacked Israel. They filmed and proudly displayed images of Israeli women and children being raped and brutally murdered. Over 1,200 people died. And my thought was certainly everybody can see, everybody knows who the bad guy is here. Everybody should know who the evil, where the evil lies, plain for everyone to see. Yet that's not what we saw. We saw the blame being placed on Israel, college campuses erupting in violent displays in support of Hamas and Hezbollah. Jewish people today afraid to walk the streets of New York if they're wearing a star of David or a yarmulke, afraid for their safety. And even a cursory knowledge of the Bible by Christians, even a very surface understanding knows that we should always be in support of Israel, and yet the church is silent. By and large, the church is silent. Hatred for Israel, including major portions of our national leaders, has grown exponentially. I could stay on that all day, but I'll move on.

Speaker 4:

The Pope, pope Francis. He leads the largest Christian denomination in the world and two weeks weeks ago he was on a stage full of half-dressed trans dancers portending to tell Americans how they should vote. Speaking of voting, I'm going to get very political in the next couple of weeks. Very political, pastor. You're not supposed to be political. Remember separation of church and state. Watch me Hallelujah, hallelujah. You may not like it, I may make you mad, you might think I'm overstepping, but I'm going to say it exactly as God said. Say it, hallelujah, hallelujah. You know, I was told a few years ago, 2016 or so, by a couple of folks in the church that were big tithers, big donators, and they wrote me a letter and said we'll starve you out and we'll shut you down. See how you do without our tithes, brothers and sisters, I make my living by the sweat of my brow. Hallelujah, I'm not a Chevy. You can't buy me Glory. We're still standing. We're still growing. Hallelujah to the Lamb. Just another example to the Lamb. Just another example At our border, 325,000 children are missing Immigrants.

Speaker 4:

Where are they Missing? How do you lose 325,000 children that are probably in sex slavery or worse, if there is something worse Today in our country, children being pushed into sex change operations, puberty blockers, without parental consent. In fact, parents are losing their rights over their children because of this issue. All because maybe a little boy likes easy bake ovens and a little girl likes footballs. Girl likes footballs. Biological males competing in women's sports because they identify as a woman, pardon my language. Feminine hygiene products in boys' rooms in schools. What are we doing? What are we doing More?

Speaker 4:

Listen, more than a million abortions were performed last year in America. More than a million. And how incredible is that? All since that devastating overturn of Roe versus Wade back in 19. Yet last year, more abortions were performed than in decades and now it's being pushed even higher.

Speaker 4:

We want to allow and are allowing the killing of born alive babies. I know, I know what you're thinking. Didn't ABC debunk that the night of the debate when they said that there are none at all? There are no states that allow killing the born? Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota repealed the born alive protection in 2021. And for the past three years, babies that survive an abortion are left to die. They're left on the table to die table to die. Is this the America we know? Is this the America that we grew up in? And the church is silent. The diocese of Westmoreland County says abortion isn't that big of a deal of Westmoreland County says abortion isn't that big of a deal, that it's more about a joyful demeanor and using less profanity.

Speaker 4:

You shouldn't talk about this, pastor. I have to. Nobody else is. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Preachers today are still talking about proper church dress and tithing and supporting their ministry, self-help and the world is going to hell and Jesus is coming and we're still talking about book reports. What's wrong with us? Hallelujah? I tell Chrissy to punch in. She's not here and I think I already punched in, so turn with me, please, to Matthew 5. Matthew 5. Lord, lord, I'm not supposed to talk about this. I'm not supposed to talk about this.

Speaker 4:

It seems to me that the church, pastors, leadership, seminaries have adopted a position that we are not to be political, that we are to be neutral. We can't be neutral. That's not what we're called to. Matthew 5, 14. He's talking, the Lord himself is talking to you in this passage. He's talking to us. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel and on a candlestick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven. They see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.

Speaker 4:

Somehow over the last decades it seems almost exponential in the last couple of years the church and the Christian by extension has taken the position that we should be private Christians, we don't wear our Christianity on our sleeve, we do all this, we do what we do in our behind closed doors, no one needs to know, and that as private Christians, we shouldn't get involved in the political process. But as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, we are to be public Christians, that we are to be up front, out front and in the way In every walk of life. So many teach that it doesn't apply to the political process. The Christian should stay out of it. Let me say this In everyday life, the Christian is a part of that political sphere every day. You're a part of it every day, like it, don't like it.

Speaker 4:

The fuel you bought to get to church today was part of a political process. You didn't buy it off this guy and then out on a farm somewhere. It was all part the price, the availability, all part of a political process. The groceries you buy, the taxes that you pay, politics, the rules we follow as individuals, as the church, the regulations we follow If you have a business, the regulations and the licensing and the permits that you have all political, every part. Yet we're going to say Christians shouldn't be a part of this. Don't you understand? That's part of the plan to divide, to divide, to pull us apart.

Speaker 4:

And I'll use for a subject this morning the first in a I don't know two, three, four part series, I don't know, but the title to all of them will be they're not after me, they're after you. Hallelujah, let's pray, heavenly Father, thank you, Lord. Thank you, lord, for that spiritual courage that you have implanted in me, lord, to bring what you have given me to not turn back. Lord, let your Holy Spirit guide and every ear guide my tongue to rightly divide what you have given me, lord. I ask you to open it up. Let it be, let it be not only a lamp in the light, let it be light and salt In Jesus' name. Amen and amen. Please be seated.

Speaker 4:

Before I dive too deeply, let me make something really clear, a preface if you will. The Bible is adamant. It is concise. It is clear on how this world will conclude Just prior to the great and terrible day of the Lord. It's a passage I know really well and I could stumble through it, but I'd rather read it for you. It's a little bit long through it, but I'd rather read it for you. It's a little bit long. Same book, matthew 24. Like I said, I could probably limp through this and give you the content, but you know, when we read it sometimes it makes a whole lot more sense. Matthew 24 and 3.

Speaker 4:

As he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately saying Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the signs of thy coming and of the end of the world? Jesus answered and said unto them Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet, for nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places. All those are the beginning of sorrow. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my namesake. And then shall many be offended and shall shall betray one another and shall hate one another. Many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold, but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be said. That is a glaring description of what we can expect, and that which we can expect is going to happen. It's going to happen.

Speaker 4:

So what I'm starting to preach here and teach is our involvement in the political sphere. In politics, standing up for truth, standing up for righteousness, speaking out is not going to take us back to happy days or a unified, believing society. It's not going to be as the world would see it. Happily ever. After you understand what I'm saying it is happily ever after for you and I, but it's not going to be a happily ever after ending for this world. However, it will grant us, as Daniel said in his prayer this morning I don't know if you even know you said it it will grant us an extension of time, an extension of time Time for a final outpouring, extension of time, time for a final outpouring, time for a coming together of like-minded believers, even though it's temporary. It will grant us a level playing field, a less oppressed church, a church less under the regulations of a tyrannical government, a Christian-hating government, so that you and I are able to reach the lost with the gospel. And really it may be a few more sermons, maybe a few more visitors, a few more precious souls, a few outreaches, a couple of more podcasts to get the word out, a few more CDs that we can hand out.

Speaker 4:

And should we be fortunate enough to gain a year, five years, ten years, 20 years? I don't know. Should we be fortunate enough to extend our ministry, to extend our relationships, that we're able to reach others, even through our relationships with people at work, in school, wherever we're at? If we're fortunate enough to have 20 years more before it really goes bad. Before it really goes bad, maybe we win a dozen to Christ, maybe a thousand, maybe one One's enough. The Bible says all of heaven rejoices over one, over one, over one, I wonder, will we have? If we get that, will we have the finances to do what we need to do? Will we have the ability to preach the truth? Will we have the free speech to broadcast what I'm preaching today? Will we be able to protect our children and our grandchildren and bringing them up in the faith and admonition of the Lord? Or will this gospel be considered hate speech and we're told to stand down and shut up? Will pastors and preachers be bullied, bullied into preaching a watered-down half-gospel, a false gospel, a crossless Christianity, a godless society, a Christless religion? We're on the precipice of that right now. Right now it's already happening in nations around the world. It's already happening. Our neighbors to the north Already happening, already happening. And maybe you just maybe you think I'm talking about a bridge too far. Truth is, it's a bridge we've already crossed. Maybe you just can't believe that's where we're at or where we're headed. Maybe you just can't believe that's where we're at or where we're headed.

Speaker 4:

I don't pretend to be a history expert, but let me just give you something to consider. The United States of America is a democratic republic. Do you know what that is? That's where the people rule the country. The people rule the country. The people rule the country, not politicians, not bureaucrats, not presidents. We elect representatives to go to Washington to bring our desire, our wishes, what we want, what we want to see, to make the laws that the people want enacted A more perfect union. The United States was formed and established on Christian values. Make no mistake, don't be duped. Don't let people say, oh, they were all atheists. Our country was established on Christian values. We are responsible and privileged to proclaim this gospel worldwide. The United States sends more missionaries. They distribute more Bibles. More church plants than anywhere else on this planet. Come from here, come from the United States. In fact, it's not even to mention the numbers is silly, because every ministry comes from here. This great American experience and experiment.

Speaker 4:

And while Christianity, church attendance, has fallen to some of the lowest levels percentage-wise in history and that's happened only in the last I mean, it's happened before that, but in the last five years it's been exponential where church attendance, church membership, has fallen. And even though that's the case. Strong believers, solid believers, have pulled back back pastors, leadership, congregation. We've pulled back and feel that we shouldn't mix faith and politics and see we've been duped, we've been deceived that we shouldn't mix our faith with politics, because we've been told it so many time, so many times and that deception comes from within. It comes from within, not from outside. It comes from in here, from pulpits, from platforms, from church leadership.

Speaker 4:

Look, our view, your view of world conditions right now, whether it's Ukraine and Russia or the Middle East or China, or politics or the coming election, isn't just colored by our Christianity. Those world happenings, that worldview needs to be saturated by our Christianity, not just well, we'll think about that, it needs to be saturated by our Christian faith. You see, our Christianity supersedes our gender, our race, our nationality, our political view, our alliances in this world, our party. But sadly, just the opposite is true. Just the opposite is true. The church stays on the sideline, the Christian sits it out, because we've heard over and over and over and over none of our business. Just stay out of it.

Speaker 4:

Do you know that 30% of evangelical Christians by evangelical it's? You know there are groups that don't try to get anybody to come to Christ. This is our thing, we're okay. Evangelical means that we try to bring people into Christianity. Do you know? 30% of evangelical Christians are not even registered to vote. Let me give you another surprising statistic 40% of those who are registered don't vote. They don't go, don't you see how preposterous that is? And I know there's probably I'm not 100% sure of the reasoning behind every facet of those numbers, but I suspect that it's at least in part that tired mantra of separation of church and state. You've heard that since you were a kid, right, separation of church and state. How many know that? It's in place to keep government out of the church's business? That's what it is to keep us in our lanes.

Speaker 4:

The other overriding reason may be the idea that and I hear this a lot too God's got this. He's got this. He'll put in office whoever he wants to put in office. That's his purview. He'll do what he wants to. After all, god is sovereign. So, vote or no vote, speak or don't speak. Don't spread the gospel. God's going to do whatever he wants. No, he told you to do it. Glory, you remember? You remember Israel? They wanted a king. They wanted a king really bad. And God said bad idea it isn't going to work out. Oh no, we want a king, we want to be like the other nations. Please let us have a king. He said, okay, then have a king. And Saul became the first king of Israel, and we know how that turned out, hallelujah. God warned them, and I believe he's warning us, and he'll let you have what you want. He'll let you have it. The He'll let you have it.

Speaker 4:

The United States only 248 years old. That's it, 248 years old. We're a spring chicken, hallelujah, but we're the most prosperous, the most giving, the strongest nation on this planet. Many other nations in the Orient and in the Middle East, in Europe, are thousands of years old and don't have the might, the gold, the influence that the United States has. Why is that? Because of our charge to get the gospel out. Get the gospel out, you know.

Speaker 4:

Are we squandering that influence, not presenting Christ to a lost world, not doing everything that we can to get the word out? Has our Christianity become even more private, even secret? Have we turned our backs on publicly supporting the Lord? People have to ask if you're a Christian, or can they just sense it after having a Coke with you? Has apathy taken over, you know, even in our mission work, whether it's here or in other countries, it seems to me that that mission work has become less Christ-centered and missions have been influenced by the edict no religion don't lay a Jesus trip on anybody. And missions have been influenced by the edict no religion, don't lay a Jesus trip on anybody. We're just here to do something good and I understand that to an extent, because we can't get the help and support from the county, from the state, from the state, from the federal government, unless we back away from our faith, unless we back away from primarily the name of Jesus no-transcript and our support. I remember Steve and Becky when the county told them like we're going to have to pull our support and you don't get the food that you once got unless you stop your Bible studies. And Becky yeah, it was Becky Becky said keep your donuts. And it seems foreign missions have become really expensive road trips. I'm not being critical, but it seems the folks that I talk to that have been on a mission trip recently are talking about the souvenirs they brought home really cool rugs. Instead of bringing a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to the people they went to see, it's become this quasi-vacation In our country's beginning and in our development, there was an overriding faith, an overriding belief in the all-powerful God.

Speaker 4:

It's how our government was set up. It's how it was established One nation under God. Don't let people tell you differently. God Don't let people tell you differently. Don't let them tell you that we're a secular nation or an atheistic society, that our establishment was secular. Most of the founding fathers were atheists. We hear. You know, if you watch or read accounts, most of them were atheists. We're told they were not. They were not. God was in every aspect of our country's formation. Firstly, romans tells us that God invented government. It's his idea, it's his plan. So we didn't come in and try to shove this in. It is in God's plan. It was established by God. Of America's founding fathers, most were deeply faithful men of God. Most of them were Listen. Of the 58 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, of the 58 men who signed that, 24 attended and held degrees in Bible school. More than half yeah, more than half I wanted to make sure I got that right no less than half 24 of 58, not 28 of 54.

Speaker 4:

Let me just give you a couple of quotes. Okay, and these are bona fide quotes. George Washington said while we zealously perform our duties as citizens and soldiers and patriots, our highest calling is to the character of Christian. John Adams said should we not have the precepts of government and documents? The Bible should be our only law book. Thomas Jefferson that's the one they always say oh, he wasn't a Christian. Thomas Jefferson said I am a real Christian, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus Christ. John Hancock, you know the guy that made his signature real big so the British could see it. John Hancock said we will nobly defend the rights which heaven gave. Here's another one. They say wasn't a Christian, benjamin Franklin, this is my creed. There is one God, creator of the universe. He governs by his providence. Our highest call is to worship him, is to worship him, and I could go on and on. Final Sam Adams, that all people everywhere should bow to the scepter of the Prince of Peace. Those are our, those are our formers, our framers that set the course for this nation.

Speaker 4:

How have we slipped so far? How have we become so emotionally swayed by a political party or a story or a TV ad or a campaign ad? Or I heard this, or I heard that Our theology isn't emotionally based. Our theology is scripturally based. That's why I always say and I know you guys laugh, but people say this is how I feel. I don't really care how you feel, it's how I feel about that, pastor, it doesn't matter how you feel, our theology is scripturally based, not emotionally.

Speaker 4:

For the next few weeks we'll talk about politics, how it mixes with our Christianity, and if you're still saying it doesn't mix, pastor, stay out of it. I'm going to challenge you for the next couple of weeks to view your traditional position in maybe a little bit different light, your position. Look at it through a Holy Ghost prism and a deeper understanding of who we are and who we are to be, what our conduct should be as Christ followers. And look, I know a lot of included grew up in this area. Family were coal miners, umw, family were steel workers, usw, a whole lot of other careers that had a strong connection to the party of JFK and LBJ and Jimmy Carter Incidentally, a Roman Catholic, a Southern Baptist and a born-again Christian.

Speaker 4:

But a whole lot has changed. The world has changed. So I ask this question in conclusion today and this is the first part of the challenge when is it okay to lay aside our Christianity? When is it okay? How about at work? We don't want to offend someone. You know your boss isn't a Christian Christian. Is it okay to lay it down then? Or people get upset when we talk about moral issues, when we mix religion with life. Is it okay to lay down our Christian? How about at school? How about at school? Can we not be a Christian? How about at school? How about at school? Can we not be a Christian? At school, as a student or as a teacher? Where it's against the rules, where the schools support a mosque, where we're not allowed to wear a cross, a Star of David, a shirt that says there are only two genders? How about?

Speaker 4:

Can we lay our Christianity down at the ballot box? Can we lay it down? Can we lay aside Jesus Christ when we go to vote? Can we stick with our union group, our family, even though an abortion truck follows around the Democratic campaign giving out free abortions? Can we put Christ aside? Can we put God aside? Can we put the Bible aside. Can we put the Bible aside?

Speaker 4:

Can you put this book aside that clearly said a man that lays with a man like he lays with a woman is worthy of hell, can you just? I don't believe that. I don't feel that that's correct. Can we just ignore his word that says male and female, created he them? Can we just ignore that? Because my dad always voted that way and I love my dad. How about marriage between a man and a woman? But? But the Democratic Party is there for the working guy. Can we just lay it aside? Can I lay aside for a traditional political viewpoint, if you think you can, if you think you might. That makes us an incredible hypocrite. And wouldn't your attendance here today be hypocritical if you could lay those things aside? I'm a Christian. Until it crosses this line, until it crosses this fake line, until it crosses the line and we're missing the purpose of a biblical worldview.

Speaker 4:

Book of Proverbs. Trying to think where it's at, don't remember. Proverbs says that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. When evil rules, the people groan. And actually, maybe a better understanding of that is when the biblical tenets are followed, when that Bible is our base. Then we live in peace, then we live in peace.

Speaker 4:

See our anti-Christian culture today, the anti-Christ policies of our government and I know people argue with me all the time well, they're not against religion. They're not against religion and there's some truth to that. They're not against religion as long as we keep our Christianity to ourselves. We don't take it outside. We don't pray in public. We don't preach in public. We don't worship in public. Do you know? Today there's a grandmother facing prison time because she prayed outside of an abortion clinic. That's in our America. That's not in China or North Korea. That's here. A grandmother's going to prison, sentenced by our justice department, for praying.

Speaker 4:

It's exactly the opposite of what the Bible teaches. The Bible says and we've had this misunderstanding the Bible says we need to put feet on our faith. Right, and we've always said, okay, we've got to go work for this person, we've got to go get clothes, we've got to cut their grass, we've got to hand out water. That's not what it's talking about at all. Our faith does need feet, but it's that we need to be the salt and light that Jesus spoke of.

Speaker 4:

Hallelujah, this gospel shall be preached for a witness to all the world, and then shall the end come. That's what it says, and the challenge I leave you with this morning, this last of September, is a decision when will you allow Jesus to be Lord of your life and where will you stop him? Where will you stop him? Where will you Forrest Gump him? Can't say it here. Where? Where is our limit? If you're wise, he'll be Lord of all your life. If you're wise, he will be Lord everywhere.

Speaker 4:

The mandate Jesus left us with is share the gospel. Share the gospel, let the world know. Let the world know. Let the world know that Jesus was born of a virgin, that he ministered for three and a half years sinless, that he went to a cross of Calvary and died a vicarious and victorious death to pay for every sin, past, present and future. That he rose again the third day as a time stamp, that what he did and who he said he was is absolute Hallelujah, and that he's coming back in glory Soon and very soon.

Speaker 4:

Jesus is coming An end to the age, a beginning of eternity. You are light and salt. Light illuminates, salt preserves. You are light and salt to a world that's lost, to light the path and preserve a truth. That's the very purpose of light and salt In this time, this election season, don't be so earthly minded about well, yeah, but this is going to get raised and this is going to get dropped.

Speaker 4:

Don't be so earthly minded that we're of no heavenly value. Worried about ourselves Just for a couple of months, forget about yourself, about ourselves Just for a couple of months, forget about yourself. We've got to be involved in not only the election but in this culture. Why? To persuade men? To persuade men and that's not a gender exclusive Men and women To persuade, it's what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians. That's our job. To influence, to influence the world for Christ's sake, for the gospel's sake, that's our job. One day, every king, every queen, every prime minister, every president will fall to the authority of Jesus Christ, and that day is coming soon.

Speaker 4:

You know, we saw on Chosen the TV series, one of the last ones. Well, it's a while back, I guess. But do you remember when John the Baptist John the Baptist, just a preacher, backwoods preacher ate grasshoppers and honey, a little rough. He went to King Herod and said You're in trouble, king. You left your wife and took your brother's wife and she's living in the palace. You're in serious trouble, hallelujah. John took his responsibility very seriously, so seriously, so courageously. It cost him his head. It almost cost Trump his head two months ago, and he may not even know why. We'll get a little deeper in that as time goes by but he has the phrase that he repeats often at rallies in the title to this entire message series they're not after me, they're after you thank you for listening to this week's podcast.

Speaker 5:

We pray it was an encouragement and a blessing to you. You can contact us at Valley Gospel Church, 1069 Butler Logan Road, Springdale, Pennsylvania, 15144. We invite you to listen to this week's worship service that follows and tune in for next week's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Here is love, vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood. When the prince Of life, our ransom, shed for us His precious blood. Who His love Will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He will never be forgotten Throughout heaven's eternal days. On the mount of crucifixion, fountains open, deep and wide, through the flood. Gates of God's mercy Float a vast and gracious tide Grace and love Like mighty rivers, poured in sense and from above. Oh, heaven's peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love. Here is love, vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood. When the prints of life, our ransom, shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing his praise? He will never be forgotten throughout his eternal days. Days on the mount of crucifixion, fountains open, deep and wide. Through the floodgates of God's mercy Float a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love like mighty rivers, poured in sense and from above. Heaven's peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love. Who His love will not remember and who can cease to sing His praise? Oh, he can never be forgotten Throughout His eternal days. Grace and love like mighty rivers, poured in peace and perfect justice. Kissed a guilty world in love. Heaven's peace and perfect justice Kissed a guilty world in love.

Speaker 1:

Oh how he loves you and me. Oh how he loves you and me. He gave his life. What more could he give? Oh how he loves you. Oh how he loves me. Oh how he loves you and me. Let's sing it again oh how he loves you and me, how he loves you and me. He gave His life. What more could he give? Oh how he loves you. Oh how he loves me. Oh how he loves you and me. Sing it again oh how he loves you and me. Oh how he loves you and me. He gave His life. What more could he give? Oh how he loves you. Oh how he loves me. Oh how he loves you and me.