Valley Gospel

Agent of Change

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 11

Can the Holy Spirit truly transform your daily life, empowering you in ways you never imagined? Join us on this episode of the Valley Gospel Church Podcast as we journey through the book of Acts to uncover the profound impact of the Holy Spirit from salvation to spiritual empowerment. We begin by distinguishing between being born of the Spirit at salvation and being baptized in the Spirit, highlighting how this powerful transformation equips believers to spread the gospel with conviction and strength. By examining Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:1-4, we delve into how the infilling of the Holy Spirit is more than just an emotional uplift—it's the divine equipping of gifts and endurance to fulfill God's purpose.

Venture deeper with us as we explore the nature of the Holy Spirit, not just as an ethereal entity but as the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient third person of the Trinity. From His role as the paraclete, aiding believers in prayer and revealing the Word, to the inspiring testimonies of His resurrection power, we reflect on how the Holy Spirit brings hope and victory against life's greatest challenges. As we invite you to experience the baptism of power, we emphasize approaching God with faith and expectancy. Through biblical insights, personal testimonies, and heartfelt worship, this episode is a call to embrace the transformative presence of the Holy Spirit in your life, especially as we draw nearer to the return of our Lord.

Speaker 1:

My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out of blessing. My God will open, He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, and you will not have room to know doubt because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive Him.

Speaker 3:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church, worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale Pennsylvania. In Spirit and in Truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 4:

Most of you know that I'm under the direction from the Lord to bring a message every six weeks or so regarding the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Well, it's been more than eight weeks and I believe this morning's message is ordained of the Holy Spirit, but that's a direct result of the Lord's leading concerning the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. It is a Pentecostal message, but not one of tradition or denomination or superstition. I don't know if any of you have visited our pod site. It says Pentecostal experience, and I kind of was a little hesitant to use that expression because it brings to mind that an implication that we're rolling around on the floor or nobody speaks in English and people are bouncing off the walls and running everywhere, and that's not the case. That's not who the Holy Spirit is.

Speaker 4:

The Holy Spirit is a signature of power and life and security and comfort, and security and comfort. The mighty infilling of the Holy Spirit is the greatest experience a Christian can receive. As I prep this message and I'm going to try not to shout or yell today because I don't want you to miss anything and sometimes I get so emotional and I realize you can't understand what I'm saying, so I'm going to try not to do that. But in preparation for this message, this song rolled around in my head and in my spirit and I just want to play just a tiny snippet of it. Donna, would you just play track one? What? Yeah, you only want to play the first one now.

Speaker 2:

Just press play and it should come up automatically. Let your living water flow over my soul. Let your holy spirit come and take control of every situation that has troubled my life. All my cares and burdens on to you. I roll All my cares and burdens onto you.

Speaker 4:

I roll rule hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah that's just the ending of that song that moves me so deeply in the statement that I just that moves me so deeply and the statement that I just made the mighty infilling of the Holy Spirit is the greatest experience a Christian can receive. Now, in some corners, that statement is seen as an anomaly. Statement is seen as an anomaly and they would argue that we receive the Holy Spirit at salvation and in a sense that's true. He does. The Holy Spirit does convict the believer. He comes to dwell in a newly saved person, a believer. He draws a believer to himself.

Speaker 4:

But there's a big difference between being born of the Spirit and baptized in. The Spirit Doesn't make you more saved, don't misunderstand, doesn't make you more saved. When you're saved you think about this. When you're saved, you receive the light. The baptism gives you the power to turn on the light that you already possess. Salvation gives you the light. The baptism gives you the power to turn on that light. Look, this message isn't to entice you to reach for an emotional high. That's not who I am. That's not what God has called me to. Nor is it trying to get you to feel or to see something beyond our understanding. I'm simply being obedient and opening a window that you might experience that which God said you need desperately.

Speaker 4:

Chrissy, if you will all turn to the book of Acts, please, great book of Acts that we study now in our Bible study. The Acts of the Apostles 28 chapters of supernatural happenings performed by God through natural and very flawed people. Amen. Two readings to begin. Let's start with Acts 1 and 8. Would you please stand when you're there in reverence to God's word. I'm going to keep you standing for a little while today, for a little while today. Acts 1 and 8.

Speaker 3:

But you shall receive power After that. The Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth All right Power to light that light, he shall receive power, power to light the light that you gained at salvation.

Speaker 4:

We all know how many of you know Jeff knows for sure the bigger the job, the greater the need for power. We can plant a nice little tree that you buy in one of those little buckets. You can plant that with a shovel and a wheelbarrow. You don't need anything else. That's all I need. But if you're going to dig a foundation you might want to consider an excavator A little bit too big for a shovel and a wheelbarrow. Big jobs require big power and you and I have that challenge. The biggest job reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We receive that power through a gift. How many of you know your God? Your God, chrissy, loves to give gifts. Loves to give gifts and the gift of the Holy Spirit is what the book of Acts is all about. It's what the church is built on. You know the title the Acts of the Apostles. That was added centuries later Acts of the Apostles. It might better be entitled the Acts of the Holy Spirit, acts 2, 1 through 4.

Speaker 3:

And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Speaker 4:

As Christians, as light-carrying believers, we need to ask the Lord to fill us. Or listen carefully, this isn't a hypey message. This is dollars and cents. This is dollars and cents, this is bread and butter. This is important. We need to ask the Lord to fill us, or refill us, or fill us again with the Holy Spirit Every day. We need to wake up with that prayer on our lips. Fill us, lord, because we can never get too much. It'll never overflow. We're always in the need. Everyone young, old, male, female, children, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather needs to pray that prayer. Fill me now, lord. Fill me now.

Speaker 4:

There is, however, a great deal of apprehension which is what I want to deal with primarily this morning that surrounds the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some of that is justified because of the abuse, and that's the core of the message this morning. Now, use for a subject an agent of change, an agent of change. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for this revelation of truth, lord, that you have given. Lord, I thank you for the anointing that you have placed on me and the instruction that you've given me, lord, to give this message from time to time. Lord, I ask your anointing on your people to hear and to receive. Lord, I ask your anointing on me to say it exactly as you would have it said it is in the name of your precious beloved son. We pray, amen and amen. Please be seated.

Speaker 4:

If I could, I'd like to begin with just a couple of minutes to address what I know affected me greatly and probably most of you who have come up in Pentecost the abuses, the misinterpretations, the help that so many feel they need to give the Holy Ghost some well-meaning people, pastors, teachers who feel that the Holy Ghost needs their help to get this show on the road, to move us toward an outpouring, to kick-start the Holy Spirit. Sam, it's like the Holy Spirit, he doesn't need a pony motor, he doesn't need a pony motor, he is quite capable. And while most of those are well-meaning, there are some that do that for self-serving interests, for self-serving interests motivated by power, notoriety, maybe money. And you know, we've witnessed congregations and people who do roll on the floor, who do bark like dogs. I have personally witnessed people who a church service was comprised of hysterical laughter or gazing. That was the most recent one. We're under the power of the supposedly under the power of the Holy Ghost, we would gaze into each other's eyes. The church actually had to close because of how many cases of adultery there were in the church and we think if that's the Holy Spirit, people think new converts, new Christians think if that's the Holy Spirit, I don't think. I want that Right, right, notice.

Speaker 4:

It doesn't say in Acts 1 and 8 that after the Spirit comes upon you, you're going to roll on the floor. It doesn't say after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you'll bark like a dog Not what it says, or you'll laugh hysterically. It says after that the Holy Ghost comes upon you, you shall be my witnesses, purposeful, practical, an enabling of what God has called us to do. The gift of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not toys to play with. They are tools to build with Glory. They are tools to build with Glory. They're not cookies on a dessert table. They're weapons to fight with the events of the book of Acts, the first century church, the lives of newly saved, new believers, newly converted, the interested but uncommitted.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to see how this plays out. I'm going to see how this works. It's much like the church today Men and women with flaws, with inconsistency, with marital issues, with health problems, with financial issues, but men and women who have been gifted with access to power. Access to power, access to power. In fact, they were commanded. You all know they were commanded not to minister until they had received that power. It's called the promise of the father, the power gift, the promise of the father. Jesus said don't leave Jerusalem until you receive the promise of the father.

Speaker 4:

In our past studies, in our Wednesday night studies, in the book of Acts, we find the same Hebrew word. It's called ruach Ruach and it's used interchangeably. It means two things Wind and spirit, and it's used for both Randomly, and I believe that's by design. I do Both. The wind and the spirit are subservient to no one. They are governed by no earthly law, they are subject to no natural being.

Speaker 4:

So, to begin this and again, we get all these thoughts in our head about who the Holy Spirit is, thoughts in our head about who the Holy Spirit is. Heard him described by so many thoughts, practices, names. Let's investigate who he really is. Let's go to Romans 8. You praise him, ellis, acts 8 and 9.

Speaker 4:

But ye are not in the flesh but in the spirit. If so, be that the spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh, for if we live after the flesh ye shall die. But if ye, through the spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall die. But if ye, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Speaker 4:

Paul is explaining here to the Romans that the Holy Spirit is the life-giving dynamo, the dynamo for all of life. He is power-indued. I don't know if a couple of you might remember that down at what used to be West Penn Power used to have Ready Kilowatt at the top of the, at the very top of the building. That's where Springdale Dynamo's got their name from Ready Kilowatt. I know it has to be in that old building down there, but it would light up orange and black in the night. Ready Kilowatt, uh-huh lot, power endued.

Speaker 4:

The Greek word dunamis used 117 times in the New Testament to describe healing power, miracle working power, explosive power, delivering power. It's where we get the English word dynamite, dunamis, dynamite, tnt. One of its uses is in Acts 1 and 8, but that ye shall receive dunamis, you shall receive dynamic power. You're gonna, you're playing with dynamite people. I often say when you I hear pastors say, oh Lord, send your power, I often think do you have any idea what you're asking? Do you have any idea what you're playing with? Hallelujah, it was that dunamis, that power, power, power that infused the corpse of Jesus that was laying in state in a borrowed tomb on a rock bed and made his heart to pump again Glory and filled his collapsed lungs with fresh air. Power, dunamis, dynamite liquefied what remained of his coagulated blood, turned it back to liquid again, cleared his milky white eyes of death and turned them to sparkling brown Glory. Glory. And his muscles, his organs began to function again, back to full, vibrant life. Wow, that's the power of the Holy Ghost. That's Holy Ghost power. It's not dancing around. That's Holy Ghost power.

Speaker 4:

In our study last Wednesday, it was implied I think Daniel brought it up that Jesus was in better physical shape after he was raised from the dead than prior, when he was walking with the disciples. That he was actually in better physical shape after the resurrection. Paul said that the Holy Spirit is a miraculous presence in a believer, that we find life in vitality, life and vitality. We found that joy and the Holy Spirit are synonymous in a believer. If you have no joy, then I question no, I suggest you be refilled with the Holy Spirit. If you're struggling, if you from time to time feel down, maybe periods of anxiety and gloom, self-worth issues, I beg you, pray to be filled, seek to be refilled. Like I said, you don't get enough. You don't get it. We have this crazy idea. Well, yeah, I was baptized in the Holy Ghost in 1988. I got it. You ain't got nothing. We need to be filled again and again and again, over and over. That's why I said our prayer every morning should be fill me now, lord, fill me. Not only did he raise Jesus from the dead, he fills you and I with life-changing power now. Now I'm keeping my voice down, I'm getting excited. He puts the abundance in abundant life. He's the one that does that Joy in your heart, peace in your soul. He's the one who gives you your life back after you die. Oh, now you're getting crazy, pastor. It's one of those Paul expressions what he gives you life back after you die. We'll get to that in a minute.

Speaker 4:

Let me finish who he is and maybe, better said, who he isn't. He is not a force or an influence, nor is he this sweet mist of positivity, glory. He is God, the Holy Ghost, the third person of the Trinity. Third person not in rank or order, simply in number. He is omnipotent, he is omnipresent, he is omniscient. He is active in the Bible, in your Bible, from Genesis all the way through to Revelation.

Speaker 4:

Glory In Genesis, when he moved on the face of the deep, to Revelation, when he gives the invitation to come and drink of the water of life freely, really, calm down. He is recognized throughout the Bible in type and symbol. It's called the tornado, the river, the oil, the dove, the fire, the comforter. He's all those things, teacher. The Greek calls him paraclete. Paraclete, one called alongside to help. Here's where we get.

Speaker 4:

This is the crux of the message. One called alongside the help. Help with what? Help with what? Kurt?

Speaker 4:

I'm going to borrow an army phrase To help you be all that you can be, all that you can be. He will help you pray, he will reveal the word, he will make intercession for you, he will teach you truth, he will confirm and discern spirits that are presented before you, he will increase your faith, he will endue you with power from on high and he helps you gain the victory that Jesus provided. See, this isn't a lot of people think. While we're going around to Jesus, we're going straight to the Holy Ghost. No, the Holy Spirit allows you to gain the victory that Christ provided through the cross. No, we're not going around anybody, anybody. He'll bring about changes in your life, in your circumstances, in your walk. That in all the craziness of this world, in all the confusion in our sphere, the issues in our family, that that in the end everything will be okay, everything will turn out all right. The last sound for a believer in this world will not be a scream of terror, it will not be a whimper of fear, it will not be a cry of pain. The last sound for the believer will be the trumpet of victory, hallelujah and a shout of praise because of the dynamite that lives in you Broke my promise already. The power of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost. The power of the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 4:

1 Corinthians, 1 Corinthians, 15. All right, it's going to get sticky. Now Hang on. 1 Corinthians 15, reading one verse, that being 55. O death, o death, where is thy sting, o grave, where is thy victory? You know I've officiated hundreds of funerals over the years and that scripture comes up again and again O death, where is thy victory, o grave. Let me read it one more time O death, where is thy sting, O grave, where is thy victory? And I'd make read that scripture and then I'd make this statement.

Speaker 4:

That might be considered a bit pessimistic or a dark view. How many of you know that funeral messages have nothing to do with the person in the casket? I'm not talking to them, I'm talking to y'all, and I would make this statement and really think about it. That may be the only chance I ever get to talk to someone who won't come to church, to someone who won't come to church, who would never listen to me, but I get them in that softened state at a funeral service and I get a chance to give them the gospel. So I know that sometimes I get that oh, you're pretty tough on them. That's all I got. But I would make this statement From the moment we are born, we begin to die.

Speaker 4:

And I don't know, maybe that is a little pessimistic, right? But if true, the power of death begins to work in us from our very first breath. We spend our lives trying to eat right, lose weight, take medication, exercise, all in an effort to resist death. But we know it's a losing battle. Regardless of what we eat, regardless of how much you exercise, the medications you take, death will take us all. It's true I checked with the county One out of one, one out of one dies.

Speaker 4:

None of us get out alive, but for those who are saved, indwelt by the Spirit born again, there is a counterpower that starts to work against death, a counterpower when we are laid in our casket, our urn, our grave, our sepulcher. Whatever, this life-giving power of the Holy Ghost reverses the flow, my changes the turbine. It starts to go the other way and brings us back to life, not in a world of hurt or darkness, but in another world, a world of light and truth, where no tear shall ever dim the eye. No darkness, for the lamb is the light. You know, every account I've ever read and only a few have been anointed or blessed with this, anointing Smith Wigglesworth, a couple others that there's bona fide raising of the dead, where they raised the dead at a funeral home, raised them up Without exception. Every account that I've read and, as I said, there's only been a handful that I could check out and it looked to be real, but without exception every person that was raised was pretty ticked.

Speaker 4:

Smith Wigglesworth raised his wife. She was mad. You brought me back here, are you nuts? You brought me back to this, this life of pain and hurt. I was already raised a new life and you brought me back here. That's the miracle that Paul spoke of. Oh death, where is thy sting? And the point of this little trip, this little death trip I took you on, the point of this is to show you the Holy Spirit is an agent of change, an agent of change in the future and in the present.

Speaker 4:

Being born again suggests a change, a new beginning, a metamorphosis, a caterpillar, and a caterpillar right. Change. Everything. Used to be a worm. Now he's not. What happened when Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about being born again? Remember all the confusion. Oh, my mother's going to be really upset because I can't get back inside my mother, not to mention she's already dead.

Speaker 4:

But for that change to take place it requires power. It requires power. The power is the infilling of the Holy Spirit that takes us from a saved, blood-bought believer minding the cares and the things of this life and this earth to a disciple of Christ. That's what makes the change. He's an agent of change. Glory it's when our dead spirits get charged up. The lights come on, the power begins to flow. We are tuned in and turned on. Glory we meant back in the 70s very different meaning about that, right, collette, he's an agent of change. When we said we were getting turned on or tuning in, it was something completely different. Under the Holy Spirit's edict it means completely different. And like any power tool, jeffy, it looks good, it looks shiny, it's sharp, but it can do very little without power, without the roar of an engine or the whir of AC power or the whiz of a battery. It needs one of those Glory Without power, without the baptism in the Holy Spirit, we look the part, we carry our Bibles Some of them are as big as Magna Carta's right but we're not empowered.

Speaker 4:

We look the part, but we're not empowered. When that power is turned on, there will be a change. Christianity without Daniel says it all the time. Christianity without a change is wanting. It's less than it could be. Hallelujah, there's a change, there's a metamorphosis, more than a look or an identity, but set to work, ready to go into action. But set to work, ready to go into action, armed and dangerous, is a Christian who's been empowered by the Holy Ghost that we're able to resist the adversary and counteract his power. Look, that's the only way you. We talk about the devil all the time. The devil does this and the devil does that, and we say the devil's no match for, or we're no match for the devil. We aren't as human beings, but empowered by the Holy Ghost, we're more than a match. We're more than a match. John 18. John 18. John 18 and 15. All right, check this out.

Speaker 4:

And Simon Peter followed Jesus and so did another disciple. That disciple was known unto the high priest and went in with Jesus in the palace of the high priest. But isn't that sad? The high priest has a palace, huh, uh-oh. But Peter stood at the door without, then went out. That other disciple, which was known unto the high priest and spake unto her, that kept the door and brought in Peter. Then saith, the damsel that keepeth the door unto Peter, art, not thou also one of this man's disciples? He said I am not. And the servants and officers stood there who had made a fire of coals for it was cold and they warmed themselves and Peter stood with them and warmed himself. Wow, quite a story there, quite an account. You all know what this is.

Speaker 4:

After Jesus is arrested and everybody kind of runs and Peter runs to the priest, to the high priest, with another disciple that isn't mentioned, a lot of thoughts about who that is, and Peter ends up with them. He's outside around the fire, with these people who are seeking to kill Christ, to kill Jesus. Well, you think this is a guy that Peter walked with for three years, that he had lunch with, that. They told jokes, they told stories, they sat around the fire. And here he is, gives him up, gives him up.

Speaker 4:

Peter's a believer. In fact, jesus sets him apart as a leader in this tiny group, calls him a stone Petros. Yet Peter is a fearful man. He denies Jesus. He denies he knows him. He's being sifted by Satan. His issues are self-service, selfishness, what's in it for me? And maybe he had some emotional issues. He had some emotional issues.

Speaker 4:

But we see Peter, same Simon Peter. We see him in the book of Acts and he's asking believers if they had received this baptism of power, since they believed of power. Since they believed, he receives a vision from God. He is freed from prison supernaturally. He goes on to be a great missionary, boldly teaching and preaching Jesus Christ and him crucified.

Speaker 4:

History tells us that he is crucified for his faith and he requests to be crucified upside down, because he's not worthy to be crucified upside right, side up, like his master. Don't know if that's absolute. It's a history account. So is this? If he, we know he's crucified, let's, for the sake of argument, not make a thing about upside down.

Speaker 4:

But if he went willingly to the cross for his faith, is this the same Peter that denied he even knew Jesus Not too far in the past? Is it the same Peter who trembled when the soldiers showed up in the garden and, in a fit of anger, cut off the soldier's ear? Is this the same Peter who told Jesus look man, I'm ready to die for you. And as soon as the soldiers showed up, peter ran. Is this the same Peter? And if it's not, what changed him? What changed him? Did he turn over a new leaf? Was he reading a lot of self-help books? Listening to a lot of self-help books? Listening to a lot of messages? Did he study Norman Vincent Peale, how to win friends and influence people? Is that what happened, glory? I'll tell you what happened.

Speaker 4:

He attended a meeting in an upper room. He was endued with power from on high. He was baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire and it effected a change. It effected a change. Wasn't the same old Peter anymore? He had experienced that Pentecostal phrase we throw around Holy Ghost power. He experienced it, he knew what it was. Just like Peter, we, you can be changed and rearranged.

Speaker 4:

You know, we resist for a host of reasons. We resist for a host of reasons and sometimes we continue to struggle, thinking church is enough, reading our Bible is enough, doing righteous works is enough, and it seems that the hurt and the pain is. It just won't go away. Oh, it goes away for a little while, but it seems to resurface. Let me prophesy to you today the Holy Spirit is waiting, he's ready. He is ready to explode into radiant power through your life and through your ministry, through your personality and into your struggles. When the holy ghost is in control as that song, let your holy spirit come and take control. When he's in control, little things don't bother you quite as much. You see the big picture a little better. You pray through, you see results, your emotions get leveled out, hallelujah.

Speaker 4:

And if you're not sure about what I'm talking, or about if this experience is for you, or if you did or did not receive enough, or you received the baptism in 1986 and I'm good, I'll ask the same question that Peter asked on the upper coast have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed? The infilling is like fuel. Once isn't enough. I don't think I have to explain, but you know you can't fill up the tractor one time and it's good for a lifetime. You got to fill it again and again and again and again, hallelujah. Fill her up. If you've accepted Jesus, you're saved. If he's Lord in your life, your home, you're saved.

Speaker 4:

But if not, a lot has changed in your walk, if things are pretty much the status quo, if you still spend a lot of time in fear and doubt and darkness, if the Holy Spirit isn't an ever-present help in your life. Let me put it to you this way what do you got to lose? What do you got to lose If you'd like to join the supernatural power of James and John, peter, paul, mary the disciples, not the I'll invite you forward this morning to receive or to be refilled with this baptism of power. It's available to you today. All you need to do is ask Throw away, throw away those of you who come up, throw away the doubts, throw away the concerns, the fear. And here's what I'll tell you If you come, expecting you will.

Speaker 4:

You will not. You might. You will receive. Come in faith. How many of you know everything that God has for us, doesn't matter what it is. Everything he has is received by faith. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is no different. We receive it by faith. So I'll ask you, if you sense that need, would you come forward? A couple things I'll explain once you come up that I wish someone had explained to me. Amen, won't you come? Hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you. Most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We invite you to listen to next week's podcast fail.

Speaker 2:

He is almighty God, greater than all we need, greater than all we have. He has done great things defeated the grave, raised to life. Our God is able. In his name, we overcome. For the Lord, our God is with us and he is on our side and he will make a way, far above all we know, far above all we hope for. He has done great things Lifted up, he defeated the grave, raised to life. Our God is able.

Speaker 1:

God is able, he will never fail.

Speaker 2:

He is almighty God.

Speaker 1:

Greater than all we need, greater than all we have. He has done great things.

Speaker 2:

Lifted up, he defeated the grave. Raised to life. Our God is able. In His name, we overcome. In His name, we overcome for the Lord, our God is able. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Yes, lord, hey, god is with us. He will go before. He will never leave us. He will never leave us. God is for us, he has open arms. He will never fail us. He will never fail us. God is with us, he is with us. He will go before. He will never leave us. He will never leave us. God is for us. He has love and in arms. He will never fail us. He will never fail us. Lifted up, he defeated the grave. Sing it Raised to life. Our God is able. In his name, oh, we overcome. In the name of, oh, we overcome For the Lord, our God is able. Lifted up, he defeated the grave. Raised to life. Our God is able. In His name, we overcome For the Lord. Our God is able.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah. Sing it again. Lift it up, he defeated the grave. Raised to life. Our God is able and in His name, oh, we overcome For the Lord, our God is able. For the Lord, our God is able.