Valley Gospel

He's Already Here

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 17

What if the blood of Jesus holds the key to unlocking a victorious life? Join us as we unpack this profound truth, reflecting on a compelling sermon from Valley Gospel Church. Explore how the blood of Christ operates in two powerful ways: for our salvation and for daily triumph. We'll revisit the symbolic Old Testament rituals of Yom Kippur, and see how these ancient practices point directly to Jesus' ultimate sacrifice. By examining the meticulous preparations of the high priest, we highlight the critical importance of Jesus' blood in our spiritual journey.

Feel the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as we follow the transformative journey of His baptism. We'll connect the ancient rituals of Israel to modern Christian practices, exploring the significance of the high priest's actions and the pivotal moment of silence in the Holy of Holies. Drawing from Acts 19, we underscore the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in energizing believers to fulfill God's purpose. Hear about the unwavering faith of historical figures like William Seymour, whose devotion sparked the mighty Azusa Street Revival, igniting a spirited movement that still resonates today.

In our final segment, we delve into Joel 2:28-32 and the power of the Holy Spirit's outpouring. Reflecting on the historical accounts of the Azusa Street Revival, we discuss the tangible manifestations of God's presence and the challenges faced in contemporary church settings. Embrace the transformative power of the Holy Spirit's baptism and overcome the doubts that hinder the full expression of His gifts. Concluding with a heartfelt prayer, we encourage you to seek the Holy Spirit fervently, and experience the fullness of God's promises manifesting in your life.

Speaker 1:

My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and he'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open, he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing and you will not have the room to know not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive it.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church, worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale Pennsylvania. Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

Speaker 3:

So let's go into. A preached a message at Valley Gospel, harmerville. I don't know, maybe one of the last that he preached before he moved, but it was regarding the blood of Christ and, incidentally, keep Jimmy in your prayers, just going through a bit of a hard time but he preached a message regarding the blood of Christ, the blood of Christ. But what made that message so powerful, so revelatory, is that it separated the blood of Jesus into two unique and somewhat separate functions of Jesus. Into two unique and somewhat separate functions and I know that sounds a little clinical, but I had occasion to listen to that message in the last couple of weeks and I listened to it several times. But the core, the crux of the message presented the blood in two unique functions the blood shed and the blood applied. And what he spoke on was way deep To understand what the Holy Spirit conveyed in that message. And this is just a partial explanation. I don't want to get into the depths of that message, but this is a partial explanation. We gain salvation because the blood was shed. However, we walk victorious because the blood is applied. We gain salvation because of what Jesus did in the cross, but we walk in victory because the blood is applied. Jesus, after his resurrection from a borrowed tomb, paid for our redemption, paid for our salvation, by shedding his life's blood on Calvary's tree. Shed but not applied. Shed but not applied. Shed to make believers but not yet applied to believers. The word that was spoken, that Chrissy will read in a moment regarding that application, but you know what?

Speaker 3:

I just want to take a quick flashback before we get there, a quick flashback to the Old Testament account of the Holy of Holies. Holy of Holies within the temple, within the temple of God, very presence of God is the representation. Four pillars held up the veil of the Holy of Holies. Inside was the Ark of the holy of holies. Inside was the ark of the covenant. Inside were the 10 commandments that were written by the finger of god on solid stone. The ark is built, and this is just. This is just me, but the ark is built of acacia wood, the ark of the covenant. Locust the scientific name for our common black locust, robina, suedo, acacia Same wood and gold and gold. Two golden cherubim in the Holy of Holies stand on either side of the Ark of the Covenant, covered by the mercy seat.

Speaker 3:

Once a year, on Yom Kippur, jewish holiday, once a year the high priest of Israel would enter this cube, called the Holy of Holies, with the blood of a sacrificed animal Goat, lamb, ox and it was an attempt to atone, a sacrifice to atone for the people's sin that year, that year, for the people's sin that year, that year. It was a representation of the supreme sacrifice that would come in Jesus. His dress was commanded by Adonai. How the priest had dressed, all very specific and it had to be perfect the baths and cleansings, ritual cleansings that that man had to take before he made that trip into the Holy of Holies. I'm surprised he didn't scrub his skin off. He would dress in purple and blue linen, a robe with a fringe, a red fringe, and on the red fringe were embroidered blue and purple pomegranates all the way around the fringe of the robe. Between each and every pomegranate was a wire, a golden wire Don't know if it was actually gold, that sounds soft to me, but a golden wire and on the end of that wire was a bell. Tradition said that other priests would tie a rope around the high priest, around his leg, around his ankle, in case the sacrifice in the Holy of Holies wasn't accepted. They could drag him back out without having to go in Good thinking, I guess All the while he walked down the cobblestone hallways into the holy of holies, into the very presence of God, where the ark of the covenant, where the mercy seat was to sprinkle the blood, the bells would ring.

Speaker 3:

He walked down the cobblestone and the bells would ring. He walked on the cobblestone and the bells would ring. Tensions were high. People waited outside. Is this going to be enough? Did he wash enough? Is he dressed the proper way? They held their breath. Even his undergarments were spelled out as to how he was to approach the presence of God, even how his turban fit. But when they heard the bells, everything would get silent. Then they would hear the bells the first time as he walked into the Holy of Holies, and then silence as he made the offering of the sacrifice. Now, the second time they heard the bells, it meant the priest was on his way back out. It meant their sacrifice had been accepted.

Speaker 3:

Atonement for that year was accepted. The blood was accepted. Glory. There were shouts of acclaim, songs of victory, praise for his mercy. The blood was shed outside. It was applied inside. Hang on to that. It was shed outside. It was applied inside. Hang on to that. It was shed outside, it was applied inside, atonement was complete, if only for a year. And maybe you say what does that mean for us? Just like the bells, and I want you to think about this Today. Whenever you hear a message in tongues, whenever you hear a heavenly prayer language, whenever you hear a prophetic word, it means the sacrifice was accepted. The sacrifice was accepted, the blood was applied, and we should rejoice. Glory.

Speaker 3:

The baptism in the holy ghost, the evidence. The bells is speaking with other tongues. It's the single, not the tongues. The baptism's the single, not the tongues. The baptism is the single most important aspect of our Christian walk. Now, I say this often the greatest gift God gave to the world was his son. The greatest gift he gave to the church was the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. And the Holy Ghost, hallelujah. The baptism in the Holy Ghost, not for sin. Not for sin or atonement, but for power, but for believers to carry out God's will on this earth, made possible by the application of the blood that was shed on Calvary, of the blood that was shed on Calvary, my, you know, exercising our gifts, speaking in an unknown language, knowledge, interpretation, super faith, operating in prophetic, healing miracles, working in those gifts is what God wants for us, that is his will. You don't say, well, I don't need to know whether I need to know whether what God wants for us that is his will. You don't say, well, I don't need to know whether I need to know whether God wants this for me. He's already told you he does, chrissy, let's go to work. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

The baptism in the Holy Spirit is sometimes called and I know denominations make fun of this is sometimes called the second act of grace, and I like that. I like it because it suggests receiving something we don't deserve first, salvation. Second, the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We will be praying for believers immediately following this message, to receive that infilling of power. And I know you're thinking not again, pastor, stop. I will never stop Because the Lord has commanded me.

Speaker 3:

I'll ask that you who desire to receive, who haven't received or maybe a little unsure, that you make up your mind during this message. Make up your mind, look, nothing's going to hold me back here. I'm going to get this message. Make up your mind, look, nothing's going to hold me back here. I'm going to get this today. I'm going to receive what the Lord says I need Make up your mind right now that you will not leave until you receive what the Lord has promised. And we're studying promises. This is the promise that stands. This is the promise that's for you, glory. Turn with Chrissy, please, to Acts 19. Acts 19, beginning with the first verse Take me not away from your presence, lord. Renew a right spirit within me. Take not your Holy Spirit from me. Acts 19 and 1. 1 through 6.

Speaker 2:

And it came to pass that, while apollos was at corinth, paul, having passed through the upper coast, came to ephes and, finding certain disciples, he said unto them have you received the holy spirit since you believed? And they said unto him we have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Spirit. And he said unto them Unto what, then? Were you baptized? And they said Unto John's baptism, and said Paul, john, verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people that they should believe on him, which should come after him. Wow, the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that is one of six accounts six, seven accounts in the New Testament, in the book of Acts, of the Pentecostal experience. Now, that Pentecostal experience was dormant for some time after the first century Religion, pious people, I can't explain it all, but it was reawakened. It was reawakened and I'll use for a subject this morning. He's already here. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you for this semi-modern, post-modern glimpse, lord, into what you would have for us, into what you have prepared for your children. Lord, I ask that it reach its mark today, that everyone hears and receives, not what I say, but what you said. Let this word be a lamp and a light in the name of your blessed, soon-coming son. Amen and amen. Amen, please be seated. That Pentecostal experience was reawakened in America at the turn of the 20th century.

Speaker 3:

Charles Parham he was a Methodist evangelist began a Bible school in Topeka, kansas. It was tuition free. They had but one textbook. That was the Bible. That's all they had one textbook. He held a watch night service. How many of you know what that is? We used to have one every year On New Year's Eve. Our church would come together and we would well. First, we would hear an exceedingly long message that seemed to go on for hours. But we would welcome in the New Year together. But we would welcome in the new year together. It was on at a watch night service, new Year's Eve, 1900. The topic of Charles Parham's hands on one member of the 75 or so that gathered for the watch night and she began to speak in tongues. Witnesses say it sounded Asian. That's in the record. It sounded like an Asian language. The first person in modern history to receive the infilling the baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking with other tongues was Agnes Osmond. That's who she was.

Speaker 3:

Now, as this movement grew, Brother Parham went to teach on this experience in the Southwest Bible College in Houston, texas. Meanwhile, an itinerant preacher from Louisiana, an itinerant preacher from Louisiana, william Seymour, wanted to see what this experience was all about. He was led to attend Parham's class in Houston, texas. He's in Louisiana. But Brother Seymour couldn't get into the class. He couldn't get in because of the color of his skin. But Seymour wouldn't give up, he wouldn't lay down, he wouldn't turn around and head back to Louisiana. So Brother Parham made accommodations so he could listen to the message, to the teaching, without going into the classroom, because he wasn't allowed.

Speaker 3:

While there outside in the hallway listening to this teaching on the baptism in the Holy Spirit, god instructed him that he was to pastor a church, not there, but in Los Angeles, california. God called someone from outside the establishment listen to me, the establishment, listen to me called someone from outside the establishment rather than someone from inside, called someone outside rather than inside. How many of you know that your Lord and Savior did the same thing? He didn't go to the priests or the Pharisees or the scribes, he went to tent makers and fishermen and laborers, just saying God chose someone with struggles that were physical, that were emotional, that were cultural, someone with a laser-like focus, even though they weren't part of the club, they didn't have the denominational anointing, they weren't licensed by a fellowship, he wasn't degreed by a Bible college. Understand, I'm not against any of those things. I'm not preaching that you shouldn't seek that.

Speaker 3:

William Seymour bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles in obedience to God's call. He was immediately installed in this little holiness church that had heard about this second act of grace and I think, about his mindset at the time, he must have thought this is it? Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for giving me this. I'm with you for this position. Mr Seymour began to preach on the baptism that he learned about in Texas that he had heard Brother Parham teach but he himself had not yet received William Seymour was also unbeknownst to this church leadership. He was also recovering from smallpox that had left him blind in one eye and somewhat disfigured. After one message, sam, one message less than a week, he was locked out and fired. One message Locked out, fired.

Speaker 3:

I think about that church, john. What they missed, what they missed, what was meant for them, how they missed who God had sent, sent. They missed the outpouring, the power, the healings. They rejected whom God had sent because he didn't have the appearance, he didn't have the charisma, he didn't have the style, he wasn't vetted by the church board, he didn't look like someone who could bring fresh fire. And they put him out. And I think about his thoughts. What's going on? I traveled three days and nights by train, one-way ticket. What's happening? Lord, you called me here, I'm sure of it. I think, I'm sure of it. What do I do now? Where do I turn? They just put him out. No place to stay, no money, no food.

Speaker 3:

There was a couple in the church that put him out, that were sympathetic and they said look, we have a little closed-in porch, you can stay there, not forever. Not forever, but a week or two, hold a couple of Bible studies, get some money and you can go back to Louisiana or wherever you came from Just out of here. Can't stay here, I don't care, you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. So Seymour takes them up on their offer. They give him this tiny, half-enclosed back porch to live in and he starts to hold Bible studies. The address is 214 Bonny Bray Street. 214 Bonny Bray Street.

Speaker 3:

He held nightly Bible studies, but continually asking the Lord for direction which way do you want me to go? Where do I go? Do I get back on a train? Do I head south north? What do you want from me, lord? I don't understand. Want from me, lord, I don't understand.

Speaker 3:

One night Mr Seymour began to teach on Acts 2 and 4, and something started to happen. A few that had gathered, one by one, began to speak with other tongues, like popcorn, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Just as soon as one finished speaking, another would start. I would guess there are differing accounts. There were somewhere between six and twelve people there. The little meeting began to gain some attention. It began to grow. Then people began to get healed and delivered. Hey brother, remember yesterday I couldn't even get up the steps, it doesn't hurt at all. Today I don't know what happened. Wow, you know how I've tried to quit for so long. It's left, it doesn't bother me anymore. Hey, got that job. I've been never thought I'd get it. I got it. They moved the meeting outside because it had gotten a little too big for inside. They moved out on the back porch of this house at 214 Bonnie Bray. Bonnie Bray Recorded eyewitnesses tell us that a trolley line ended at 216 Bonnie Bray.

Speaker 3:

That was the trolley station 216 Bonnie Bray, so one house away from 214. Oh, incidentally, one night the porch collapsed because of the number of people that were on the porch listening to the message. The whole porch fell off the house and they just continued the message laying in the yard night after night, people coming home from a hard day's work. They would walk past 214 bonnie bray and see folks lying in the yard under the power of god. Well, you see, pastor, slain in the spirit isn't in the bible that it really isn't a gift of the Spirit. That may be true. That may be true, but you know what I've learned Don't ever tell the Holy Spirit what he can and cannot do. Don't ever try to get in front of him. He is the sovereign God and does as he pleases.

Speaker 3:

One eyewitness said that 214 Bonny Bray became such a place of power that people walking to and from, especially with the trolley line, would fall under the power if they stepped off the walk. That's what I've read in eyewitness accounts. Not church people, not church people, unsaved people, people that were going to the show or the ball game or to the bar. When they stepped off the walk at 214 Bonnie Bray and hit the grass, they would fall under the power. It became so big, so big, that they had to find another place to worship. They found the run-down, smelly stable. It was originally a Methodist church, then it became a stockyard, then for a while they engraved tombstones there. It was a lumberyard, jeff, at one point, and now here it was a church again. I get emotional when I even say it.

Speaker 3:

The address is 312 Azusa. No comfortable seating, no coffee bars, no big screens, no choir lofts, no bookstore, no lounge to sip your latte. But God was there. God was there, the Holy Ghost not only showed up, he ran the joint Glory, hallelujah. On the walls hung crutches and wheelchairs and cots crutches and wheelchairs and cots. There were testimony to the healings that were taking place. There were black families and Asian families and brown families and white families, all in the spirit of unity. Unity, white collar, blue collar, business owner and homeless. Suits sat next to flannel and rags sat next to silk. You see, in the true church, in the remnant church, there aren't any race issues, there aren't any class separation. The world has a race problem. They have a gender problem, a color problem. The church of Jesus Christ does not. There is but one color that our God sees, and that is red. That is red, the shed. Blood of his son, jesus Christ, blood of his son, jesus Christ.

Speaker 3:

Services at Azusa were three a day, many days. One service just ran into the next. Three services a day, seven days a week, for three years, three years, mathematician help me. 1,095 a year, 1,095 a year. I don't know how. What would that be in three years? 1,095 a year? Yeah, see, I put him on the spot. He's usually like that with numbers 3,000 something, 3,000 services, and it wasn't the end. It wasn't the end. It wasn't the end. Seven days a week, three services a day for three years, and it wasn't the end. And it hasn't ended now. It hasn't ended now. It may have waned, there may have been a falling away, but the book isn't closed. We're looking toward, you and I are looking toward. We are on the precipice, maybe in the early stages, of the greatest outpouring the world and the church has ever seen. Joel 2 and 28. This is in uh-huh, uh-huh, somebody. Teddy, you got it in a better English than mine. I got NIV. Yeah, read it. But here, take, read it on the microphone so it ends up on the recording.

Speaker 5:

Joel 2 and 28. And afterwards. I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.

Speaker 3:

Isn't there in?

Speaker 5:

Even on my service, both men and women, I will pour out my spirit in those days.

Speaker 5:

Amen. I will show wonders in the heavens and on earth Blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord, and everyone who calls on the name of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, teddy, perfect, perfect. I want to call your attention to what the verse begins with. It begins with one word, and that's why I wanted it read in a different translation Afterword. The verse begins with afterward, after, after, while, afterwards, after what, after what? Following what? Following what?

Speaker 3:

Jesus, just before he left this planet, at the ascension back to his Father in heaven, he said after he left it was better for you that I go away, because after I leave, I will send the Comforter. You will receive new power. You will receive power, a new anointing, the anointing of the Holy Ghost. You will receive a new doctrine, jesus Christ and him crucified. You will receive a new covenant, a new dispensation, the age of grace, hallelujah. A new age, the church age, new fire, the Holy Spirit. You and I, brothers and sisters, have fresh fire, and it that at the height of the Azusa revival, that on several occasions the fire department would be called to 312 Azusa because a flame of fire appeared above the rooftop Can't confirm that that happened, but it is what I read in the historical account of Azusa. When the firemen would come, they would find no fire outside, but they did find the fire of God inside. I am sensing that same thing as we gather here this morning, as we sense and feel a great move of the Holy Spirit. This isn't a point of spiritual pride. This isn't a point of some Pentecostal excitement. You guys know I'm not into that, but I have been in attendance of Pentecostal churches for nearly 50 years now 45 is probably a better estimate and I have never experienced what we are experiencing now. I sense the wind beginning to blow. I sense the wind beginning to blow. I'm hearing a rustle of leaves and the heat of the flames of Pentecost. I'm starting to hear the tinkle of the bells as the priest comes out of the Holy of Holies. Hallelujah, the Bible says. The Bible says that at Christ's return not the rapture, at his return, his return happened seven years past the rapture that half the population this is hard to get in your head too half the population of the world at that time that have just come through the great tribulation, half the population will be spirit-baptized believers, jews, gentiles, every kindred, every nation, every tribe, fully operating in the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Jews, gentiles, every kindred, every nation, every tribe, fully operating in the gifts of the Holy Ghost, that's after, operating at full power. The fire has come. The fire has come as the supernatural. We talked about the supernatural this morning. The supernatural as this supernatural reaches a crescendo, my.

Speaker 3:

So why is there so much resistance today? Why is there so much apathy? So many confusing doctrines, silence from the pulpits, people afraid whether they should exercise that gift or not, congregations that aren't encouraged to practice or to receive, no laying on of hands, no tongues, no anointing oil, no prophecy, nobody calling down fire. Ma, are we afraid we'll get it wrong? Are we afraid that we won't do it right or that somehow a little bit of flesh will trickle in? Are we afraid that someone won't be healed? Are we afraid that a blinded eye won't be opened, that a lame leg won't be straightened? Are we afraid that language will be forged? Are we afraid that the dance will be fake? Are we worried that we won't have crutches on our wall? And if we speak in tongues, maybe nobody will interpret? And then what do I do? Afraid that will sound funny, that it will sound like gibberish.

Speaker 3:

Here's the core of what God has given me this morning. The truth is, we will not see the flame, we will not feel the heat, we will not witness the manifestation until you and I put it into practice. We won't experience what the blood paid for until it, nothing, just a can of paint, just a can of paint. And a church service without the Holy Ghost is just a meeting. It's just a meeting. It's just a meeting.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to say something that some of you might consider controversial, but the baptism in the Holy Spirit actually secures our salvation. I know strong statement, but listen to what the Lord would have me share. The baptism in the Holy Spirit was meant for everybody, everybody. But it's primarily received by those who are already committed, right, those who have already made that. Look, I'm not turning back, I don't care what happens, it's just a mental assent who have answered the call, they have heard his voice, they're tuned in to whatever the Lord is saying. So the baptism in the Holy Spirit is that's who gets it.

Speaker 3:

Like William Seymour said here am I. Lord, send me. I'm a half-blind pockmark. Do you know? He used to preach behind an orange grate Because he felt he was so ugly from the effects of smallpox Seymour, you, I, everyone in here this morning, will at some point face darkness.

Speaker 3:

You will face evil face to face, no matter how you try to avoid it, if you have the name of Christ on you, you will face evil. Those without the Holy Spirit will lose their courage and flee. Without the Holy Spirit, we will get beat. Without the Holy Spirit, we will get beat In ourselves, no matter how deeply we believe, doesn't matter the level of your conviction, your commitment, how religious you are. We are no match. You are no match for the devil. It takes a power greater than that. It takes a power greater than that. It takes a power greater than our knowledge, our intellect, our commitment, our wit or our cunning. It takes the power of the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 3:

And I won't stop saying it, I won't stop preaching it. In fact, I think that's even gonna get. It's gonna get more prominent. Well, you see, pastor, we'll just call on Jesus in our time of trouble. That's what I hear when I talk with non-Pentecostal pastors and congregations. We'll just call on Jesus. Jesus has already made a provision. He's already told you this is what I want you to do. And we're saying no, we'll just call you when we're in trouble.

Speaker 3:

No, hallelujah, through the infilling of the Holy Spirit, the Bible says you will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. You will speak with new tongues. You will cast out demons. In the name of Jesus, we'll be enabled to say. You will be enabled to say get behind me Satan, and he must obey Glory to God. So what makes this message today so vital, so important? You know, I'm so.

Speaker 3:

I'm sick and tired of hearing preachers and teachers say, well, this Holy Spirit, baptism is just an incidental doctrinal matter, that doesn't really matter, yeah, they're trying to lead you. Or it's a choice of church style, like whether we listen to country gospel or southern gospel. It's vital because Satan fights so hard and right now he's not fighting fair, not that he ever did, but he's fighting harder he has. He is so desperate because he knows his time is short that it's caused him to pull out every stop. He's coming at us with things that maybe he hasn't in the past. And if you think, well, I'll just pray harder, huh, I'll bombard the heavens, and that's don't, that's good. I encourage you to do that. Keep praying, keep believing.

Speaker 3:

But we have to rise up against powers and principalities. We have to rise against spiritual wickedness in high places. We need to recognize the power that resides in us, that already resides there. If we recognize and invite that power in, if we submit to his leading if we seek his gifting. Here's the promise Heaven will break loose in our lives because the one inside wants to meet your needs. He wants to meet what you need. He wants to guide our steps. That's Holy Ghost power. That's it Our seeking.

Speaker 3:

And receiving the baptism opens the way for the Holy Spirit to spring into action With a plan, a tool, a strategy, a way, an opportunity. Opening doors, closing doors that's what he wants to do, giving us new thoughts, new ideas, equipping us with wisdom and knowledge and faith, not for our purpose, but for his. Hallelujah, hallelujah, and we will see. Here's another promise you will see an outpouring greater than Azusa. People will be saved. People will be healed. Truth will be revealed. People will be healed, truth will be revealed. Hallelujah. If you're waiting for fire, it's already here. If you're waiting for something to happen in the ethernet, in the heavenlies, it's already here.

Speaker 3:

The second act of grace, if we can call it that, requires a second act of obedience. A second act of obedience. I'm not being rude or flippant, but we need to give him something to work with. Give him something to work with. The fullness of the Spirit is here. Glory. We can't have a real church meeting without the presence of God, just a religious gathering. The presence is manifested in the person of the Holy Ghost, and he's already here. He's already here. So what are we looking for? What are we waiting? You hear that all the time.

Speaker 3:

My prayers didn't get past the ceiling, didn't need to. All they had to do is get there. You're the temple of God. The Spirit of God dwelleth in you. I will invite you forward to receive that life-changing power today. You can have it today, without money, without price, just for the asking. Really, that's all he said. Receive not because you ask not. All you have to do is ask. This is the promise for you. And there's a whole lot. I don't want to take up a lot of time with public why people don't receive. A whole lot of reasons why the reception sometimes gets blurred and it doesn't happen for you. But let the mighty baptizer baptize you today. His name is Jesus. How many of you know? Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Ghost. You're not seeking another source. Jesus is the baptizer.

Speaker 3:

So if you'll come forward without the melodious strains of an organ, hallelujah. If you want to receive, if you need a fresh infilling, if you're just looking for a tuna, come and get it. I don't have it. I can show you one that does Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Come up, come forward if you feel led to do that. Come forward if you feel led to do that. And this is absolutely a promise for you. And you know, I guess I have, I guess I have utilized so many ways of trying to convey how important this is, whether it was anointing with oil.

Speaker 3:

Come down and pray over people. And I'm just going to lead you in a short prayer, because it's not mine to give, but he does want to meet your needs. I'll just lead you in a short prayer and here's all I'll do. I will say is that you will hear sense, feel words or phrases inside that you don't know. That's the spirit giving the utterance. We believe and teach that baptism is always evidenced by speaking with other tongues. You will hear those things. He's not going to force you to do it. He's not going to put you in a headlock and say say it, it won't. You speak the words, maybe three words, maybe a thousand words, I don't know but you speak as he gives the utterance and really and that's not even certainly that becomes our prayer language and that's wonderful. But that's just the evidence that what we maybe hoped was real is real, hallelujah. So let's pray.

Speaker 3:

Heavenly Father, you see your children gathered here together to receive your promise, the provision, lord, that you have granted, because you know that we won't make it without him. You know that we can't get through this life without him, that we can't minister effectively without him. Lord, I ask you to fill them now from front to back. Fill them with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, lord. Let it be evidenced by the terms that you set. Fill them to loose our mind, lord. Loose our mind, our preconceived thoughts, what that preacher said on tv, or or 10 years ago. Fill us, lord, with the mighty Holy Spirit. Loose our tongues that we may know we have received in. In Jesus' name, we ask in confidence Amen and amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Why me Lord, what have?

Speaker 1:

I ever done To deserve even one of the pleasures I've known? Tell me, lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving you and the kindness you've shown? Lord, help me, jesus. I've wasted it, so help me, jesus. I know what I am Now that I know that I've needed you, so help me, jesus. Help me, jesus. My soul's in your hands, try me, lord. If you think there's a way I could ever repay All I've taken from you, maybe, lord, I could show someone else what I've been through myself on my way back to you. Lord, help me, jesus. I've wasted it, so help me, jesus. I know what I am am now that I know that I've needed you, so help me, jesus. My soul's in your hands. Now that my soul's in your hands,