Valley Gospel

Let's Go to Work

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 5

Embark on a nostalgic journey to 2006 with us as we celebrate the origins of Valley Gospel Church amidst the vibrant tapestry of that year's events. Discover how, without passing an offering plate, we witnessed miraculous provisions that have sustained our church, setting a precedent for faith-based reliance on God's generosity. As we recount those early days in Harmerville, feel the fervor of a congregation dedicated to the baptism in the Holy Ghost and to serving as a spiritual urgent care center, all while staying true to our independent full gospel roots.

Feel the weight of anticipation and responsibility as we discuss the critical role of the church in the days leading up to Christ's Second Coming. Imagine a history where Israel had embraced Jesus as the Messiah and ponder Elijah's prophetic significance in these crucial times. This conversation is an urgent call to action, inspiring believers to spread the Gospel fervently, preparing hearts and minds for the Day of the Lord. Through prayerful introspection, our community seeks to align with God's purpose, embracing the profound privilege of being His hands and feet in the world.

The final call of this episode is for true watchmen in the church—courageous individuals who dare to confront spiritual complacency and stand guard against corruption. We reflect on the transformative power of God's word and the role of the Holy Spirit in shaping a vigilant community at Valley Gospel Church. Our plea is for a church that is repentant, spirit-filled, and dedicated to holiness, a remnant endowed with wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. Together, let's navigate our path back to Jesus, embracing His salvation and guidance with open hearts.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, god will open, He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open, he your open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing and you will not have the room to know, not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive Him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, Welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church, worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, Pennsylvania.

Speaker 3:

I'd like to look back not too far, just far enough back to 2006, back to the year Valley Gospel Church opened its doors in Harmerville and I'm going to borrow a page from Greg Laurie's book in Harvest Church. In 2006, george Bush was our president. In 2006, the Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Seattle Seahawks at Ford Field in Detroit, michigan, in Super Bowl XL. Super Bowl XL. I saw Super Bowl 40. Super Bowl 40. I saw a Super Bowl 1. Wow, wow, carolina Hurricanes won the Stanley Cup. Penn State beat Florida State in the Orange Bowl. The song of the year, teddy, was If You're Going Through Hell, the picture of the year 2006, was Brokeback Mountain, was Brokeback Mountain. Black Sabbath, leonard Skinner, herb Elford were all inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Twitter was born. Old lefty himself, phil Mickelson won the Masters. Old lefty himself, phil Mickelson won the Masters.

Speaker 3:

And Valley Gospel Church opened the doors on April 1st 2006. As Carol pointed out, a concert on a Saturday night. Steph put it together. We had a house of 180 people. The next Sunday morning for church 10.30, we had 8 people me, arabelle, carol, jenny, steph I might be missing a couple Arabelle's mother, my mother, and while the details of the early establishment, I guess, of Valley Gospel are plentiful and God's hand was moving.

Speaker 3:

Holy Spirit manifestations abounded and I try to share some of those. But I don't want to live in eustace. You know what a eustace is. We used to do that, we used to have a move of God, and I don't want to live in eustace because we're moving forward. We need to move forward under a fresh anointing, drinking new wine, anxiously awaiting the return of our God, who was the same God in 2006 that he is in 2024. However, you know, it's good sometimes to do a little review. It's good to do a little look back every so often to ensure that we are where the Lord has called us to be and that we are the same, with certainly modern changes, but we're the same church that he called.

Speaker 3:

Then the Lord gave me a couple of directives when we opened prior to us opening actually, and how the church was to be established and how we were to operate. And one is and I always share this that I thought oh boy, I'm going to be a pastor and I get to turn in my rake for and I don't need and I think I've told you he said slow your roll, pastor, you're going to work for a long time but we weren't in the instruction, we weren't to pass an offering plate, and that came with a whole lot of pushback from a lot of people Said you can't do that, you'll never make it, this isn't going to work. You have to make sure that you take a. And I stuck to what God had showed me and all we had was a basket in the back of the church, in the vestibule.

Speaker 3:

Rarely, if ever, mentioned it and that he told me if I would do that and if I taught correctly, that the congregation would know their responsibility and you wouldn't have to tell them. Now we've adapted that just a little bit with the beautiful boxes Jeff made that are out in the vestibule. Actually they were in Armourville, but it's the same concept. There's a basket out there and I think what's important is whether it was in Harmerville or here. We've not only never wanted for anything, we've never lacked anything. Everything that we needed to get or get done was accomplished miraculously, you know the congregation in Harmerville wasn't exactly an affluent, wasn't?

Speaker 3:

Harmerville wasn't exactly an affluent neighborhood. He moved us here, which isn't a really affluent neighborhood either. It's an extremely rich. I don't think any of us in here today live in a million dollar house or drive a $200,000 car, but God has provided not only in abundance but in excess. You know, when we needed to put on the roof, he gave us enough that we could buy windows. It's just been incredible.

Speaker 3:

Secondly, in the instructions I was instructed every other month to preach on the mighty baptism in the Holy Ghost and to give him free reign in God's house, opportunity from time to time for believers to receive this mighty baptism of power with the evidence of speaking with other tongues. I believe I have done that. I was ordered to treat this church sometimes as an urgent care center, that is, that he would send folks from all walks of life, people that make mistakes, people that fall short in bondages, in alternative lifestyles, and that we were to receive them in love. But we were to tell them the truth, without compromise, without fear, without favor. Oh, yeah, yeah. We were back in our formative year or two, probably the first year. We were approached by several denominations that wanted to be our umbrella, our blanket, so to speak. We were approached by the Assembly of God Parachurch, pentecostal Holiness, the God parachurch, pentecostal holiness, and it was so full of rules and regulations. But I have to let me back up just a minute because I need to tell you that I was kind of I'm going to sit down. I was kind of I wanted to have a denomination. I came from an independent Pentecostal church and I saw the flaws, much like Carol talked about the Sister Jo, and I saw the flaws, I saw the inconsistency, I saw the failing. So I wanted that denominational oversight. And the Assembly of God parachurch came in and they said, yeah, we're happy to give you the Bible study material, the Sunday school material, the church oversight, the doctrinal oversight. So we're all preaching the same thing. And there was even a stipulation for a pastoral retirement, some financial stipend. And it was and I was talking to them, it was in California, actually was the home of this parachurch. And they said well, you know, your church has to tithe to us. You and your wife have to specifically tithe to us and we require that you take a picture every Sunday of the congregation so we know how many are there, because we get. I forget what. It was $5 a head for everybody that was there and I was still. I was thinking, okay, I can do this, I just wanted that oversight.

Speaker 3:

We had a visitor. He wanted to come and take some. I'll shorten that oversight. We had a visitor. He wanted to come and take some. I'll shorten the story. But he wanted to take some pictures of the church in Harmerville. Seeing, it was a 152-year-old building and we were still worshiping in it and all the history and you know that they were actually worshiping in that church during the civil war and I loved that building. I, if god wouldn't have pushed me out, I'd still be there.

Speaker 3:

But a man said I want to take some pictures. He was, he identified himself that he was from some publication and we were busy, it just opened or were just opening, I'm not real strong on the date of it. But this man pulls in in a Corvair that was smoking and he had on a trench coat, a Columbo trench coat, and we opened the door so he could come in and take some pictures. And this Columbo guy comes in. He's a little, he looked like George Costanza, if you know who that is, but he come wheeling into the parking lot, corvair, smoking like crazy, walks into the church, pulls this camera out of his pocket like does that, takes a couple of pictures. That wasn't his interest. Walks up to me. We're kind of just waiting at the vestibule, my son and I, because we're at work. We have to go and do landscape work, and this George Costanza guy comes back and he pokes me in the chest hard and said who ordained you? Now I got to tell you I'm just a regular guy and I bristled a little bit.

Speaker 3:

My son turned the hat around. He was ready to go to war and he does it again. He said I asked you a question, who ordained you? I said God ordained me. He said that's right. He said don't ever forget that. He said God's called you to this work. Don't seek man's approval, don't look for. He spun around in that and it was dirty. The trench coat coll. It was dirty, the trench coat call. It was dirty. And spun around, walked back out to his car. It's car's smoking like crazy. He turns around and said boys, we heard from the Lord today. Never heard from him again, never saw him again. Tried to look up his articles Nothing there. And I better get back to the message.

Speaker 3:

But I believe that we have tried to do everything that God has called us to do. We have tried to be obedient in our structure, in what we do to prepare the body of Christ, to prepare the body of Christ, and I pray, and I ask you to pray for me, that my obedience, my leadership, is always in obedience to one Amen, not a denomination. My obedience is to one Amen, amen. Sorry to take you on that little trail. You know, I ask Christa every Sunday. Every Sunday I said Christy, let's go to work, let's go to work, christy. That's true for her, but it's also true for all of us. It's true for all of us that have been called to work for God, to put our agenda to the side, to put his agenda first, that we put his feelings before ours, that we move forward from salvation, and I always think that, as opposed to a missionary church where we're out seeking the lost, and certainly that's what we're all about, but it might be, I think, as Carol pointed out, more about teaching a proper doctrine, more about getting believers to understand where God is, what he wants, what he desires of you and I, and certainly that's all in an effort to spread this gospel for a witness to all the world, because then shall the end come, and that's the direction of this morning's message.

Speaker 3:

Two readings, Two readings in the book of Isaiah Isaiah 58, one and the other ones in Isaiah 62. We'll just jump from one to the other, but I always think about this and let me just share this with you quickly as a preface that I think about. What if Israel Would have accepted Jesus as the Messiah, like the first time he came and presented? John the Baptist Prepared their hearts to receive. What if the religious of the day, the clergy of the day, would have said that's him, he's the one, that's the one we've been waiting for. What if all the priests would have lined up and said he's the Messiah? What if they would have received the mighty infilling of the Holy Ghost that was meant for Israel in the first place? Would his kingdom have manifested in what we're going to read right now regarding Elijah? Would that have happened way back then? And I got to tell you I don't know the answer to that, but it's really interesting to think about. So, isaiah 58 and 1, and then 62, 6 and 7.

Speaker 2:

Cry aloud, spare, not lift up your voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sins 62.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I have set watchmen upon your walls, o Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace, day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, keep not silent and give him no rest till he establish, until he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.

Speaker 3:

My, my, my, my, my, my.

Speaker 3:

The Old Testament closes with a really exciting prophecy in the book of Malachi 4. Behold, I will send Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Lord. That Elijah the prophet would be manifested in some realm, some way, and he would come prior to the great and dreadful day of the Lord. Some think, some teach that it was John the Baptist, and I've always struggled with that because he's specific Great and dreadful day of the Lord. The first time Jesus came wasn't dreadful, nor was it the day of the Lord. I believe he's speaking of just prior to his second coming. That Elijah would come To make the people ready for the coming of the Lord, turn the wicked to turn the lost, the bound back to or to the Lord. Malachi, isaiah. Others speak of true men and women of God fulfilling their anointing, fulfilling their calling just prior to Jesus' return. And I'd like to use for a subject what I say to Chrissy every Sunday let's go to work, let's pray, heavenly Father, thank you, lord, lord, we praise you. We are so privileged, we are so privileged, we are so honored. I am so personally, I am so awestruck to serve you in this time, in this day. Lord, lord, I look for your appearing at any moment, at every moment. Lord, I ask your anointing on your people to hear and to receive this truth, your truth in Jesus' mighty name. Amen and amen, hallelujah, hallelujah. This dreadful day of the Lord that Malachi spoke of, I believe unequivocally that it's speaking of Jesus' second coming, his return. It's dreadful, unlike the first Advent Christmas, when he first came, because the wrath of the Father will fall on the disobedient, the unholy, the wicked, holy the wicked. A day where the ungodly, the Bible tells us, will cry to the rocks and the mountains to fall on them in order to hide from the one who sits on the throne, the one who will judge all unbelief and this sounds like a misnomer the terrible wrath of the lamb. The wrath of the lamb that doesn't even compute right, that's like the wrath of a kitten. Hmm, before that day comes, the Holy Spirit raises up, and this is exactly how the Holy Spirit explained it to me that he will raise up and company An Elijah company, a company of anointed men and women who are consecrated, who are dedicated, who are discerning, who are fearless in the face of any evil, any wickedness, and they have no fear, no compromise in order to warn of sin, of false doctrine, of false Christs, of other Gospels of righteousness and the impending judgment that comes and what precedes that by seven years the rapture of the church.

Speaker 3:

Watch people. Malachi called them Watch people. I know it says watch men, but it actually refers to both men and women. It's not so. I'm going to call them watch people today, not in search.

Speaker 3:

Watch people who are not in search of an earthly kingdom, who are not worried about building an earthly edifice or spreading to more camp eye, simply doing what the Lord called us to do. These watch people let me clarify you watch people. You watch people like Abraham, looking for a city not made with hands, mama, whose builder and maker is God. These watch people are detached from the world. Yeah, we still have worldly things to do. We still have to do what we have to do in order to make a living, to support our families, but we are detached from the world.

Speaker 3:

The state of the political condition of this world doesn't bother him too much. It isn't all consuming. The results of an election isn't paramount. The economy is not a cause for emotional distress. Not too excited by global cooling or global warming. While they're good stewards, they're not obsessed with. Save the trees, save the whales, save the polar bears. I really don't care about the New Zealand field mouse, old mouse, because Christ reigns over you watch people. Christ reigns over these watch people as sovereign Lord and King, unafraid to sound an alarm about any teaching that isn't centered on Christ and him crucified.

Speaker 3:

These watch people are being raised out of nowhere and out of everywhere. My. They're outside the mainstream, and maybe that's why I told you the story about our beginnings. The mainstream, and maybe that's why I told you the story about our beginnings. They're outside of the mainstream denominational system. They bow, they behold to no one, not money, not an institution, not Missouri, not North Carolina, any group or religious institution. This group of watch people worship in spirit and in truth.

Speaker 3:

Ma, let me, I'm going to read something to you that's going to make you shout, because it makes me shout Luke, luke 3. I think Luke 3. Luke 3. Hmm, hmm, what? The? Hmm? Annas, luke 3 and 2, just a real short verse, but it makes me shout. And here's why, annas and Caiaphas being the high priests, but the word of God came unto John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. You say, why does that make you shout, pastor. It makes me shout because the Holy Spirit bypassed an entire religious system.

Speaker 3:

He, he bypassed the church, he bypassed the recognized pulpit of the day, bypassed religious schools, seminaries, he bypassed the rabbinical norm, he bypassed Pharisees and scribes and clergy and even the priesthood, and even the priesthood, and he sent his word to a watch person. He sent his word to a watch person way out in the woods. Way out in the woods, away from pomp, away from church bells and programs. John was so far out of the religious norm, away from religious big shots and pious church officials. John was wearing torn jeans before torn jeans were popular. He didn't attend the seminary of the day. In John's closet there were no sweater vests.

Speaker 3:

John was ordained and anointed and appointed by the Holy Spirit alone, alone. He was non-materialistic. In other words, he couldn't be swayed, he couldn't be bought, no amount of money. He was happy with honey and grasshoppers, good enough. He was separated.

Speaker 3:

John was consumed by a vision. That vision was singular and all-encompassing. Somebody's coming. Somebody's coming. That was his mission. Somebody's coming. Somebody's coming to latch at Abu's shoes. I'm not even worthy to untie, I'm just fooling around with water. He'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire, somebody's coming. So it was with Elijah.

Speaker 3:

Elijah Ahab, king of Israel at the time. Bible says that Ahab provoked God like no king before him. In other words, he just ticked the Lord off. Elijah stood alone against this ungodly king and his wife Jezebel. Jezebel right, he said as the Lord lives, I stand with God. And if you research that and study it out and I don't want to take all that time this morning but he didn't care what the culture was of that day, he didn't care what society was of that day. He was a watchman, shut away with God, like you all, a body of awakened saints who refuse to be bought, who refuse to be swayed or buy in or to be tainted by the tradition and unscriptural teachings of men.

Speaker 3:

A true word doesn't come from high-minded philosophy. It doesn't come from oh, the way we turn a phrase or intellectual reasoning. A true word doesn't come from religious hierarchy. It doesn't trickle down from Missouri. A true word comes as the Holy Spirit turns on the bright lights and allows us to see truth that we may not have seen before, have seen before Hallelujah. They go directly to the source.

Speaker 3:

These watchmen weeping after truth, seeking this pearl of great price, not living a double lifestyle. These watchmen no secret sin that we drive to another county so no one will recognize us In order to indulge no secret lover. These watch people are learning the very character of God, and I think maybe that's the core of the ministry God's called us to to learn the character of God, his mercy toward repentance, that it doesn't matter what we've done or how ugly we've been or how evil we've. If we're in repentance, he's there with open arms. If we're in repentance, he's there with open arms. This august God of the universe, who created everything, is still the guy that's going to grab Teddy in a headlock and go okay, teddy, come on in, have mercy.

Speaker 3:

So who are these watch people? You, you are this ragtag bunch that comes from all walks of life, all places. You are these watch people because you have stood before the Lord, you have stood in his presence, you have encountered, you have encountered this king and you can declare the righteous power and judgment of God. In fact, he's telling you that's what you need to do. You need to declare his power against idolaters, against false teachers, doctrines of devils and demons, discerning what is of God and what is of flesh. How do we know? How do we know? It's what Jamie asked this morning. How do we know, how do we discern between this nice-sounding sermon, gospel, supposed? How do we know what is of flesh, what is of spirit, and how do we know which to proclaim? Look, he isn't calling, we aren't.

Speaker 3:

And I've been called this a lot, spiritually arrogant. We're not arrogant. We're not proud, we're just as bold as lions. You watchmen, now and in the past, including the first century, you've been called troublemakers. Since the beginning You've been branded as a troublemaker and an elitist. We've been called all the time. We're called an elitist. That elitist church up on the hill doesn't like our Snoopy characters. We've been called elitist by the shopping mall churches that we're sowing disunity, that discord in our criticism, not of people, our criticism of doctrine, of what we're teaching, and that we should all just get along, regardless of any doctrinal disputes, unified, at any cost. In other words, if you're teaching that the Holy Spirit, baptism, passed away in the first century, oh, we just see it different. We don't see it different because you're doing a disservice to your people. In fact, you're leaving them helpless.

Speaker 3:

Here I have a firearm for you, but no magazine, nothing to put in it. You can use it as a hammer, I guess, or the cross isn't the means to salvation, or that Jesus isn't the only way. I'm sorry, we can't get along, not doctrinally I can get along with you, I can get along with most people, but doctrinally I can't get along with a preacher or a minister or a pastor who says Jesus isn't the only way, because this book declares he is, he is the only way. And they tell us and I've been told at meetings which is why I don't go anymore but I've been told in pastoral meetings that we should accept it as just a different way. And these Christian brothers and sisters just interpret doctrine differently than you do. Hmm, all right, we'll think about that. John 7. John 7 and 7. The world cannot hate you, but me it hateth. Verse 7. We're not going to get along. We're not going to get along with the world. I'm not going to get along with a church that teaches false doctrine. Troublers, troublers, that's who we are. We infuriate, backslidden church leaders, we infuriate fallen Christians.

Speaker 3:

When Ahab went out to meet Elijah, when he went out to confront him and Elijah went through some stuff, he was worried about Jezebel, but when Ahab went out to meet Elijah, he accused him of being the cause for division and strife among God's people. That's what the king did. The king went out and said look, you're causing all this division. You're the one that's doing this. After all, the people were very happy linking arms with the world. They were happy not having the entire truth. They were happy not having to believe that Jesus could come at any moment. They were happy with the political leaders, with this new culture of inclusion. They were happy with that.

Speaker 3:

And Elijah was the problem. Well, elijah wouldn't bend, he wouldn't cower, he wouldn't bow before a system that has been steeped in complacency and rebellion. Elijah boldly proclaims to Ahab no king, you're the problem, you're the cause of the division in this, because you have forsaken the Lord to follow Balaam. You're the problem. So, all right, I'm getting to the message now. So who are these real troublers in today's church? Who are these troublemakers? Who are these dividers? It's not the watchmen, as these churches boldly claim. In fact, the watchmen are weeping over the abominations that are going on in the churches today. It's not the ones who expose false doctrine. It's not this Elijah company that testifies against religious leaders.

Speaker 3:

Division in the church. If you don't get anything else, get this. Division in the church is always caused by compromise. It's always caused by compromise, whether it be a social gospel, a crossless Christianity, watering down the message, teaching heresy. In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul teaches that we, the watchmen, are to mark those that are causing division and avoid them. Mark them and avoid them. What could that mean? It means just this Wherever they're at TV, radio, print, brick and mortar, building, we can't support them.

Speaker 3:

We can't support them, even if you like their stories, even if you like the music, even if you like their appearance.

Speaker 3:

You know there's some televangelists that I've always liked to listen to, just because of the way they told the story, or Mike Murdoch or Jesse Duplantis, but their doctrine is so far askew and so off the word, specifically prosperity that I can't listen anymore. I can't even get a good Mike Murdoch story about Southwest Bible College, where he went to school, and I can't listen because doctrine creeps in. I don't care if you think you're above this or that doesn't bother me or I don't go in for that. Doctrine creeps in. And if we listen to that prosperity and if it sounds pretty or the music is good or the preacher spins the yarn yarn really well, that doctrine creeps in. And let me tell you, these men and women serve their own interests. They serve money and power and religious authority. That's what they do, and when that interest is threatened, when that interest is threatened, when we preach against or teach against those who are in this for monetary reasons, the, whether it's, whether it's the God guys or Osteen or Warren, the cry goes up divider.

Speaker 3:

Disunity, unity at any cost. And they cite biblical principles and this is the part I wanted to get across. I guess Biblical principles about unity among the brethren, whether it's 1 Corinthians, ephesians 4, 133rd Psalm, a whole host of Bible verses that talk about unity among the brethren. But you have to be careful, because that unity of which the Bible speaks isn't unity with religion. That unity that the Bible speaks of is talking about being unified in truth, about being unified in the gospel. You know, don't we see it in today's culture? And I think about this the forced culture, the forced culture that's happening now, that you can't watch a commercial, you can't watch anything without two guys kissing or two girls kissing, and they're forcing this culture, and that we are forced and obligated to hear and receive that message and we're afraid to speak against it. Hear and receive that message and were afraid to speak against it.

Speaker 3:

The acceptance of same-sex marriage they just love each other the acceptance of boys and girls' bathrooms or of transitioning from supposedly one sex to another. Men a man is named Woman of the Year. This is great, this is wonderful. It can be overwhelming. It's an all-out effort to expand control in our day-to-day lives. That's why I'm warning you, these doctrines they creep in, they creep in. He's a good-looking guy I could kiss that guy Demanding that we accept what they deem acceptable.

Speaker 3:

And you know, we see a diminishing of the Lord of God. Certainly you guys all know the statistics Christianity church attendance keeps falling, falls month by month. It's a con game. We need to understand this. Watch people. It's a con game, it's a Ponzi scheme and it's being played on undiscerning Christians, christians who do not sit under sound doctrine, christians that go for the book bag, christians that go for the smoke and the music. And it's a profitable scheme for a select few, those that are adept at manipulation. It's not new. It isn't. It's the same thing that was played out on Paul and Silas in Philippi I'm sorry I'm taking so long was played out on Paul and Silas in Philippi I'm sorry I'm taking so long.

Speaker 3:

You remember the sorcerer and the demonic deception that was wrapped in religion and these two watchmen, paul and Silas, end up in prison and Paul's accusers had ulterior motives and they refused the call to repent. You can get this all right. You can fix this. I mean, you called Paul a man of God. You said they're truly servants of the Most High, but you refused the call to repent. They ended up in jail anyhow.

Speaker 3:

Today's church leaders have ulterior motives and they refuse to repent. Lord, give us watchmen. Give us watchmen, give us more troublers who are not afraid to stand up against religious hypocrisy. How? By staying in the presence of God, by staying in the presence of the Lord, sitting under his word until a fire burns in our bones. That we cannot refuse, that we may not even discern fully. And woe be unto you if you keep silent. Well, they believe what they believe, aaron. They believe what they believe. What are we going to do? Woe be unto us if we keep silent. Keep silent.

Speaker 3:

The Holy Spirit has raised up a company of watch people here at Valley Gospel Church and elsewhere, a company of watch people, true shepherds, true worship leaders, true worshipers. I meant so much what I said today about our worship team that usher us into the presence of God without fail. You know, when you come in here on a Sunday morning, they're prayed up, they're ready to go, they're on fire, hallelujah. A real pastor, real men and women of God, glory, glory of God, glory. Walking as repentant, spirit-filled children of God, nothing more, nothing less, who have caught a glimpse of holiness who refuse to wink at sin, who fear no man when it comes to standing against spiritual evil. Today's Christians seeking signs and wonders and prosperity. In soothing pillow sermons, the Holy Spirit is calling out wilderness, people. Wilderness people, woods, dwellers, grasshopper eaters, a tried and tested remnant for this time and this place, who have been given wisdom and knowledge and discernment to hear what the Spirit is saying. Given what we know is at hand, the true word comes to true watch people. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast.

Speaker 1:

Why me, lord. What have I ever done To deserve even one Of the pleasures I've known? Tell me, lord, I've known. Tell me, lord, what did I ever do that was worth loving you and the kindness you've shown? Lord, help me, jesus. I've wasted it, so help me, jesus. Jesus, I know what I am Now that I know that I've needed you, so help me, jesus. My soul's in your hands, try me, lord. If you think there's a way I could ever repay All I've taken from you, maybe, lord, I could show someone else what I've been through myself On my way back to you. Lord, help me, jesus. I've wasted it, so help me, jesus. I know what I am Now that I know that I've needed you, so help me, jesus. My soul's in your hands, now, my soul's in your hands.