Valley Gospel


Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 12

What if experiencing true victory in life's toughest battles was within your reach? Join us on Valley Gospel Church Podcast for an enlightening journey through faith, where we offer practical insights on overcoming trials with renewed spiritual joy. We start by revisiting the life-changing moment of accepting Christ and confront the very real challenges that follow. With a focus on Colossians 2:6-10, we provide actionable steps to reclaim your faith, enhancing your spiritual walk through prayer and a deeper commitment to God's word.

Imagine facing overwhelming fear and finding the courage to conquer it. Drawing from the biblical story of King Jehoshaphat, we highlight how his ancient struggles mirror our modern-day fears. Through this narrative, we stress the importance of seeking God’s guidance first and discuss how faith can be a powerful tool against fear. We bring to light the need for churches to emphasize teachings centered on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, encouraging you to build your faith step by step and achieve personal victories.

Do you feel the struggle between your old, sinful nature and the new, redeemed you? We explore this internal conflict and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Through biblical examples and personal reflections, we discuss how to navigate the desires of the flesh versus spiritual aspirations, stressing the importance of allowing God's nature to guide us. Finally, we celebrate "but God" stories—those divine interventions that have radically changed lives—inviting you to reflect on your own experiences and live in continual gratitude and praise for God’s transformative power. Join us and share in the joy and victory that faith in Jesus brings.

Speaker 1:

My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and he'll pour you out of blessing. My God will open, he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing, and you will not have the room to know not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive Him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 3:

I'd like to take a few minutes to talk about what I would think would be the greatest day in your lives. That is, when you accepted Christ as your Lord, the very first day of your new life. How many of you remember that?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Wow, oh, the joy the song says that floods my soul when we accept Christ. Maybe we could call it an awakening, that it's real moment when you said everything they've been saying is real. I'm getting it, I'm understanding what's happening and the joy that just took over. If you haven't experienced that day, that moment, or can't recall, maybe today can be that day. Today can be the day that our sin is forgiven, that it is cast into the sea of forgetfulness, never to be remembered again. Today can be the day where you make heaven your eternal home forever. And what do we always say? Eternity is a long, long time. Faith alone, in Christ alone. Glory, a spiritual birthday, some call it. For those of you that do have that day may be filed away in a special place. I'd like to raise a question. This morning, having been made the recipient of a robe of white, a crown of gold, a harp, a home, a mansion fair, I can't help call out a gutter. The song, a victor's palm, a joy untold are mine when I get there, having been saved, some of us, for longer than others. How do we, as saved, born again, blood-bought believers, walk in victory, hour by hour, day by day, trial after trial, month after month, year after year, issue after issue, how do we walk in victory?

Speaker 3:

My experience has been in so many cases. After a person, one, begins a walk with Jesus, it seems for far too many the joy seems to dissipate a little bit. Don't always sense God's presence in our lives, in our homes. Maybe our commitment fades just a little bit. Church becomes traditional and even that tradition starts to fade. Church attendance becomes less important, less important. Even our assurance that we're saved, that we have an eternal home in heaven and that we have the victory that Jesus won at Calvary even that tends to fade a little bit. And you know, it can be really frustrating, especially for a new Christian or a young Christian, because you might not understand what's happening and why you're feeling that way. And when you feel it starting to slip and I know what I'm speaking of because it happened to me how do we get it back? How do we get it back, christy, let's go to work Now.

Speaker 3:

This can happen to a Christian of any age, regardless of how long we've been saved, regardless of how long we've been a Christian, regardless of how long we've been in church, and just listen and see if this resonates with you at all. We're saved, but we feel defeated. We're saved, but we lean on the miserable side. We're saved, but, boy, there's a lot of doubt. A lot of doubt keeps raising its head. We're saved, but we're in some turmoil. We're saved, but we're fearful. And the cause is always the same. The cause is always the same. The cause is always the same. The cause is sin.

Speaker 3:

Now don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I'm not saying well, you did that. No, I'm talking about one particular sin, the sin of unbelief, rebellion. It's always the case and it comes about through a whole host of reasons whether it's a false teaching that we start to listen to, not spending time with the Lord, no private devotion, and, oh, the media influence, the media influence. And let me just say this Got to turn that stuff off. Not praying in the spirit like we used to, because now you think it sounds silly and sometimes it doesn't feel natural and I sound stupid praying in tongues to myself. Maybe because we're not in his word as much as we used to be, we don't pray as much as we used to. Maybe we're not in church as much as we could or should be leaning on his word.

Speaker 3:

Sin, that sin, unbelief, unbelief can and will rob you of your joy, your peace. It will steal your victory. It will steal your faith. Your victory, it will steal your faith. So what's victory? Greek word is niki, niko, nikos, all those Greek words for the same word. Victory, and it means to overcome. To prevail in a fight, in a struggle Doesn't mean you won't have to fight. That's not what victory is about. Victory is prevailing in that fight and it bears out our salvation, sozo, our rescue. It bears that out that we were, we are, we will be saved. And I promise by the end of the message today you will understand that phrase we were, we are, we will be saved. So if you'll turn with Chrissy, please, to Colossians Colossians, colossians 2, 6 through 10. Colossians 2, 6 through 10.

Speaker 2:

Whenever you get there, I'll ask you to either shout or stand to your feet in reverence to God's word. As you have therefore received Christ Jesus, the Lord, so walk ye in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, for in him dwells all the fulfillment of the Godhead bodily, and you are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power that song we sang this morning.

Speaker 3:

You gave me a new heart. You gave me victory. I'm going to use for a subject this morning Vicki's spiritual name Victorious, victorious. Let's pray, heavenly Father, thank you, lord. I praise you, lord, for what you've allowed me to present today. Lord, I ask your intercession, your intervention in this message, lord, that you would open it to your people to hear and to receive. Lord, I ask you to anoint me to rightly divide this word of truth. It is in the name of your blessed Son we pray. Amen and amen, amen. Please be seated.

Speaker 3:

Those few verses, those that we just read, give us God's direction. His prescription might be a better word for victory, be a better word for victory. Just as we are saved by faith when we become Christians, when we accept Christ, we must now also walk by faith, day by day, affliction by affliction, difficulty by difficulty, trial by trial, moving forward faith to faith. That's what the Bible calls us to, stone upon stone, precept upon precept. God knew from the beginning, even while we were still in our mother's womb. He knew everything you would be. He knew everything you could be Glory. And when God redeemed you through the blood of his son, he didn't choose you Don't get offended now. He didn't choose you because of some good he saw in you, some good he saw in you. He doesn't keep you because of any goodness in you. Oh well, don't you think God would understand if I'm? No, he doesn't care, doesn't care, yeah, but I work at. Doesn't care, doesn't care, doesn't care. He doesn't keep you because of any goodness he sees in you. And this might sound harsh, but we are not. We cannot be acceptable to God in and of ourselves, can't be. There's nothing we could do, nothing. We could say nothing. We could do nothing. We could say nothing we could give. No tithe is big enough that we could be acceptable. You and I are not righteous, we are not good, and that statement isn't meant to be demeaning, but to allow us to understand victory. Victory, true victory In Christ. You and I are accepted, even when we are unacceptable. All right, you're getting this right. But what is victory? What is victory? What is Christian victory? We know the Greek words, right, we sing about it, we talk about victory, we shout about it. Vicki's even named victory Glory. But what does it mean for a Christian to walk in victory, to overcome, to have faith in trials, to maintain our joy To abide in the vine. We have to go back to the Old Testament for that.

Speaker 3:

Second Chronicles, way back, way back. 2 Chronicles, way back, way back. 2 Chronicles. You start running into kings and you're real close. 2 Chronicles 20, beginning with verse 1. I had a pair of black glasses here and I have no idea what I did with them. I must have left them back. Oh well, 2 Chronicles 20, beginning with the first verse. And it came to pass after this also that the children of Moab and the children of Ammon, and with them others besides the Ammonites, came against Jehoshaphat to battle. Then there came some that told Jehoshaphat saying there cometh a great multitude against thee from beyond the sea, already on this side of Jordan, and behold, they be in Hazazontamar, which is in Engadi, and Jehoshaphat feared and set himself to seek the Lord and proclaim the fast through couple of verses. It seems to me that churches today either tell us how bad we are, how rotten you are, how depraved 35 minutes of a 45-minute sermon tells us how wrong everything is about us and we should be beaten.

Speaker 3:

Or they tell us that everything's okay, not to worry, everything's good just like it is, don't worry about sin, make a trip to the altar occasionally, pay your tithe and everything's okay, and maybe you're fine for a while. But God instructed me to equip his children, not with anything that I can supply you, not with anything that I can give, but simply by rightly dividing his word, by keeping Jesus in the center, by proclaiming his grace, his mercy, his power and his love, teaching and preaching the baptism in the Holy Ghost and teaching Jesus Christ and him crucified, hallelujah. Jehoshaphat, old Testament, king right, son of Asa, the fourth king of Judah. That's when Israel was divided. But let's look at what Jehoshaphat did. Judah was facing an onslaught okay, not just of earthly powers. Yeah, there were ites coming. They were coming, and they were already on this side of Syria, so it's not like they had a well, they're going to be a while getting around the sea. No, they were right there, they were on the doorstep. But he faced powers of darkness. He was facing evil, supernatural power.

Speaker 3:

The Bible says Jehoshaphat feared. He was afraid. What's fear? It's sin, because it's the opposite of faith. But the Holy Spirit immediately convicts him because that's what he does. That's what he does. I always say you want to invite the Holy Spirit into your life, prepare for some conviction, because that's what he does. That's one of his jobs. How many of you know that fear is the devil's faith? We can't do anything in God's kingdom without faith. Faith moves everything, amen. Faith is our healing. Faith is our deliverance. Faith is the baptism and all Everything we receive. We receive by faith. Fear is the devil's faith. He can't do anything with you unless you're afraid, unless you fear, the Holy Spirit leads Jehoshaphat to the Lord, leads him to God's word. Jehoshaphat sets himself.

Speaker 3:

The Bible said to seek the Lord, not to look to the situation. Not to look to the situation, not to look to the circumstance. Not well, they're just over the hill, all the ites are here and there's something going on in the supernatural. Not to look at the circumstance, not by what we feel, or by what the report says, or what the letter that came in the mail says, or the thoughts that take over when things look bad, when we feel really bad, because victory is not by sensation, victory is by revelation, hallelujah, by what God said. And Jehoshaphat is determined according to the world. He's told that the ites are on their way. They're already on this side of Syria, but he would seek the Lord and he would hear from him Faith that Lord's going to respond. He's going to respond to my situation when the ites let me make it real personal now when the ites are coming after you, family ites are coming after you. Family-ites Huh, work-ites, doubt-ites I can't make this into an ite Insecurity-ites, bad news-ites, illness-ites.

Speaker 3:

Do we seek God? Do we run to the Lord when trouble comes? Listen to this when trouble comes, do you run to the throne or do you run to the phone? Do you go to the Lord or do you go where you used to go? And only God, only your God, has the battle plan for victory. He's the only one. I hate to tell you this. Your plan's not going to work. Only God has the plan to lead you to victory.

Speaker 3:

Now, understand this. He may direct you to a person, to a friend, to a brother or sister, to your pastor, but we need to seek him first. Sister to your pastor, but we need to seek him first. Need to seek him first. Why? Because the victory is found only in him. Look, I know it drives you nuts when I back up, when you bring. How should I deal with this pastor? And I back away and I know it makes you crazy, but I don't have the answer. I don't want you to get the answer to me, and that is it is a temptation to go well, and this is what I would do and I would take that and move that. It is a temptation. My answers suck, pardon me.

Speaker 3:

We come against fear with faith. In other words, when faith fills your soul, it drives out fear. And then we walk in victory. Glory, glory, my Hallelujah, hallelujah, glory, my Hallelujah, hallelujah. That's the one stone upon another, precept upon precept, little by little, here, a little, there, a little, building an impenetrable wall of hope and power and faith and love. And then we grow stronger from faith to faith. If you seek him, you will find him. And then we grow stronger from faith to faith. If you seek him, you will find him.

Speaker 3:

You know, when we have a, maybe we're counseling, we're talking to a new Christian, and everyone you tell and I've done this tell them just trust God, just trust God, brother, just trust God. And when you hear that I've been told that, and when you hear that you want to, you really do, you want to, but how to escapes you. Just trust God, brother. Yeah, I don't know what that means and fear is screaming at you, threatening you. This is going to get bad. You know how this goes. It's going to get bad, it's going to get worse. You know how he does.

Speaker 3:

And those that are telling you just trust him, just trust him. It eludes you. You just can't grab a hold of that. Just trust him. It doesn't penetrate your soul, it's not in your spirit. Until you learn how to hear the Lord say trust me, trust me, I got this Promise, you, I got it.

Speaker 3:

Only Jesus gives us the victory Moment by moment, hour by hour, day by day. And we need that word from the Lord and we need it bad. We need it bad. Do you know? The Lord wants to speak to you more than you want to hear from him. He wants to be able to talk to you, to converse with you, more than you want to hear from him. I know that's hard to, that's hard to. He's always. You got a minute, can you sit down a little bit, can you? Just? You got some time. That's all he wants. He wants that communion, that fellowship with us. If we seek him, if we make that time if we open up what we're doing. Well, how do we do that? We do that by giving our time in worship, by giving our time in prayer. You'll not by giving our time in prayer. You'll not by giving our time in devotion. Yeah, but I got to go to work and I get get up earlier. Talk to them, you'll not be disappointed. Give them that time in devotion, all right.

Speaker 3:

Second point victory over the flesh. Galatians I didn't realize this had points, but I guess it does. Galatians 5. Galatians 5. 16., 16. This I say, then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill listen the lust of the flesh. Walk in the spirit. You won't fulfill the lust of the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, for the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other, so that you cannot do the things that you would. But if you be led of the spirit, you are not under the law. Now, the work of the flesh are manifest.

Speaker 3:

Which are these? Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, inbeings, murders, drunkenness, revelings and such like, of which I tell you before and as I have also told you in times past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. I'll stop there and I'm sorry. I had to go through that labyrinth of wickedness to get to the good part.

Speaker 3:

When we become a Christian, jesus abides in us, in you, by his spirit, by his Holy Spirit. You hear people say all the time is Jesus living inside of you? Well, he's not. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Spirit is Jesus's presence in us. The Holy Spirit wants to create in you let me put it that way a new life. He wants, when he indwells you, he wants to create in you a new life, a new nature, a spirit-led nature.

Speaker 3:

This new nature, however, does not destroy the old nature. We call the old nature what the flesh. The new nature doesn't destroy the old nature. The old nature is still there. Do you remember? Peter just just got his new name from simon to peter, all excited, tells jesus how many times do you tell me I gotta forgive him? Seven times. Jesus blows them out of the water and says no, seven times, 70. 490 times in a single day. That upsets Peter's theology. See, the flesh is still there, because all you have to do is slow your reading down. You know what Peter's asking. Okay, you say I got to forgive him seven times. Number eight he dead, he's mine. That's what he's reading into it. So the flesh is still there, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Each of us, every one of us, has two natures the old and the new, the carnal and the spiritual, the sin and the life, darkness and light that dwells in all of us. Amen, and we all, just so you understand, we all lean toward darkness. I get crazy when people tell me well, I'm good, no, you're not None good, but God, we all lean toward darkness. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. The old nature, our old nature, can't do good things. The new nature, however, is God's nature by the Holy Spirit. It's God's nature in us. Remember the Holy Spirit. What Is God? He is God, not a force, not an influence we learned last. I mean he is those things, but that's not who he is. He is God, the Holy Spirit, amen. Third person of the triune, godhead. The Holy Ghost is God and listen. He cannot sin. We can't do good. He can't sin, he can't do bad. So what do we have? Conflict, right? Conflict. Conflict in our lives, conflict in our relationships, conflict in everything.

Speaker 3:

In Romans 6, paul said his new nature, that spiritual nature, had to bring his flesh under control. The spiritual nature had to bring his flesh under control. The new nature had to take over and bring the old nature under control, getting a hold of that which holds us, or that which held us the doubt, the guilt, the unbelief, the things that we've been dragging around like a bag of rocks on our back for our whole life. That's the flesh, that's the old nature. The new nature says drop your bag, drop your rocks. That's how we become Christ-centered instead of self-centered. That's when things stop revolving around you and how you feel and what you think. What do we say? It doesn't matter what you think. The truth is still the truth, right? Chrissy?

Speaker 3:

The victorious Christian allows the Holy Spirit to have control in our life and bring forth those fruits of the Spirit that we just read Love, joy, long-suffering, meekness, temperance, faith. Is this making sense to you? Letting God's nature take over in our life may feel awkward at first because it's not your nature, it goes against your nature. The spirit-led, being spirit-led, feels foreign. Because you are foreign. You're not. This world is not your home. We're passing through. So when we listen to all the advice and all the edicts and all the motivation on the media or on social media, we're actually going against the nature of God, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

And while it may feel awkward at first, producing fruit those fruits is a gradual thing. You don't plant a tree one day and see fruit on it the next day. It just doesn't happen. It takes time. It comes with pests and trials and diseases and issues. But fruit is what pleases God. The fruit is what pleases our God and brings the victory.

Speaker 3:

Look, the old nature produces works of the flesh. Look, the old nature produces works of the flesh. No matter how churchy they might sound, no matter how spiritual the sound might be, it's a work of the flesh, because that's all the flesh can produce is a work of the flesh. Think about this. Some of you know someone who has tried but falls back into the same old nature time and again. I'm saved, but right back to the same lifestyle and abuse, and it always produces defeat. Until we turn that life over to the new nature, it always produces defeat. Now I remember talking to a guy outside in the parking lot of Harmerville and man, he had all the words, he had all the religious words, and he's telling me this, and my wife, she's a lay minister and such, and man, he just and he got it and he was so, so lost. But it always produced the work of the flesh, always led to failure, always produces defeat.

Speaker 3:

Victory over the world. 1 John Wow, I might be right, this might be a little longer than normal. 1 John 5 and 4. 1 John 5 and 4. For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. The Bible tells us that by what Jesus accomplished at the cross that's why we always say we preach Jesus and him crucified, because that's where it all happened was at the cross by what he did at the cross, death has been defeated. We talked about that a little bit last week in the message how the Holy Spirit is the one who raised Jesus up.

Speaker 3:

Death has been defeated by life. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of life. I'm not talking specifically about physical death, but spiritual death, where we get into that state of mind, that state of being. Why bother, who cares? Don't know what I believe. Well, they make a good point. We're not locked down on anything. I'm not good enough, I quit. Death is not strong enough spiritually or physically to stand up to the God inside of you, because he produces life, glory. The Spirit is producing life. That's why the word says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. The Spirit produces life.

Speaker 3:

We are changing every day. If you're not, there's a problem. There's a problem because there is no neutral in Christianity. If we're not going forward, we're going backwards. We're changing every day, increasing daily in faith and power and really, if you're a Christian, there's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing you can do about that increase unless you abandon, unless you walk away. And little by little we're made more into the righteousness of God. Little by little we're experiencing higher degrees of faith. Little by little, darkness is being defeated in our life, in our relationship, in how we conduct ourselves. Little by little, the world grows smaller and Jesus grows bigger, and I hear this all the time. I'm trying, pastor, but, truth be told, I'm seeing more sin in my life. I'm not seeing the results of Christianity.

Speaker 3:

The world teaches you to see, then believe. Christianity teaches us to believe and then you'll see, hallelujah. Can't use the world's examples, can't use the world's parameters in explaining what Christ did to you. In our carnal mind, we ask what can we do? What can we do? How do we get there? How do we get there? Victory isn't carnal, it's spiritual. Trying to get there carnally doesn't work. It can't get you there.

Speaker 3:

Our only assignment is believe. That's it. You have one assignment Believe, not achieve. And we believe. And the Holy Spirit works in us. You believe, holy Spirit works in us. We rest in His holiness right, knowing that he has already overcome the world, he's already won the battle, he's already defeated death. He's seated in heavenly places and you and I are seated with him. Glory, all right. Last one, jimmy Go to James, james, james, 4.

Speaker 3:

And 7. Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. We give devil a whole lot of credit, a whole lot of due. I'm a little bit like I don't know if it was Wednesday or last Sunday we said you know, we get all.

Speaker 3:

We watch how the devil's moving in somebody's life and everybody goes, and we get frightened. When we talk about the Holy Ghost moving in somebody's life, we go. Yeah. So what? God is the big God. Nothing is impossible. There is nothing to fear. There is no foe too strong, none as great as our God. There is no feeling that's too overwhelming our God. There is no feeling that's too overwhelming.

Speaker 3:

The 125th Psalm says like the mountains that surround Jerusalem, the Lord is all around us. The Lord is all around us, he's in us, hallelujah. He'll never leave us, he'll never forsake us. So if the devil is only against you and God is over, under, around, within, through us, who are you afraid of Glory? The Bible says you are more than conquerors through Jesus. You know what that means. Do you know what that really means at the heart? This, you know what that means. You know what that really means at the heart. Before your battle begins, before the battle, before you even get there to the fight, you've been told and you believe you'll win. You know victory is yours. We may not like the battle because, I'll be honest, resisting can get. It can get a little messy, get a little muddy, but you will be victorious.

Speaker 3:

In Bible study we see how Satan afflicted the children of God and in so many messages we see how he afflicted the children of God. Every Old Testament account of the people of God in trial is followed by my two favorite words but God but God, but God but God. Jacob's sons boiled in anger, sold Joseph into slavery, but God was with him. That looks like that's a circumstance that you're not going to get around, but God was with him. Satan came against Job, but God restored him. Satan. Here's the good one. Satan said he would ascend into the throne of the most high God, he would be like God. But God threw him and one third of the angels out of heaven. Glory. Satan said he, hallelujah. Satan plans for us, but God interrupts the plan. He intercedes, he stops the plan.

Speaker 3:

How do we resist? The short answer is worship, worship. That's the short answer. A lot more there, but I know it's getting late. We worship in spirit and in truth, barbie. We worship Hallelujah. You know what the result of that worship in spirit and truth is. An anointing. An anointing comes on us individually and congregationally, and you know what the anointing does it breaks the yoke. Glory, hallelujah, glory, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't like your Pentecostal displays. I don't like to worship openly. I don't wear my faith on my sleeve, hallelujah. God knows my heart. I'm so sick of hearing that God knows my heart. I don't need Satan doesn't know my heart. I'm so sick of hearing that. God knows my heart. I don't need Satan doesn't know your heart.

Speaker 3:

Satan doesn't know your heart. He can't read your mind, but you know what he can see. He can see raised hands, hallelujah. He can see a bended knee. He can hear corporate worship. He can hear your whistle, sam Glory. If he can see your relationship and your commitment, he knows he can't control you. He knows that you have a covenant. He knows who you are. When he sees you taking the Lord's Supper, he knows maybe a better word. He knows whose you are. When he hears you speak in a heavenly, I always say exercise your gift right, pray in the Spirit. When he hears your heavenly language, language praying in the Spirit, he knows whose control you're in. Glory Worship blesses the Lord. The devil is defeated and he flees. He flees.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to close with this paraphrase of John 10. You know, you all know John 10 and 10, right, the thief cometh but for to steal and kill and destroy Satan. The thief wants to ruin everything good in your life, everything that's going on good. He wants to ruin Everything that's going on good. He wants to ruin. He wants to creep his way so deeply into your existence and steal everything that you hold dear. That's his goal. And when he finishes pardon my language, but when he finishes raping you of all your goods, all your possession, he'll create conditions in our life so horrible that you'll see no way to solve your problem. And he'll try to put you under unbelievable pressure Pressure to give up and quit, pressure to walk away. His goal is to devastate and waste your life, and it was important that I tell you that because that's scriptural truth and I don't want you to be fooled that you know you can skip to Malou and everything will work out. You can just flick Satan away. Yeah, you are more powerful than he. However, you have to pay attention. His goal is to leave you totally broken.

Speaker 3:

But Jesus said I've come that you might have and keep a vitality, a gusto, a zest, a zeal for life that comes not from external but from internal, that comes from inside, a life that's not rattled or easily shaken. That's why Jesus came that can't be moved too easily by outward thoughts of answered or deeds. Jesus said I come that you embrace this unrivaled, this unmatched, unequaled, overflowing life to the maximum that you have it all, that you might walk in the completeness of total victory. And look, the events of this world that come against us, the afflictions that we sometimes have to endure, that we have to go through, maybe the hardships of life, the persecution that's coming of Christianity and Christians, the worry that envelop us when we're all alone, and the fear of what might happen. But God, but God. But God. But God said he's with you always. But God said that, though the mountains depart and the hills removed, my covenant will remain. I don't care why you seek it and blown up, my covenant remains.

Speaker 3:

But God remembered Noah and all that were with him. Let's get a little proof here, a little proof faith. God remembered Noah and his entire family. As for you, you meant evil to harm me, but God meant it for good, but God meant it for good. Saul sought to kill David, but God wouldn't allow it. My flesh, my heart may fail, but God is my strength and my refuge. Joseph was sold into Egypt, but God was with him. I plant Apollos' waters, but God gives the increase. Indeed, he was ill unto death, but God had mercy. What's your but God story? Everybody has one here, everybody in service today, not one multiple. What's your but God story? That sounds odd, but Hallelujah, and I'll leave you with that encouragement Remember your story. Remember your story. Meditate on your story, really, while God intervened and you were restored or you were set free, remember your story. There are so many but God stories in your life and in your walk. Dwell on what happened. Dwell on what happened, but God, but God Huh. Dwell on what happened, but God, but God Huh.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near.

Speaker 4:

We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast Get up get up, get up, get up out of that grave Gotta get up, get up, get up let's get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up. We gotta get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up, get up. We gotta get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up, Get up out of that grave.

Speaker 2:

Sing it again.

Speaker 4:

Get up, get up, get up, get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up. We gotta get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up, get up out of that grave. Get up, get up, get up, get up out of that grave. Hallelujah, I love to sing your praise, lord. I just love your name. Yes, it fills me with peace, washes over me like a sweet, gentle rain. It brings me victory. No matter what I face Through all of my days, I love to sing your praise. You are worthy, lord, because you picked me up, he turned me around, he placed my feet on the solid ground. I thank the Master, I thank the Savior Because he healed my heart. He changed my name. I'm forever free. I am not the same. I thank the Master, I thank the Savior, I thank God. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, hallelujah. I thank the Savior, I thank God.