Valley Gospel

Hold On

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 20

What if the Second Coming of Christ is closer than we think? Explore the profound and prophetic visions of Christ's return on this gripping episode of the Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We begin with a stirring message about God's abundant blessings before diving into Revelation 19. Witness the extraordinary imagery of Jesus returning on a white horse, executing judgment, and claiming His supreme title as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Reflect on how these prophecies compare to His first advent, resurrection, and the rapture, and understand why the Second Coming holds unparalleled significance.

Next, we shift our focus to the dramatic events leading up to the Battle of Armageddon, as foretold in Daniel 11:40-45 and Revelation 16:13-16. Uncover the roles of global powers such as Russia, Egypt, and China and the Antichrist's fleeting protection of Israel, followed by his ultimate betrayal. Delve into the strategic importance of Megiddo in Israel and the dual influences of God and Satan in these end-time events. Despite the apparent chaos, we emphasize that everything unfolds under God's sovereign plan, offering a fresh perspective on these familiar prophecies.

Lastly, we revisit the transformative power of faith through the story of Lazarus. Hear how Jesus' call to rise from the metaphorical graves of our lives challenges us to overcome fear, break free from lies, and embrace the redemptive love of Christ. Reflect on the powerful symbolism of Lazarus' resurrection and be reminded that, through faith, we can leave behind the old and step into a new, vibrant life. This episode promises to fill you with hope, deepen your understanding of biblical prophecy, and inspire you to live in the fullness of faith. Tune in for a journey through prophecy, hope, and the promise of new beginnings.

Speaker 1:

My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll, pour you, out of blessing, my God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you, out of blessing, my God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you, out of blessing, and you will not have the room to know not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive it.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church, worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale Pennsylvania. In spirit and in truth. Located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 3:

You know I usually start with a little prelude to the message we're going to get straight to the Word of God. Today we're in Revelation 19. But prior to reading that, you can go ahead and turn there. I want to play you something, if I can, if I have the technological skills.

Speaker 4:

Just hold on, I'm coming. Just hold on, I'm coming.

Speaker 3:

Revelation 19, beginning with the 11th verse.

Speaker 2:

And I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse, and he who sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he does judge and make war.

Speaker 2:

His eyes were as a flame of fire and on his head were many crowns and he had a name written and no man knew but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name was called the word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses clothed in fine linen, white and clean, and out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation. He shall roll them with a rod of iron. And he read the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he has on his vesture and on his thigh a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls who fly in the midst of heaven Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God. I'm coming, just hold on, I'm coming.

Speaker 4:

Just hold on, I'm coming. Just hold on, I'm coming. Hold on, I'm coming. Just hold on, I'm coming. Just hold on, I'm coming. Just hold on, I'm coming, just hold on, I'm coming. Hold on, I'm coming, just hold on, I'm coming.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, I'm coming. When Jesus was crucified, when he was murdered and buried in a borrowed tomb, then raised from the dead, then, some 40 days later, as he stood on the Mount of Olives, just outside of Jerusalem, and told his followers the following statement I'm coming back. I'm coming back. In fact, I will come back to this very spot of which you will see me, from which you will see me ascend in just a minute. Wow, the base, the foothills of the Mount of Olives, all of that.

Speaker 3:

Jesus prophesied his own return, and this morning I'd like to bring you a summation, I don't know, a condensed version of what will be the most epic, the most unbelievable event in all of human history. Unbelievable event in all of human history. That event is the second coming of Jesus Christ. No, no, no. Not the rapture, not the rapture, not as some might describe, but a spiritualization of Christians' return to faith. No, I'm talking about a literal, physical event that will be preceded by seven years of terror, the likes of which we have never seen. And I'll use for a subject this morning the paraphrased words of our Lord and Savior, jesus, and the title to Sam and Dave's song Hold On, I'm.

Speaker 3:

Coming let's pray, lord, god, based on the surety of your word, lord, the absolute accuracy of the pages that we turn, of the screens that we turn, of the screens that we click, we deliver a truth that isn't preached in your churches much anymore, at least not accurately. Given the state of what we see in the world and the revelation of Matthew 24 in your word, lord, I believe it's imperative that I deliver this message as you have so accurately given it to me, lord. Let it be a lamp unto our feet, a light to our path. It is in the name of your beloved, all-powerful, soon-coming son. We pray Amen and amen.

Speaker 3:

Please be seated, my, our Savior. Make no mistake, this will be the most spectacular event ever and I know, I know it's all big, right, maybe that's what you're thinking now. It's all big. Jesus coming to earth the first time in a manger. A virgin conceives, a star of Bethlehem, lights, voices from heaven. That was big, a revelation to shepherds, big. How about Jesus' resurrection from that borrowed tomb? 40 days of true purpose, walking the earth and his ascension in plain view? Amazing, amazing, amazing. How about the rapture of the church, my church, leaving this planet in mass, hmm, graves opening, thunder, lightning. Jesus appearing above the earth, just a mile in the sky. Wow, appearing above the earth, just a mile in the sky. Wow, hordes of believers rising up, receiving glorified bodies on the way, rising to meet our Lord in the air. Big, big, big. But all will pale in comparison to the greatest shock and awe, dynamic, explosive, jaw-dropping event of all time the second coming of our Lord and Savior, jesus the Christ. Hollywood can't compete, artificial intelligence can't compare, because this will be real Glory.

Speaker 3:

Jesus made it clear in his teaching If I rise from the dead told his disciples this over and over If I rise from the dead, then everything else that I have told you must be true. If I rise from the dead, everything else in this book is guaranteed. You know that it's absolutely true. And, of course, if Jesus hasn't risen from the dead, then the proof of everything that he did, everything that he said he would do, is debatable. We could have that debate. It's why I always say I'm not here to debate the gospel, I'm here to proclaim it. There's no argument here. But if the resurrection is true, then everything else in this book is absolute, absolute.

Speaker 3:

There are two events that will precede the second coming of Jesus, two events, the first being the rapture of the church. And while the rapture really isn't the topic this morning, we know it to be imminent. That means that it could happen at any time. There's nothing left to be imminent. That means that it could happen at any time. There's nothing left to be fulfilled. There's no scriptures that aren't ready for the rapture of the church. That can happen today, it can happen tomorrow, it can happen in a year, I don't know, but it's imminent.

Speaker 3:

And if you're not familiar with that doctrine and I'm surprised, I'm really surprised how many in the church aren't it's the catching away of all believers, dead and alive from all time, catching away to meet the Lord in the air, the receiving of a glorified, pain-free, sickness-free body and meeting the Lord in the air and going back to his dad's house in heaven. That's the premise of the rapture On earth at the same time, or immediately, immediately after seven years of terror. And you say well, why would that happen immediately after we're gone? A couple of reasons for that. One is you all are well aware of the scripture. You are the temple of God and the spirit of God dwelleth in you. With the removal of the church, every believer of all time, that spiritual influence will be gone. That spiritual influence on earth, the holy spirit's influence who dwells in every one of us, no longer here. The restraint is removed. The Bible says Now the second event that precedes the second coming is a well-known event.

Speaker 3:

It's the subject of movies, of books, it's a common term that is generally recognized by everyone, believer or not. The event is called Armageddon, armageddon. So we have two events we're omitting the, we'll talk about the tribulation. We're omitting the, we'll talk about the tribulation but two supernatural events, that being the rapture of the church and Armageddon. And to fully understand the second coming, it's important to understand the events that precede the second coming. Armageddon will be the scriptural equivalent of a world embroiled in war and anarchy, turmoil, confusion, right being wrong, wrong being right will be at the beginning. And listen, it's not a single battle. We kind of get this in our head from the movies and the books that Armageddon will be a single battle. It will not. It will culminate in a single final battle. But Armageddon is. It's a series of wars, it's a series of events, edicts, things happening globally that heighten to this final battle. It's a campaign of evil versus evil, ending at the second coming of Jesus, christ, christ.

Speaker 3:

You know, if we look at the last, I don't know 40, 50 years, maybe longer, but we see the conditions changing in the world the assault on Christianity, the gender confusion, the men and women's locker rooms, the sexual confusion, all the political conflict going on, religious conflict. And then we look to the nations and we look at Ukraine and Russia, the issue there. We look at the Middle East Iran about to attack Israel, if they haven't already. Iraq attacking an air base and China waiting in the wings, just seeing how this is going to play, how this is going to work out, how this is going to work out, and I think we can see that series of conflicts that's going on in our world today and look, I understand. There's so much to comprehend. There's so much to understand. There are so many details in the word of God and prophetic utterances that it can get confusing, and I'll attempt to lay out what lies ahead on our road that we will travel.

Speaker 3:

Tribulation period seven year span, immediately following the rapture of the church. It will be the time when Antichrist is revealed and it'll also be a time when God concludes maybe a better term would be resumes his relationship with Israel, his chosen people. The reason for the renewed relationship is God's revelation and this is important His truth, his crescendo, the second coming of Jesus Christ must come through. Israel Must Glory. Their rejection of the Messiah has put Israel on the back burner now for almost 2,000 years. You don't. God hasn't dealt with Israel much, but this will be the final seven years of existence as we as we know it now In prophecy, it's Daniel's 70th week In the prophetic word.

Speaker 3:

That's what this time is the tribulation. The Antichrist will sign a peace treaty with Israel as a supposed friend of Israel. That comes in the first half of the tribulation. Just so you understand, the Antichrist will come from Europe. He will come out of the ten-nation conglomerate that's already in place. A ten-nation conglomerate that's already in place, a ten-nation conglomerate that uses a common currency. The Bible tells us that they will use a common currency, also already in place. The prophetic truths of the Antichrist being the peacemaker in the first half of the tribulation All the issues with Israel will suddenly be solved, or seem to be solved. The Antichrist will provide that peace.

Speaker 3:

And you might say well, why is you? See? Satan is fully aware. He knows completely that he has to try and stop his demise and he knows the word. He knows that his destination is the bottomless pit, ultimately the eternal lake of fire, when Jesus comes back. So to block that return, that return that must come through Israel, he must destroy Israel. His whole concept, his whole plan is to block the return of Jesus Christ, to block the return of Jesus Christ. So the only real way to do that is to destroy Israel, get rid of Israel. No Messiah. If there's no Israel, there's no Messiah. If there's no Messiah, there's no second coming.

Speaker 3:

Have you ever wondered why there's so much hate for Israel? Why all these college campuses? They don't even know an Israeli. Why this hate for this little, tiny nation? Why the rebellion? Why the over Israel? Israel stands in Satan's way. Israel stands in Satan's way. See, this took some time. That's why I mentioned that it was 40, 50 years. College campuses getting people not to believe, leading people away, taking the Ten Commandments out of the school this took some time. Israel stands in Satan's way of nullifying the promises of God. Israel stands in the way of the word of God coming back. Israel rejected the Messiah.

Speaker 3:

Prophecy says that during the period that we're talking about and we'll get into it a little bit deeper yet that at this time period the Jews will embrace Jesus as Messiah and accept him. Israel, the center of attention, as it has been for some time, but now they are truly on. They are truly on, oh, I like this. They're truly on Front Street. Let's jump ahead to the midpoint of the tribulation. The midpoint of the tribulation. Three and a half years in 1,152 days, 42 months. Prayerfully, none of you are here. Should the Lord tarry the great at the midpoint of the tribulation, it gets a different title. The whole period is the tribulation. The last three and a half years are the great tribulation. Amen. We find it in Daniel. I did have Daniel marked here, and now I don't. My marker fell out.

Speaker 3:

Daniel 11. Hallelujah, 11, beginning with the 40th verse. You'll appreciate this, curtis. John 11 and 40. And at the time of the end, shall the kings of the south push at him. 11 and 40. He shall enter also into the glorious land and many countries shall be overthrown, but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon. He shall stretch forth his hands upon the countries and the land of Egypt shall not escape, but he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver and over all the precious things of Egypt, and Libyans and Ethiopians shall be at his steps. But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him. Therefore, he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to make away many, and he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas of the glorious holy mountain. Yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him.

Speaker 3:

This prophetic utterance sets in motion the march to Armageddon. The kings of the north, the kings of the south will come together against the Antichrist, against the Antichrist, to get to Israel, and it seems that the Antichrist even has some protective hand on Israel for a time. The kings of the north, russia, the Soviet bloc, the kings of the south, egypt, the Islamic bloc that's what Daniel's talking about Coming against Israel and Antichrist actually coming against Antichrist to get to Israel to destroy it, because it looks like the Antichrist is protecting them. They are attacked by the kings of the north, the kings of the south, and the Antichrist defeats them both. He stops both the Russian bloc, the Soviet bloc and the Muslim bloc. The Soviet bloc and the Muslim bloc Defeats them both, causing another army now to come into play the king of the east, the king of the east, china, china. A prophesied army of 200 million men to come against the Antichrist and Israel, fearing that they will be overwhelmed by this great power that the Antichrist, in his quest for world domination, has already advanced. How many of you know that in 2012, China boasted an army of 200 million? Just 2012.

Speaker 3:

Well, revelation 16., 16 and 13. And I saw three unclean spirits, like frogs, come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet, for they are the spirits of devils working miracles which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather them to the battle of that great day of God. Almighty Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that keepeth watch and keepeth his garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called, in the Hebrew tongue, armageddon Armageddon. Armageddon, armageddon, two Hebrew words Har and Megiddo. It means the hill country of Megiddo. It's about 30 kilometers south of Haifa in Israel. If you're aware of where Haifa is now, it's been a battlefield many times, even as recently as Napoleon, and there were battles that were fought at this hill country of Megiddo. This will be command central. This will be command central in the attack against Antichrist and Israel, where these armies gather to oppose the Antichrist's plan of world domination. Remember, he appears to be on Israel's side.

Speaker 3:

The Bible says two things, and maybe you're aware of this and you've wondered about this, but it says two things. In Zechariah 17, it says that God gathered them to this place. In Revelation 16, it says Satan brought them to this place, which is correct, which is correct, which is true the gatherings of the nations to this place between the Tigris and the Euphrates River in this great, perfect battlefield. What's the answer? Who brought them here? Who brought all these nations here? Who brought all these millions and millions of people here to fight? And the answer is both Both.

Speaker 3:

Satan for his purpose what he thinks he can accomplish and God for his purpose God used. How many of you know that God uses Satan to accomplish his purpose? How many of you know that God uses Satan to accomplish his purpose? I guess what I'm trying to tell you is he got him on a leash. He's got him on, he's constrained. And what we need to understand is that, with all of his wiles, all of his cunning, do you ever notice how many movies, television programs, documentaries there are about all this darkness and evil and Satan and everything has fangs. And what we need to understand is he's still under God's control. He's still under God's control.

Speaker 3:

The whole world now centered on the Middle East. This is on. It's actually going to be the only news that will be broadcast. This will be all you'll find on television or the internet, or the live stream or the live podcast or the YouTube. Every reporter will be here. Every camera, all the print media will be here at the hill of Megiddo Together at this battle.

Speaker 3:

The Antichrist now Turns on Israel. He breaks His pact, he breaks the covenant, tears up the peace treaty With Israel and it's called in the bible the abomination Of desolation. That's the term the bible gives For this Antichrist breakup with Israel and Israel finally gone, hallelujah. According to Daniel 9, it is in the most vile, blasphemous way that the Antichrist breaks his treaty with Israel and God gets involved to a point at this time to kind of turn the events the way. His prophetic words said they would go. They would go. Antichrist must destroy Israel or he and the unholy trinity will be through. You've heard your whole life. The Middle East is a powder keg. Now it is, now it really is. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah. Any of you ever? I wish Jordan was here, he'd understand. But I'm going to tell you anyway.

Speaker 3:

World championship boxing Not now. I don't really follow boxing now. I'm talking about when I was a big boxing fan back in the 80s, 90s, I guess. George Foreman and Evander Holyfield, especially heavyweight fights. Larry Holmes, mike Tyson Well, he's still going to fight, right, and it was.

Speaker 3:

There were only two stations you could get world championship boxing, so I had them both HBO and Showtime. That's the only two stations that broadcast title fights, unless you wanted to get them on pay-per-view, and the announcement would come, the main event of the evening, consisting of ten rounds of boxing for the heavyweight championship of the world. Uh-huh. And whatever arena or whatever venue they were in, all the lights in the arena would go out. It was dark. And if you watched on HBO, michael Buffer would say let's get ready to rumble, right? If you watched on Showtime, jimmy Lennon Jr would say it's Showtime, hallelujah. And all the lights in the arena would come up.

Speaker 3:

All right, matthew 24. See, why is he telling us these boxing stories? 24 and 29. Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the power of heavens shall be shaken. It's showtime. It's showtime as the Antichrist battles the kings of the north, the south, the east and the west and turns against Israel.

Speaker 3:

World War III is in full view. Full view, broadcast everywhere. The light of the sun will be darkened, that verse said, and the Son of man, jesus, will appear in the heavens. Now I don't really know whether this is going to be by technology or whether he is literally going to circle the globe so that everyone sees him? I don't know, but the Bible's clear Every eye will see him. Worldwide coverage of the Son of man, the Lord of Glory. He's arrived on the scene. Hold on, I'm coming, hold on, I'm coming. Hold on From heaven into history, as Revelation says, as Matthew said, as Daniel said, he will be seen by everyone. Glory, glory.

Speaker 3:

Revelation 19 says a very unique thing that he'll appear on a white stallion, a white horse. And that's not a coincidence, that's not prose, that's not just a cool character in the Bible, in a cool story. The white horse has meaning. See, in the Roman Empire or Alexander the Great of the Far East, when a conquering general returns from war, the white horse signifies victory, victory. It's over, I won. I'm here, jesus coming in on a white horse, signifying victory.

Speaker 3:

All the world, all the world on one page. Everybody, nobody's saying well, yeah, I don't really care about Paul, I don't really care about that. Nobody's saying that. All the world is on one page. Every Jew is back in Jerusalem, every Jew back in Jerusalem. They're to accept and receive their true Messiah, yeshua. Glory, it says he'll appear. Eyes as flames of fire, hair like wool. Jesus, I need to explain this. This isn't Jesus, meek and mild. This isn't the guy we watched on the Chosen, all calm and quiet. That's not him. This isn't the lamb led before the shearers or the lowly Galilean. This is the revelation. King of kings, mandarabokuri aramahasai, thank you Lord.

Speaker 3:

Look as Christians or as non-believers. You can relate to Jesus in one of two ways, can't do both to Jesus in one of two ways, can't do both. We can either relate to him at the cross as our savior, or we will relate to him as our judge. That's the only choices we have. We either come to him on the cross as our redeemer, or you will relate to him as our judge. At this point in history, he has come to judge. He's come to judge. Judge those who rejected him, those who sought to destroy him. The Bible says his garments are dipped in blood, red like crimson, hair like wool On his head, crown after crown after crown, eyes like fire. His name is the word of God. His name is the word of God. All name is the word of God. All right, this is where we come in now. Okay, this is where we come in. At the rapture, every believer goes up to meet him. At the second coming, every believer comes with him. Hmm, the armies that comes with him. Hmm, the armies that are with him, dressed in fine linen, pure and white, the linen of redemption, and in Jesus' mouth, a gleaming, sharp, two-edged sword with which he strikes down the nations. Here he comes. Here he comes.

Speaker 3:

The world has converged on the Middle East. The kings of the north, the south, the east and the west have converged on Antichrist. In the middle of this, all this confusion, all this war you hear the term the fog of war Jesus arrives from heaven on a white stallion and we're with him also on white stallions. According to Zechariah 4, he comes back to the same place he left from, that being Olivet, just outside of Jerusalem. He steps over a little brook, kedron, that flows from the foothills. That's still there. He steps into eternity. Just outside is all this confusion and fighting. With the rise of Antichrist, the Bible says when his feet touch the ground, the moment his feet touch the ground of Olivet, there's a great earthquake that causes a crevice from Olivet all the way to the Dead Sea. It splits open and he will speak from this position. I'll just. I'll read them to you.

Speaker 3:

Revelation 19 I was just going to say it, but better that you see it. Revelation 19 and 17. And this was known to all the Jews and Greeks also dwelling at Ephesus oh, hold on, I'm coming. Revelation 19 and 17. Flesh of kings and the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men, and all the flesh of the horses and them that sit on them, and and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great. And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat upon, sat on the horse and against his army. And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, which with with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive through a lake of fire burning with brimstone, and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceedeth out of his mouth, and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.

Speaker 3:

From this position, jesus speaks those words, summoning all the carnivorous birds to this battlefield the eagles, the hawks, the vultures, the owls, to come to the great feast. As I said, this isn't the guy we've been watching in Chosen, uh-huh, it's not that we have that picture of the smiling Jesus, not so much. Come to the great feast. It's supper time. And with just a word, seeing, if you had an idea that you were going to get to go and fight with him and maybe we get a sword, I don't know. I don't know. But if you had the idea that you were going to get to go and fight with them and maybe we get a sword, I don't know, I don't know. But if you had the idea that you were going to get to go and do battle, this supernatural battle, not going to happen, we're kind of like a show pony. With just his word, jesus will slay the nations. Jesus will slay the nations. This will be the most dramatic event of warfare. Millions will be slain. Just the word of his mouth. He gets us. Does he really get us? Who are we talking about here? Sweet Jesus, meek and mild.

Speaker 3:

At this point, at this very moment, actually, every Jew, every Jew, every Jew alive will repent for their rejection of Jesus and they will accept him as their Messiah. And, as the book of Romans says, all of Israel will be saved. Hallelujah, the birds will feed on the flesh of captains and kings and generals and commanders and presidents and prime ministers until they can eat no more. King of kings, lord of lords, the Bible says he will rule with a rod of iron, a righteous dictatorship. He will rule the world from Jerusalem. Glory. And maybe this is the crux of this message. I don't know how many of you know. Your commitment to him now, your service to him now While we're on earth, whatever he's called you to, will determine your position in the millennial kingdom. What you do now doesn't have anything to do with your salvation, but your commitment to him will determine your position, your job, during the millennial kingdom.

Speaker 3:

And look, you might be unsure of what I'm saying here. This may be like yeah, I don't know about all this. I'm not sure if this is a factual interpretation of the end time, I don't know. Everybody got their idea and it's kind of like we talked a little bit about Wednesday night regarding heaven and the rapture and the marriage supper and what heaven's like right now. Is the mansion already there? Those who have gone on my, you know, did my grandparents get to go to heaven proper? Are they in their mansion? Or our loved ones? Will it be different then than now? And certainly we know from the word of God, absence from the body is present with Christ. But what about glorified bodies? When do we get our glorified bodies and what condition are they in now, if you don't get your glorified body until the rapture, streets of gold, mansion fairs, that then or now don't we all march in together.

Speaker 3:

Some preachers tell you they know exactly. Some say purgatory or soul sleep, or others say no, mansions lights, everything's up and running right now. We're good to go. I resist as best I can, except maybe during a funeral. But I resist the best I can, except maybe during a funeral. But I resist the best I can telling you things that may or may not be so. There's so much here, even in this end times, this eschatology that we're delving into this morning. So much here, so many moving parts. And of course we know our ways aren't his ways. His thoughts aren't our thoughts. So if a preacher tells you that they know exactly how everything transpires and starts with the timetables and the dates, maybe you better turn him down.

Speaker 3:

The devil's powerful. All right, he is cunning. His most powerful weapon is deception. And you say well, what's the difference whether we believe this or we believe that? Because if he can get you to believe a certain thing or a certain way that isn't based in Scripture, and we get caught up in minutia, up in minutiae, then you're less likely to accept the things of reality that the Word teaches clearly. And it only. If we get caught up in that minutiae, it only leads us away from Christ. This one says that. That one says this especially in regards to the end times.

Speaker 3:

I can't tell you how many discussions that ended badly. I stopped short of saying arguments, but I guess in reality that's what they were, but it ended badly. Well, we go pre-trib, post-trib, mid-trib. We don't have a clock in here, so I stole air bells from home. Actually, I told her Wow, it's almost 25 after 25, after 12. Well, I can, 25 after 12. I can tell you that it's 25 after 12. But when you get back here, call that I don't really know what's going on in there.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what's happening in there with the balance gear and all the little gears If you ever had the back off of a clock or a wristwatch or something and you look at all those gears and levers and what are they all doing? What are they all doing? And I don't really know the pendulum, the weighted wheel that's in here, how the mainspring is energized, I don't know. I don't know what it does, how the mainspring powers the hands, the second hand, the minute hand, how these all move around in circles and tell us what time it is. I don't know. I don't know all the intricacies, how it works. Don't want to pretend that I do. I couldn't explain it to you. If I did know, I still couldn't teach it to you. Just so much there. So much there, in that little square in the back. But I can tell you with a pretty good degree of certainty. I can tell you what time it is. I can tell you what time it is and I'll be pretty accurate.

Speaker 3:

Hold on, hold on. He's coming. Hold on Just a little while. Just around the corner, just a little while. Just around the corner, just up the road, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, all power, all glory, the preeminent, all powerful. Christ is not only coming to get us, we get to come back with him. God, with us, will make his appearance and I'll leave you with this on a little downer Ready. Huh. There are no second chances. Can't grab it at the end, can't grab it once it's done. Pardon me if I offend my Catholic friends. There is no purgatory, there is no place that someone can pray you out of. Today's the day, today's the time. He's coming. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast.

Speaker 5:

I believe in miracle power, in a wonder working God. I'm filled with the Holy Spirit working wonders in my heart. I belong to a loving father. I'm a friend of christ, his son. When it feels like I won't make it, I call on jesus set a fire down in my soul. I can't contain and I can't control. I want more of you, god. I want more of you, god. Set the fire down in my soul. I can't contain and I can't control. I want more of you, god. I want more of you, god. I believe in miracle power, in a wonder working god. I'm filled with the holy Spirit Working wonders in my heart. I belong to a loving Father. I'm a friend of Christ, his Son. When it feels like I won't make it, I call on Jesus. Come on, rise up, take a breath. You're alive now. Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us Out from?

Speaker 3:

the grave like Lazarus.

Speaker 5:

And your brand new power of death could not hold you. Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us Out from the grave? Like Lazarus, hallelujah, amen, amen. In the dark and alone, crow and comfortable. Are you too scared to move and walk out of this tomb? Buried underneath the lies that you believed David's house, stuck in the ground, too lost to be found? Put you to sleep and it's time to leave. Come on, rise up, take a breath. You're alive now. Can't you hear the voice of jesus calling us up from the grave? Like lazarus, you're brand new. The power of death could not hold you, can't you?

Speaker 3:

hear the voice of.

Speaker 5:

Jesus calling us up from the grave, like Lazarus, when he said your name, the thing that filled your veins, it was more than blood. It's the kind of love that washes sin away. Now the door is open wide and the stone's been rolled aside. The old is gone, the light has come, so come on and rise up, take a breath. You're alive now, can't you? Hear the voice of Jesus calling us Up from the grave.

Speaker 3:

Like Lazarus, you're brand new.

Speaker 5:

The power of death could not hold you Can't, you hear the voice of Jesus calling us.