Valley Gospel

The Gutter

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 25

What if you could gain profound spiritual insights from the life of one of the Bible's most complex characters? Join us as we unpack the incredible journey of David—from his anointing and early victories to his intense trials with King Saul. In this episode, we reveal the intricate familial connections and strategic moves that highlight God's meticulous plan for salvation. We also delve into the different dimensions of the Bible—graphe, logos, and rhema—emphasizing the pivotal role of worshiping God and Jesus Christ above all.

Ever wondered how the relentless struggle against the flesh is depicted in biblical narratives? We draw a compelling parallel between this struggle and David's conquest of Jerusalem, likening spiritual nourishment from God to the Gihon spring's sustenance of the ancient city. This episode also critiques the modern church's leniency towards sin, urging a return to disciplined and sincere faith. You'll find a powerful reminder of the flesh's formidable challenge to Christians, and why supernatural aid is crucial for overcoming it.

Finally, we examine the current state of modern churches, contrasting intellectual efforts with the need for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Using Hezekiah's encounter with the Assyrian king as a historical example, we illustrate the dire consequences of deviating from God's path. The episode culminates in a vibrant celebration of worship and praise, inviting everyone to magnify and glorify the Lord for His worthiness. Join us in lifting our voices in devotion and seeking direct communion with the Holy Spirit for true empowerment.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jesus. God will open, he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven, he'll pour you out a blessing, and you will not have the room, not because of you, but because he's good, and you will not have the room To receive Him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church. We are a non-denominational Pentecostal church located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our sole mission is to present the living truth of a risen Lord Jesus Christ to a remnant church and a lost world. So let's go into the service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 3:

And maybe some of you saw this too. I was watching a series I believe it was, on the History Channel concerning the life of David Really interesting and as we have studied in the past, studying in 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel, the early days of David and from his victory over Goliath as a young man, a young boy to his anointing by Samuel, to his troubles with King Saul King Saul always trying to kill him and the priest Ahimelech. We read about his and this is what was on the history channel was his refuge in the cave of Adula, where him and his men had to hide out for a period of time in a cave because Saul was hot on his heels and, it's interesting, he knew there was trouble and he took his. He took his mother to Moab to live for safety reasons while he was hiding out and took her to his great-grandmother Ruth. Ruth was from Moab, so he took his mother to live with Ruth for her safety.

Speaker 3:

I just thought how amazing that the Bible gives us such intricate details about what's happening and what's going on in this. You know, we see so much meaning and so much wisdom and so often we talk about David and well, it's just a story about Israel's ancient king, but it's not. We see so much revelation, so much meaning, so much in God's plan, in the Holy Spirit's authorship of the word of God. We see him use geography and natural formations, hardware, familial contacts like Ruth, and he gives us insight and encouragement and he fully exposes his truth to us as followers of Jesus Christ. I believe God will expose this morning and illustrate his perfect and awesome plan of salvation. And he'll do it. Don't shout blasphemy at me. He'll do it through an underground water system in the ancient city of Jerusalem, jerusalem. This water system, this plumbing of Jerusalem, was built and used over 3,000 years ago, built by Hezekiah's craftsmen. Let's go to work, chrissy. Chrissy, you know, in our studying of God's Word and in hearing whether it be a revelatory message, like we certainly heard last week, but we hear on a weekly basis, how many of you know, and I won't dwell here, but I just want you to get this there are three words that the Bible talks about, not the graphe word, which is this word, written word, recorded for our use, the graphe word.

Speaker 3:

Secondly, is the logos right? You're all familiar with those two terms. Logos is the word explained, what we're doing here, this is the logos when we take scripture and interpret what the Lord is trying to say, we can certainly think of. So we have the graphe. This is the graphe, regardless of where it is, it doesn't matter. This can certainly think of. So we have the graphe. This is the graphe, regardless of where it is, it doesn't matter. This can be in a closet, this can be in your locker, doesn't matter, it's still the graphe. It becomes the logos when we start to look at it Amen. And then certainly we have the rhema word when God speaks directly to us, whether that be through the word or directly to us.

Speaker 3:

But we would do well to remember a couple of things. One is that the Bible is one account, one account. The graphe is one account, not 10 stories or 20 stories or 100 stories jammed together. It's one account, one story. It's the singular account of God's redemption of man. That's what it is. That's what it is. It's our guide, it's our how-to, it's our owner's manual as to how we, as professing Christians, can partake of the benefits that we find here. And that's how we're going to expand on this a little bit on Wednesday night, when we finish up or at least sort of finish up on promises.

Speaker 3:

But we're going to get into this a little deeper then of Adam and Eve to the sacrificial system that was put in place by God to keep that relationship between God and man open, to the blood offering of the Holy of Holies in the Temple of Old again not just a story to the perfect plan of redemption where God sacrifices his own son and he became a sinner's substitute on Golgotha's hill. It was there we say at Calvary this morning. It was at Calvary that Jesus redeemed all people for all time. Hallelujah, all the way to Christ's return for a blameless church, without spot or wrinkle washed in his blood. And it's not because of what we have done or what we do or even how we conduct ourselves Really, isn't? It's because of what he's done and how he's conducted himself. You see, we all understand his word is our guide, our owner's manual, our instruction manual, our how and why. It's hallelujah, it's God's instruction of the redemption of fallen man.

Speaker 3:

But here's what I wanted to make really clear we worship God, we worship Jesus Christ. We do not worship the Bible. And if that makes you bristle a little bit, stay tuned, I'm sure it'll make more sense. So if you have your Bibles, let's begin. We have two readings this morning, first being in 2 Chronicles, the 32nd chapter, 2 Chronicles 32. And when Chrissy finishes reading that we're going to jump to 2 Samuel 5. Reading that we're going to jump to 2 Samuel 5. So if you run past 2 Samuel and you're looking for Chronicles, put a finger in there, so 2 Chronicles, 32 and 30, and I'll ask you whenever you get there, would you please stand for the reading of god's word?

Speaker 2:

second chronicles 32 and 30. This same hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gion and brought it straight down to the west side of the city of David, and Hezekiah prospered in all his works.

Speaker 3:

Amen, amen. It was King Hezekiah who dammed up the upper pool and it's a really interesting concept because what was once exposed to the earth, he dammed up and piped into the city of Jerusalem, not by himself, his craftsman, he piped it into Jabez, the city of David, so important on the world scene in God's plan, in prophecy. And remember it makes so much sense because Jerusalem, in God's word, is the graphe right. We all know where Jerusalem is and what it's about and how it was moved. In his plan it was the logos and we'll see that today, and in prophecy it's the rhema. And again we'll get deeper 2 Samuel 5, 6 through 8. Thank you, chris.

Speaker 2:

And the king and his men went to Jerusalem unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, which spoke unto David saying Except you take away the blind and the lame, you shall not come in hither, thinking David cannot come in hither. Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, the same is the city of David, and David said on that day whosoever gets up to the gutter and smites the Jebusites, and the lame and the blind are hated of David's soul. He shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they say, the blind and the lame shall not come into the house.

Speaker 3:

I know the word gutter today has some negative connotations, meaning lewd or bawdy or kind of. You've all heard terms like gutter-minded and gutter humor and in the gutter, but this is somewhat different. Yeah, it is in Jerusalem that God promised to put his name. It is from Jerusalem that most of the prophecies were given. It was in Jerusalem that Jesus entered triumphant on a donkey. It was in Jerusalem that Jesus was crucified. In Jerusalem he was buried. In Jerusalem he was raised again. It was in Jerusalem that Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father and it was in Jerusalem that the Holy Ghost fell.

Speaker 3:

I will use for a subject this morning strange sounding term the gutter. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord, for this Old Testament trip, this glimpse of reality, not just history, but history with a voice. Lord, I ask you to anoint everything that's said this morning, anoint this Old Testament message. Let it be a lamp unto our feet, a light to our path. In Jesus' name, amen and amen. Please be seated. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Jerusalem, jabez, the city of David. And when Jesus comes back, he will come back to where Kurt Jerusalem. When he returns, he will return to the foothills of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will also be the earthly place where the new Jerusalem will descend from heaven. It will be the headquarters of God Almighty, establishing the thousand-year reign of our King and Christ, establishing the thousand-year reign of our King in Christ.

Speaker 3:

At the base of Jerusalem's eastern wall, at the foothills of the Mount of Olives Olivet, it's called at the headwaters of the Brook Kedron, is a well, a spring that flows out of the ground. This well was dug and hewn by King Hezekiah's craftsmen, as we said earlier, over 3,000 years ago. The source of that well, the spring that has, as far as we know, flowed there forever since creation. From that well, tunnels and conduits of clay and rock and pipe were placed through the mountain and supplied Jerusalem with fresh, continuous water. The well where the spring bubbles up was once known as Gihon Gihon You've heard it. The Gihon River, or Gihon, is mentioned in the book of Genesis as that river flowing near Eden's garden. It was also called the Virgin's Fount. That underground river still flows underneath Jerusalem today, still flows underneath Jerusalem today. Still flows In ancient times because of the way Hezekiah planned this and the water literally fell underground into his conduit.

Speaker 3:

It couldn't be tampered with. Enemies couldn't poison the water. They couldn't shut it off because it was unaffected by weather or drought, they couldn't say, well, we'll wait till the water's high, so they can't cross, or we'll wait till the water's low. It was unaffected and it was utilized by the people during times of war because there was no visible source. No visible source, how is Jerusalem? How are they able to have water? How are they able to keep feeding their animals and watering their animals? How are they able to cook and wash and drink?

Speaker 3:

There was no visible source to the water supply, just as there is no visible source for the river of life that flows into and from a believer. No visible source, no earthly source for what you have in Christ. No earthly source for what you have in Christ. See, that's what all your unsaved friends and relatives. They're looking for. There's no source. There's no source. How could they have this? There's no source, no visible source for your confidence. No visible source for your peace. No visible source for the joy in your life. No visible source for the change that happened in you. They know you're different, but they don't know why.

Speaker 3:

So the world wars against Christianity, against Christians, ultimately against Christ, and so much more than any other religion, maybe with the possible exception of Judaism. But that's only because Jesus was a Jew. The hate we see today for Israel, the anti-Semitism, the anti-Christian sentiment that it seems to be taking over our college, our colleges, our government, our society, and again, understand this it's only because Jesus was a Jew. They wouldn't hate Israel as much if it wasn't for Jesus. That's the problem. And certainly everyone's willing to give, don't care how many people they kill or affect Islam or Buddhism or any religion for that matter. They're given the nod of respect. Not Christianity, not Christianity, especially now. You know, the world knows we're different.

Speaker 3:

They think you're crazy that you're huh, hallelujah, indeed, that you're a hater. Hmm, they know you're different, but they don't know what makes the difference. So they deny the change. They make up stories, make up reasons why you're intolerant and wicked. They reject our claims because they don't see the source. They don't see the source. They don't see the source in your strength and your power, hallelujah. Old friends and coworkers, they think you're coming back. They do, oh, wait till they get through this little crazy period. They'll be back. They do, oh, wait till they get through this little crazy period. They'll be back. They'll be back.

Speaker 3:

But there is a source, one that fills our hearts, our souls, our minds. Its source is the Father of lights, the source is God the Son, the source is God, the Holy Ghost, and it bubbles up every minute of every day, more and more as we get deeper in his word. As he shines the light, hallelujah, as we walk in that light. It satisfies our thirst and it never runs dry, never runs dry, never runs dry. Just as the Gihon quenched the thirst of Jerusalem, the Gihon spring quenched the thirst of Jerusalem. A river of life, out of your bellies, jesus said, shall flow a river of living water, glory. Just to repeat, 2 Samuel, 5.

Speaker 3:

And the king and his men went to Jerusalem Unto the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, which spake unto David, saying Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou shalt not come in hither, thinking David cannot come in hither. Nevertheless, david took the stronghold of Zion, the same is the city of David. And David said on that day whosoever get it up to the where the gutter, and smited the Jebusites and the lame, lame and the blind that are hated of David's soul, he shall be chief and captain. Wherefore they said, the blind and the lame shall not come into the house. The word gutter there, it's important, it's, as we said, we have a negative connotation of that word today, but it has to do with the spring, it has to do with the Gihon, it has to do with the virgin's spout. It translates gutter directly to water spout or spicket. That's the direct translation.

Speaker 3:

At that time, jebusites controlled the area and they controlled the city of Jerusalem. They defended the entire region and Jerusalem in particular, with an iron hand and a bloody. History tells us bloody fierceness, so strong, so ruthless. No one ever penetrated that city, no one. And as David comes through all of his trials, all of his difficulties, some of his failings, as Israel's king, judah's king, actually, at this point in time, his first act is to retake the city that would bear his name. That would bear his name, but it's controlled by Jebusites. Security is tight.

Speaker 3:

Jerusalem, jerusalem, dc, david's city. The psalmist implies, or maybe better said, the book of Psalms implies, that David couldn't have done it, taken Jerusalem without supernatural help, without angelic help. Some people go as far as to say that it was Michael, the archangel that came and warred with David, but the implication is he couldn't have done it because of the Jebusite strength. So we know from the Bible, the grapha, we know from that that David was supernaturally directed to utilize this underground pipe system, this water system, to get into Jerusalem. How many of you know that geographically, jerusalem is the very center of the earth? Jerusalem is geographically the very center of the world and in Bible type it represents what. In Bible type, jerusalem represents the flesh.

Speaker 3:

The flesh, our own desire, what we want as men and women. And maybe this probably won't come as a surprise to you, but the flesh is a Christian's biggest problem. We blame it on the devil, but it's the flesh, it's our strongest adversary. You've all heard the phrase the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. It's because every vice that hell throws at you, every enticement, every temptation, attacks the flesh. It comes against the flesh. The desire for that man and woman we term lust the flesh. The desire for that man and woman we term lust the flesh, the overwhelming want for that thing. I gotta have that thing, that greed, the flesh, the desire to be viewed as godly, the robe, the pomp, the circumstance, religion comes after the flesh, the flesh. And obviously, as Jamie pointed out this morning, the flesh was Jim Baker's downfall. It was the flesh In all of those, actually every one of those failings, of those, actually every one of those failings.

Speaker 3:

Most of Christianity, however, today, most of the church world, has given up the struggle against the flesh. They say, oh, what's the use? No big deal. What's the use? They've given up. Too many will tell you that, hey, sin is expected. Of course we're going to sin, and while that has some truth, certainly we all fail, we all sin.

Speaker 3:

But they tell us, what's being taught today is that it's okay, in moderation, it's all right as long as you don't let it get out of hand. You can have a dalliance with a man or a woman that you're not married to, just don't go crazy with it. This isn't the world telling you this. This is the church, the supposed church you can chase the golden riches of. In fact, they go so far as to say God wants you rich, he wants you rich, he wants you flying a jet, so you can share it. That's the reasoning they give, so you can share it. That's the reasoning they give, so you can share it. You can have a few drinks, just don't get sloppy. Okay, you can visit the clubs on weekends.

Speaker 3:

Everybody got to let off a little steam. Besides, it's easier to get forgiven than it is permission. We can't be holy, so why bother? That's the premise, that's the tenet of the modern church and of course it's just too hard. And of course there's always grace. Grace covers it all.

Speaker 3:

Modern churches have lost their way. We have lost our way. We no longer know nor seek the source. We're not even looking for the water of life, don't even want the fountain, don't want what comes out of our belly shall flow rivers of living water. We're directed today to ministry professionals and cell groups and counselors for this and mentors for that. Let me tell you this your counselor, your mentor, your pastor is struggling with the same thing you are, and don't misunderstand, nothing wrong with seeking godly counsel, very biblical, very scriptural, very correct. But that pastor, that counselor, that minister, your brother and sister, that cell group you attend, better be pointing you to Jesus. Therein is the answer, and the only answer.

Speaker 3:

I don't have it. No longer do we encourage the congregation to look for and seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit for power. Instead, we're told that the power is within us, through intellect, through knowledge, through understanding, through our purpose, through our mission and our work. No longer are we taught to repent when we mess up or go astray. Don't need to do that, don't need to call on him again. He forgave it all, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

So we just keep on in our same old way, repeating the same old mistakes. The only push is to do good things, more good things, give more money or the next right thing. You know, I'm told that so often by someone, especially by those who live in a I'll say this politically correct, who live in an alternative lifestyle. They tell me I may be a sinner, but I do good things and that balances out my sinful lifestyle. And that balances out my sinful lifestyle. Jesus expects us to resist the flesh, to rise against sin, to war against the flesh, he said. Only the overcomer Huh, only the overcomer will make it. Only the overcomer will I grant, to sit with me.

Speaker 3:

So if we don't have to overcome anything, what are we overcoming? What? Just putting in our time, put on Moonstruck and just sit there when Satan moves in to land, blow after blow after blow against the child of God, leading us not only to darkness, but leading us to Antichrist. Oh, we need a session. We need a session, but not with a pastor or a counselor or a preacher. We need a session with the Holy Ghost. A session with the Holy Ghost, a session with the Holy Ghost. It's why Jesus told his disciples prior to his ascension Don't do anything, go and wait. Don't preach, don't pray, don't minister in any form. Go to Jerusalem, don't share anything, go and wait until you're endued with power from on high, hallelujah. Wait for the power that you need so you can overcome Glory, overcome glory overcome.

Speaker 3:

They did, and Thomas overcame doubt in the power of the Holy Ghost and Peter overcame fear in the power of the Holy Ghost. James and John overcame pride in wanting to sit on Jesus' side in the power of the Holy Ghost. They had been to an upper room, had been baptized in the Holy Ghost. They had been to an upper room, had been baptized in the Holy Ghost, and fire that gutter that we just read. That gutter represents the blood of Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus. Listen, a fountain opened in the house of David. How many times have you read that? A fountain opened in the house of David. I think we sang it a few weeks ago. There is a fountain filled with blood. It flows from Emmanuel's veins and sinners, plunged beneath the flood, lose all their guilty stains.

Speaker 3:

David gained entrance to Jerusalem. He gained victory over the Jebusites by the gutter, by the gutter. That's why he made the statement whoever gets up to the gutter, whoever gets up to the gutter, you and I gain access to the throne, and we are assured victory by the blood. By the blood, that's what assures our victory. How many of you know that? Songbook after songbook now taking out the blood songs? Why? Simple, it's what assures our victory. It's what connects us to the king Glory. We gain access to the throne by the blood. Let the Old Testament reveal this to Kings 18. Oh, I'll find it. 2 Kings 18. 13. 2 Kings 18 and 13.

Speaker 3:

Now, in the 14th year of King Hezekiah, sennacherib, king of Assyria, came up against all the defense cities of Judah and took them. And Hezekiah, king of Judah, sent to the kings of Assyria, to Lushish, saying I have offended, return from me. That which thou puttest on me will I bear. Hezekiah gave him all the silver that was found in the house of the Lord and in the treasure of the king's house. You see what's going on here. At that time did Hezekiah cut off the gold from the doors of the temple of the Lord and from the pillars which Hezekiah, king of Judah, had overlaid, and gave it to the king of Assyria.

Speaker 3:

And the king of Assyria sent Tartan and Rabsarus and Rabshecha from Lashish to king Hezekiah with a great host against Jerusalem. And they went up and came to Jerusalem and when they were come up, listen where they're at. They came and stood by the conduit of the upper pool, which is in the highway of the fuller's field. I'm going to try to stay calm and quiet. Jerusalem is under siege. Godly king Hezekiah has been duped and swindled and he's being attacked by Assyria. Assyria has conquered most of the civilized world of that day.

Speaker 3:

Sennacherib is their king and he sends his esteemed general Rabshakeh this is as high as you can get next to the king and he sends him not alone, but with 185,000 soldiers. Rabshakeh calls all of his battalion commanders together and they gather at the upper pool of the fuller's field. They stand in that upper pool of Gihon, the conduit, the gutter, the gutter that represents the blood of Jesus Christ that would come, the gutter that represents the blood of Jesus Christ, that would come. They stand in this upper pool and they plan the defeat of Judah and the destruction of God's holy city, jerusalem. He tells the commanders, no one stands before Sennacherib, the king of Assyria. He makes the statement that every Jew will die in their beds and that Jerusalem will be a gravel field.

Speaker 3:

Rabshakeh stood in that gutter, in that fountain, representing the blood of Christ, and he boasted and he blasphemed and he bragged about destroying God's people, still in 2 Kings 19. Can't leave you without what's going to happen, right? 2 Kings 19 and 32. Therefore, thus saith the Lord, concerning the king of Assyria, he shall not come into this city. He won't even shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor cast a bank against it. By that way, he came by the same shall he return and shall not come into this city, saith the Lord, for I will defend this city to save it for mine own sake and for my servant David.

Speaker 3:

And it came to pass that night that an angel of the Lord went out and smote in the camp of the Assyrians, a hundred four score and five thousand. When they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. That night God sent an angel, not a baby-faced cherubim that we're thinking about. He didn't have wings or a harp. He sent an angel, one angel one night. And when daylight broke the next morning, 185,000 Assyrian corpses. I didn't say it.

Speaker 3:

Glory. God is responsible for our victories, mine and yours, over devils, demons, oppression, over world systems that sometimes make you shake. One day, he will grant you complete victory, total victory. One day, every kingdom of this world will bow to the name of Christ Everyone. One day, every false religion will die. Glory, everything that exhausts, exalts itself above jesus. Christ will die. Everything. Jesus is coming back. Evil will die.

Speaker 3:

You know, politicians tell us that our freedoms are being eroded and they say it's global and climate and change. And your Bible says there's hope. Your Bible says help is coming. Your Bible says there's a bright tomorrow, regardless of what religion does, what politicians do, in fact, regardless of what Satan does. Cancer centers are closing down Everyone, hospitals are shutting down, hospices won't be needed. The word has gone out from Jerusalem Kurt, the king is coming. The king is coming. The king is coming. Jesus is on his way.

Speaker 3:

There's a prophecy I'd like to close with tonight, today. See, see what happens. If I can find this really quickly, we're in Isaiah and I don't want to misquote it, but this is a prophecy that. The reason I want to close with it is because it was given at the guy hunt Isaiah. Let's just a couple of quick verses, isaiah 7. This prophecy was given at the exact same place as we just read about, with the Assyrians, isaiah 7. I'll just jump around 7 and 3.

Speaker 3:

Then said the Lord unto Isaiah Go forth now to meet Ahaz, thou Sheherajash and thy son, in the end of the conduit of the upper pool, in the highway of the fuller's field, and say unto him Take heed and be quiet, fear not, neither be faint-hearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands, for the fierce anchor of resin with Syria, syria and of the son of Remaliah, because Syria, ephraim and the sons of Remaliah have taken evil counsel against thee. Let us go up against Judah and vex it, and let us make a breach therein for us, instead of king, in the midst of it, even the son of Tebiel. Thus saith the Lord God, it shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass. Let's go up to 14. Therefore, the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Ahaz is the king of Israel. He tells Isaiah don't want your prophecy, keep your mouth shut, keep your prophecy to yourself, or I don't want a sign from God. I don't want anything. Isaiah says you're going to get it anyhow, I don't care what you say, you're getting the prophecy. Complete and total victory is the prophetic word.

Speaker 3:

His blood, jesus' blood, was not shed in vain and every word of God, whether it's spoken, sung, prayed, murmured, preached in the spirit, goes out saturated with power. Anytime you quote the scripture, anytime you use the logos, it goes out saturated with power, infused with the power of the blood. You see, in the power of the Holy Ghost, you'll make it through, no matter how bad it looks, no matter, listen carefully. No matter how bad it looks, no matter, listen carefully. No matter how bad you feel, no matter how bad it gets. Doesn't matter about the stumbling blocks that get in your path, because the blood is enough. The blood is enough, regardless of who or what is trying to steal your joy, maybe the news, the diagnosis, the hurt you feel. You're okay, you'll be fine, because that upper water course of the river Gihon has been stopped up, it's been dammed up and that living water still flows. That living water still flows through and from every believer.

Speaker 3:

Whoever gets up to the gutter shall be chief and captain. What does that mean? And again, I don't want to go too far. I know kickoff is close. Right, john, kickoff's getting close. Whoever gets up under the gutter, up under the spigot, under the blood of Christ, whoever gets under the life-giving flow of the Holy Ghost up to the gutter, shall be saved and free, shall be rescued and set aside, shall be victorious and numbered. And listen, this is the point of the whole message. Those things don't just happen, they're not just part of the program. You signed up so you just get that. That's not the point. You're not grandfathered in. You don't have enough points on your side of the ledger. Well, how about if I just logged in enough church hours or preacher hours? You got to get up to the gutter, pardon my language. You got to wrap your lips around the spigot. That's what has to happen. And drink, I'll stop. Will you stand? Please? Don't anybody leave, don't walk. Just want to pray? Stand up, don't walk out or go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to this week's podcast. We pray it was an encouragement and a blessing to you. You can contact us at Valley Gospel Church, 1069 Butler Logan Road, springdale, pennsylvania, 15144. We invite you to listen To this week's worship service that follows and tune in for next week's podcast and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised.

Speaker 4:

Come and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. Let's praise him.

Speaker 1:

I will sing unto the Lord.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I will sing unto the Lord, I will sing unto the Lord. We'll sing unto the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. For he is worthy to be praised, we'll sing unto the Lord. We'll sing unto the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. For he is worthy to be praised.

Speaker 1:

We came to glorify your name, Lord and Lord, come and magnify the Lord.

Speaker 4:

Come and magnify the Lord. Come and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised, for he is worthy to be praised. Come and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. Hosanna Blessed be the rock blessed, be the rock of my salvation. Hosanna, blessed be the rock blessed, be the rock of my salvation.

Speaker 1:

I will sing unto the Lord, hallelujah. Oh, I will sing unto the Lord.

Speaker 4:

I will sing unto the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. For he is worthy to be praised. Oh, I will sing unto the Lord. I will sing unto the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. Come and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. Come and magnify the Lord and magnify the Lord, for he is worthy to be praised. For he is worthy to be praised For he is worthy to be praised. For he is worthy to be praised, for he is worthy to be praised, for he is worthy to be praised.

Speaker 1:

Come on, glorify his name, hosanna.

Speaker 4:

Blessed be the rock. Blessed be the rock of my salvation, hosanna. Blessed be the rock. Blessed be the rock of my salvation, man. Blessed be the rock.