Valley Gospel

The Bridegroom

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 6
Embark with us on a spiritual odyssey at Valley Gospel Church Podcast, where we untangle the enigmatic threads of eschatology and the fervent expectation of Christ's return. Through the annals of history, believers have grappled with the allure of pinpointing the moment of Jesus' return, often facing the chill of disappointment. Our latest episode navigates these historical riptides, from the tumult of the year 1000 to the modern anxieties of Y2K, shining a light on the perils of date-setting while anchoring our souls in the steadfast hope of redemption as prophesied in Luke 21.

Feel the heartbeat of anticipation as we elucidate the distinctions between the rapture and the Second Coming, fostering a posture of spiritual preparedness over the futility of calendar gazing. We dissect past predictions that have led many astray, urging our listeners to embrace a readiness that transcends confusion and doubt. As we delve into the essence of Christian eschatology, we rekindle a flame of hope, painting a picture of the rapture not as a harrowing ordeal but as a reunion steeped in love, anticipating the Bridegroom's return with joy.

As our conversation culminates, we're reminded of the profound symbolism found in the ancient wedding tradition—a metaphor for the deep connection between Christ and His church. We close our discussion with a message that resonates with love and grace, celebrating the transformative power of the cross and the boundless love of Jesus. Through this episode, we extend an invitation to join an intimate reflection on His sacrifice, fortifying our faith in the majesty and glory of His coming.
Speaker 1:

Well, well, a God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open, he'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing, and you will not have the room to know not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive Him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church, worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania Church, worshiping in Spirit and in Truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 3:

Christy. Let's go to work A little over 1,400 years, I guess. There was happening in the world, and in America as well, that the world faced some of its darkest times. There was worldwide apostasy, there was Islam was growing exponentially, violence was increasing, crime was rampant, the people were panic-stricken and there was terrible calamities and plagues and pestilence and famine and wars and rumors of wars. But it seems some of the greatest reasons for panic was what was being preached at the time being preached at the time.

Speaker 3:

It was being preached by revival preachers and evangelists of that day that the return of Jesus would happen that year, that particular year, and actually it was 1,000, but it turned out to be 1,001. And that even kind of makes sense with Y2K, if you remember, there were signs in the moon and in the stars Super moons, blood moons, woof moons, woof moons, woof moons. And while preaching Jesus' return is what all preachers should do, the mistake was, they said it would happen in the year 1000. And as the year 1000 passed by, the belief that it would be the last year ever that Jesus was coming. And as the year ticked down, it grew to such proportions that people began to quit their jobs, building nearly ceased, people began emptying their savings accounts, digging up their treasure and spending all they had. The very rich began to move to Palestine. They began to move because maybe they would need help rebuilding the temple and they could be there when that happened.

Speaker 3:

But when the year clicked, from December 31st to January 1st and Jesus didn't come, there was no temple being rebuilt, the Dome of the Rock was still there. People returned to their jobs, returned to building. They were disappointed in their preachers, their teachers, their churches, feeling misled, feeling duped, because so many had lost, wasted, squandered all they had, everything they had, and there was no second coming, was no rapture, there was no return. The pendulum had swung. If you have your bibles, turn with chrissy, please, to luke 21, luke 21 beginning with 25. 25 through 28. Whenever you get there, please stand for the reading of God's word Luke 21 and 25.

Speaker 2:

And there shall be signs in the sun and in the moon, and in the stars and upon the earth. Distress of nations with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring men's hearts, failing them for fear and looking after those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven shall be shaken, and then they shall see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up and lift your heads, for your redemption draws nigh.

Speaker 3:

My the message that God has given me this morning is one of truth and hope and expectancy, without entering a realm of hype or deception or delusion In a message simply entitled you'll love it, colette the Bridegroom. Let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you for this glimpse into the present from a glimpse of the past, lord, and a glimpse into the future. Lord, thank you for your anointing. I ask you to anoint all your people here to hear and to receive your word. Lord. It is in the name of your precious, beloved, all-powerful Son. We pray. Amen and amen.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Please be seated. The bridegroom. The bridegroom. You know. I read that account about the year 1000 in a book on church history and you know what I found is I found in that church history that it wasn't an isolated incident, that people were always predicting and still are Jesus's return Almost every year. This is it. This is when he's coming In, 18, just a couple from that book in 1843, william Miller wrote in his book Evidence of Christ's Return that Jesus would definitively return in 1843.

Speaker 3:

When he didn't, mr Miller recalculated to 1847. And when that didn't happen, mr Miller became head of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. More recently, he was to return in 1947, then in 1988. You remember Sun, sunrise, rosh Hashanah. Jesus would come back on sunrise, rosh Hashanah. Then 2000,. Y2k. But that had to be recalculated because the next century actually didn't begin until 2001. So it was recalculated that he would return then. Then 2011,. Israel's Independence Day had to come. Then. Then 2012,. The end of the Mayan calendar. No more calendar. Jesus would come. Then the Jubilee years 2017, 2018, jubilee. Jesus has to come during Jubilee. Hallelujah Again with the wolf moons, the blood moons. Most recently, the solar eclipse. The eclipse While we absolutely know the rapture is imminent, that his returning is sure, that he can come back at any moment.

Speaker 3:

Date setting, time setting is a delusion. It's a delusion. In fact, it's a tool of the devil, and I'll explain why. Because the ramifications of date setting make us Christians doubtful. It makes us question If that woman who was all over the internet saying that you had to read Jeremiah and the eclipse was proven. It makes us complacent and doubtful and dependent on someone on the internet. We all know that we can believe everything that's on the internet right. Date setting is misleading. It is unscriptural, so that well-meaning, even sincere preachers stop preaching about his coming. There's just so much confusion I'm not going to touch it. I can't tell you the number of pastors that told me they leave the book of Revelation alone because there's so much confusion. We rarely preach on the rapture. I think the rapture should be talked about just about every day and their reasoning is that it's been so faked, so forged, so misassigned and that leads to confusion regarding the rapture and the second coming.

Speaker 3:

Is there a rapture and I'm going to talk about today? I'm going to talk about the rapture and the second coming. I'm going to kind of bounce back and forth between the two, but let me say this up front there are two separate, distinct events the rapture and the second coming. The rapture is imminent. It can happen at any moment. It can happen today, it can happen tomorrow, it can happen in any year.

Speaker 3:

That's when Jesus comes back for his church. Seven years later he comes back with us. At the second coming. At the rapture, his feet never touch the earth. We rise up to meet him in the air. At his second coming, he steps across the brook, kedron, hallelujah, at the base of the Mount of Olivet, glory, glory. But it seems to me that the two events get pushed together as one event. Because of all the confusion, because of all the misteachings, they get pushed together. Jesus is coming back, yet we don't know, we don't want to touch it. And then we hear the excuses.

Speaker 3:

Well, the Bible doesn't mention use the word rapture. Is there a rapture? And then it opens up a whole new can of worms. Is the rapture pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib? And nobody wants to deal with it. Nobody wants to deal with it, nobody wants to deal with it. That whole thing about pre-trib, post-trib is that will Jesus catch away his bride before all hell breaks loose, or will he catch away his bride in the middle of hell on earth, or after seven years of hell on earth.

Speaker 3:

Pre-tribbers say that the rapture is followed by the great tribulation, then a thousand years of peace. This is the basic difference. Post-tribbers say that we're going to go through the rapture and we're going to actually bring that peace by remaining true and righteous into the millennial reign. So many others say they have it all figured out. We have it all figured out, calculated logical. Figured out, calculated logical. We've run all the numbers, we got it, we know what's going to happen, we've done the math.

Speaker 3:

Your Bible doesn't say calculate. It doesn't say count. It doesn't say figure, multiply or divide. That's not what it says. Your Bible says be ever ready. Be ever ready, don't ignore what's coming because of false teaching or confusion or fake news. And I have to tell you I believe I'm bringing this message today so we won't be shaken, so we won't be deceived, so we won't be ignorant of his return. Let's just take a quick look at what the Apostle 2 Thessalonians 2 and 2. That ye, 2 Thessalonians 2 and 2, that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as it's from us Now, obviously, this is talking about the second coming of Christ. We will be with him.

Speaker 3:

Those that and what the apostle Paul is trying to say don't accept junk, don't listen to falsehoods. We're supposed to be grounded in the word, that we're not shaken by those things, that we know where they're from or that we at least see the flaw or the inconsistency in them. Those that set dates or events on moons or eclipses here's what they say and this is how we get duped. They say that, well, you know that exact time thing. No man knows the day nor the hour when the Son of man comes. Well, that's actually about time zones. I had it explained to me in great detail that it's about time zones. That's why the exact time can't be known, because what happens here at noon is actually 1 o'clock in the Midwest and it's actually 2 o'clock in the mountains. It's 3 o'clock on the West Coast. So that's the issue. There is no real issue as to setting times.

Speaker 3:

To believe that the next prediction by these supposed prognosticators, prophets, apostles, will be right, because now we don't have to deal with that. No man knows the day nor the time. You see what's happening. We have to remove that which hinders before we can bring falsehoods, before we can bring lies, and they will tell you that they're not contradicting scripture, because it's all about time zones. And we listen to every false prognosticator.

Speaker 3:

And let me say this we listen, you'll notice that these fortune tellers present the rapture in some kind of fear. Right, if you've listened to any of them, it's always frightening and it comes from a misinterpretation of Matthew 24, that is speaking of the rapture. Two will be in the field, one will be taken, one will be left. What's more frightening than you and your buddy out working in the field and he's gone? A husband and wife will be in bed. The husband will, I'm assuming it's that way. The husband will wake up and the wife is gone. One taken, one left, left behind, left behind Left, left behind Left behind. Alright, lord? Then if you listen to Perry Stone, you take the two in the field, add to that the one in the bed, and it's the number of the people of the garden, and if you add the serpent in, it equals three, which is the number of the Trinity. So therefore, come on, perry, please.

Speaker 3:

A trumpet blast. Planes crashing, loved ones weeping, horrible crashes, disaster, explosions, fear and trembling. So the majority of Christianity lives today, dreading his return, dreading the rapture, praying that there is no trumpet blast, that there is no trumpet blast, that there is no final call, that there is no last chime. That's not what this morning's message is about. That's not what our message is about. What does the rapture mean to those who love his appearing? They're looking forward to twirling. What does it mean? What does the rapture mean to those who fully understand and to fully understand we need to revisit the ascension.

Speaker 3:

When Jesus left this planet, stay with me today, acts 1. We just studied this not too long ago. This is some good stuff today, acts 1 and 4. And, being assembled together with them, commended them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father which saith he ye have heard of me For John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. I can't skip any For John. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him saying Lord, wilt thou, at this time, restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father hath put in his own power, but ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you. No-transcript. Two men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye, men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come, in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven. I know. Long, greeting but important.

Speaker 3:

Jesus gathers his followers here to witness his ascension, his return to heaven, to the Father. While he calls only estimate 120 or so, some 400 to 500 show up, history tells us, and witness him leaving this planet from the Mount of Olivet. I'm guessing the vast majority wanted to see what was going to happen. To see what was going to happen. Jesus tries to explain what was happening, that he was leaving, going back to the Father, and they wouldn't see him again in this earthly life. But human minds couldn't comprehend, they couldn't get it. Was he going to die on this mountain? Was he going to be buried on the Mount of Olivet? Would he just disappear, vaporize? Have to see what's going to happen. Would the angels come to get him? Would it be an Elijah chariot of fire?

Speaker 3:

Jesus gathers his followers for his departure from this world the same way that he's gathering his disciples for his return. That's why it's so important to look at the ascension. And the same question could be asked Will we get it? Will we understand? Jesus said I'm going away, I'll be back, and you should rejoice if you love me. I'm going away, I'll be back. If you love me, rejoice. He is even now gathering his people, who he has commanded them to rejoice, and he's coming again, just as he left. Just as he left.

Speaker 3:

He's gathering followers worldwide, in Springdale, in New Kensington, in Harmerville, in Russia, in Ukraine, in Israel, in small churches, in denominational churches, in homes, in fellowships, in studies. So what is it, pastor, that's happening? What is it that's happening now? And here's the answer, as God gave it to me Christians everywhere are responding to the call of the Holy Spirit, kurt. They're responding to come up hither, responding to come up hither, responding to the midnight cry. Glory, christians that have heard the trumpet. Come on, pastor. You know that churches are closing. Four out of five churches are closing their doors. Every day, christianity is decreasing, churches are losing their membership. That's so, that's true.

Speaker 3:

But the Bible says there is a coming together at the same time, the same time as would come a falling away. God's raising up a remnant. He always Chrissy, he always has a remnant. Hmm, hallelujah. Christians that are ready to meet the bridegroom, despite having heard of the calamity to come, the judgment that will fall, so frightening that men's hearts will fail them. But the command is rejoice. Rejoice, not the fear, but rejoice. The very powers of heaven and of earth shall be shaken as we see them happening right now. We see them coming to pass in this time. He said when you see these things, don't cry, don't cower. Look up. Your redemption draws nigh. Hallelujah, rejoice, rejoice. Jesus is coming. If I had a PowerPoint message, I have to be honest with you. I don't know what that is. I, in full view of his disciples, his followers and the general public, shall return, as promised, to the same place, in the same manner that he left. Why is that a PowerPoint? Here's what I think a PowerPoint is.

Speaker 3:

Mary was flesh and blood, jesus' mother, flesh and blood. She gave birth to flesh and blood. Flesh and blood. While flesh very little blood was entombed. Flesh and blood, however, was nailed to the cross. Flesh and blood rose again. Thomas put his hand in flesh and blood. Flesh and blood ascended to the Father in heaven.

Speaker 3:

Jesus didn't vaporize. Flesh and blood was lifted into heaven on a cloud, out of their sight. Oh, what a sight that must have been. But you're going to see a better sight. A better sight, but I think about that day. A glorified body, brand new, no aches, no pains, no limitations, lit up, radiating in resurrection power, garments of dazzling white lifted up, unfurled in the breeze as he rises toward heaven. Breeze as he rises toward heaven. Face Jesus' face upturned, coming home Dad, coming home, my Slowly, maybe then faster, until he was out of their sight. Eyes fixed on him. In just a moment he was gone. Hmm.

Speaker 3:

1 Thessalonians, just a moment. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 13. Which have no hope, for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again. Even so, them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you, by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep, for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, shout, with the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words Hallelujah, the redeemed of the Lord will see him. I don't know that the unredeemed will recognize. I believe they will explain it as an anomaly, a UFO, a weather balloon, but his coming will be revealed to his bride. Hallelujah, hallelujah To his bride. Hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

How many of you remember this when you were little and you heard the bells of the ice cream truck? He was still a mile away, but you heard him. You heard the bells. Your mom didn't, your dad definitely didn't hear them, but as a kid you heard them. I heard them, so did every kid in the neighborhood. I'm hearing the sound of bells. I'm hearing the wind beginning to blow. I hear the rustling and the going of a mulberry tree. Hmm, but first, but first, the trumpet. The trumpet, the last call call, the last chime. I believe it's a Christian awakening, a Christian awakening. If it hasn't already sounded, it soon will. The voice of my beloved, my bridegroom, hmm, of my beloved, my bridegroom, arabelle, said it actually made me feel really good, but she said it a couple of years ago and she said she still gets excited when she hears my truck in the gravel of the parking lot. I'm hearing the bells. I'm hearing the bells. I'm hearing the sound, hallelujah, hallelujah. You and I will have a sense of his coming. The bride hears the groom coming In ancient times.

Speaker 3:

It's really interesting because in ancient times. It's really interesting because in ancient times at a wedding, there was two hands at work. Here. One was one of secrecy. You didn't know when it was going to happen. You didn't know when the groom was going to show up, when he was coming to pick up the bride. But on the other other hand, it was just the opposite. A mile before he got to the bride's house, the call would go out the bridegroom comes, the bridegroom comes, hallelujah. One had to do with this secrecy and the other one had to do with this revelation Of truth Of what was to come. The call went up Behold, the bridegroom comes. He will come quickly and you and I, we will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.

Speaker 3:

How many of you know that the I know I'm starting to stutter that the Greek word for air is in, that we will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. The Greek word for air is air as well, but it's spelled A-E-R as opposed to A-I-R, and its actual translation is a layer of the atmosphere. One mile or less to earth, one mile or less. Jesus will descend to within a mile or less of this earth and we, the church, his bride, will rise to meet him. Glory, but what? Here's what I want to focus on.

Speaker 3:

But what will it be like a year, a month, a week, before he appears? What will that time be like? See, now we sense his presence. Right, you know, I heard the worship team this morning say don't want to leave his presence yet. Hold on, we don't want to leave yet.

Speaker 3:

We sense his presence in what seems to me like ever-increasing measure, in worship, in our study, in our word. And I don't know about you, but sometimes his presence is so strong that it seems to me that he's on the platform in person, that it seems like he's in the pews. It seems like I can see him sitting in the corner just listening, that I can feel him in the truck or in the car. Sometimes his glory is so strong that we can't stand. Sometimes his glory is so strong that you gotta shout, that you gotta whistle sometimes. So what will it be like just prior to his physical appearance? And that presence, I believe, will intensify day by day as his presence draws nearer, as his return draws nearer, as his return Comes closer, where Christians begin to encourage One another With like minded anticipation Don't want to miss church, can't miss church.

Speaker 3:

Not too worried about the business Aspect of church, can't miss church. Not too worried about the business aspect of church. But Christians who stand steadfast and strong Preachers who are preaching the kingdom Glory, more concerned with kingdom business than church business, looking for and awaiting our king, our bridegroom, looking for a city not made with hands. And when he appears, not only shall we be like him, we will see him as he is, you and I who make up his church. The bride. No fear, no fear, no, oh, we've got to watch the wolf moon. No fear, no fear.

Speaker 3:

While we don't know the exact time, we don't know the exact moment he will appear, it won't be a surprise. I think that's the crux of this message. It will not be a surprise. That day will not overtake those of us who are ready. You know why? Because we're expecting him. You know the mantra from from Luke 19, and I understand it is occupied till he comes. And I understand that the meaning is the world. This world is not our home, and that's true. But it seems to me that it's being interpreted as hunker down, endure until he comes, sit idly by until he comes. It's not, it's get ready, get ready, getting ready. It's preparation for the bridegroom. It's unwrapping that self-ambition in our lives, the worldly dreams, leaving the worries of this world behind To those who look for him.

Speaker 3:

Shall he appear the second time, unto salvation, without sin. Glory, not to atone for sin, barbie, but to triumph over it. Glory, not to atone for sin, barbie, but to triumph over it. Glory, this time, not a lamb led to slaughter, not a sheep to her shearers. Jesus is coming back as commander-in-chief I'm sorry, I'm shouting Commander-in-chief of his Revelation. Army, full battle gear, garments, dazzling white, gleaming sword, astride, a great white stallion, leader of leaders, general of generals, king of kings and lord of lords, my, my, his vestures soaked in blood. This same Jesus who left his planet quietly so many years ago, in front of a crowd not much bigger than a single A baseball game. But he will return with a shout. But he will return with a shout. He will return in full view of every believer that knows him as Lord. Not quietly, not in secret, for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout. That shout will at least be heard by every believer. The bridegroom comes. The bridegroom comes. Every blood-bought believer from every time and age, saints of old, apostles, your grandmother, your grandfather, your mother, your husband, your wife, your son or your daughter, hallelujah, will hear that trumpet and the shout. They'll see the host of angels, they'll hear the cry of the archangel. The bridegroom comes, the son of man, the triumphant one, the deliverer, the savior, the king, the archinsman redeemer, the champion of champions.

Speaker 3:

I listened to a study on the rapture and the preacher said that his interpretation of the rapture of the church would that it would be a quiet, private, personal event, not noticed by anyone other than those who are a part of that. And in closing I just want to think about that for a second. The dead in Christ shall rise first. Private, quiet event. Cemeteries all over the world will push up six feet of earth like giant ground moles. Caskets will open, urns will pop their top, mausoleums will crumble, all to the thunderous ovation of all those corpses, all those ashes, all those body parts that have been reconstructed, reconfigured, receiving glorified bodies on their way, hearing again for the first time, maybe in a hundred thousand years, thousand years, seeing again for the first time, breathing again, each one of them's getting their shout back as they rise up to meet the bridegroom. To meet the bridegroom. We which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, being applauded by those who went before us, by the ones who have already risen. You made it, brother. You made it sister. Hallelujah. Like Stephen, while he was being stoned, while he was being killed, crushed with rocks dropped from 20 feet on top of him, while that was happening, he saw Jesus standing applauding him. Well done, stephen. Well done, stephen. Well done, being applauded. We will be being applauded by the already risen dead. You made it through some tough times.

Speaker 3:

My, my, how quiet will we be? How quiet will we be? How quiet? How quiet will you be, colette, when you see Eddie at some point? How quiet, oh, hello, edward. Is that what it'll be? Hello, edward, it's good to see you again. No, we're going to shout, kevin. How quiet will you be when you see Patty? How quiet will you be when you see Patty? How quiet will you be? Will it be demure and constrained?

Speaker 3:

All of this will take place less than 5,000 feet above this earth. My angels, angels, are being sent to every corner of the world so that one child will not be left behind. Not one child left behind. I know we hear that all the time about a different thing. This is the real deal. Not one child left behind. And as every convoy goes up, every wave, the cheer goes up.

Speaker 3:

The bridegroom comes. The bridegroom comes. He desires to be with us. I mentioned about the whirling dervish earlier in our dance with the Lord. His desire is to be with you. Look it up, it's John 17. That's his desire. He said I will those that you've given me to be with. I will be with them. I will when we all get to heaven. What a day of rejoicing that will be. Where is heaven? Well, it's just. If you listen to some evangelist, they'll tell you what planet you turn left at. Wherever the bridegroom is, that's heaven. Wherever he is I don't know where it is, I don't know where it'll be. Wherever the bridegroom is, that will be heaven, and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Speaker 3:

Don't worry about dates or books or wolf moons or blood moons, or look at any moment for Jesus to come. Listen to every moment. Leave the time to the Father. Leave the time to the Father. Leave that date to the Father and don't look at it with fear. Live every day like he's coming in half an hour, like that's all you have. Until that time. Let's us be about building the wall of Zion. Amen, hallelujah. Thank you so much for listening. Glory to your name, hallelujah. Thank you so much for listening Glory to your name, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, we pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast.

Speaker 4:

Here is love fast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood Of life, unransomed shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten throughout Heaven's eternal days. On the mount of crucifixion, fountains open, deep and wide. Through the floodgates of God's mercy Float a vast and gracious tide Grace and love, like mighty rivers poured incessant from above, above. Oh, heaven's peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love.

Speaker 4:

Here is love, church, here is love. Vast as the ocean, lovingkindness as the flood. When the Prince of life, our ransom, shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember and who can cease to sing His praise? Oh, he can never be forgotten Throughout heaven's eternal days of crucifixion, fountains open, deep and wide. Through the flood gates of God's mercy flow the vast and gracious tide grace and love, like a guilty world in love. Who His love will not remember and who can cease to sing His praise? Oh, he can never be forgotten Throughout heaven's eternal days. Grace and love, like mighty rivers poured incessant from above. Heaven's peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love.