Valley Gospel

Behavioral Modification

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 4

Have you ever questioned what it truly means to be transformed by faith? Journey with us as we unpack the life-altering encounter between Saul and Jesus, a moment that reshapes our understanding of spiritual awakening. Through Saul's pivotal questions and the powerful infilling of the Holy Ghost, we explore the essential shift from knowing about Jesus to experiencing Him fully. As we recount Saul's conversion and subsequent blindness, we draw striking parallels to Christ's own burial, unearthing the profound personal nature of such encounters and the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in Christian life.

The whispers of wind and the crackle of fire often signify the Holy Spirit's presence, but what does this mean for us today? This episode is a deep dive into the symbols and stories that define the Holy Spirit's power in scripture and in our lives. We humorously ponder whether raccoons are the one exception in God's creation, while seriously considering how the likes of the great evangelist Billy Graham could have been even further empowered with the Holy Ghost Baptism. Join us as we celebrate the dedication of the 120 believers at Pentecost, whose unwavering faith led to a transformation that would forever change the course of their ministries.

Finally, we extend an invitation to you, our listeners, to deepen your own spiritual journey. Discover the simplicity and power of prayer that invites the Holy Spirit into our hearts, urging us to trust in our faith and surrender to divine guidance. Embrace the transformative change that comes not from our own efforts, but from the Holy Ghost working within us, as we prepare for the Lord's return and continually seek a more profound relationship with Jesus. Let's gather, share in the love of Christ, and step forward into a life empowered by the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, and you will not have the room no doubt because of you, but because he's good and you will not have the room to receive him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 3:

In preparation for our Bible study. The past couple of weeks in the book of Acts, the Holy Spirit continually brought me back to a question that Saul asked on the Damascus Road, and the more I read this, the more I considered the situation, what was going on there, that Saul is on his way to Damascus. He has authorization from the chief priest to arrest anyone in the way. Women, children, men, didn't matter. You had full authorization. Anybody in the way, anybody who was a Christian, could be arrested and brought back to Jerusalem. And really, if this is, it's so powerful and so interesting because it's so similar to the times we're starting to face now. They're already facing in many parts of the world, but we're starting to face these same things now. And I just remind you of our Bible study. We're right, smack dab. No, we're not even in the middle. We're about a third of the way through the book of Acts. And try to get out to those Bible studies because they're so great, they're so powerful, just so much to be learned and revealed through those. Saul was just about in Damascus, when he's confronted by Jesus himself. How do we know that? Well, we know that because the scripture asked the question why are you persecuting me? I am Jesus. Why are you persecuting me? Saul goes on to ask two questions that are not only pertinent to today's message, but in every Christian's walk, powerful and revealing. These two questions are who are you, lord, and what do you want me to do? Who are you, lord, and what do you want me to do? Profound and powerful. You see, when the reality of Jesus is in our heads, that's different. When it becomes experiential reality in here, experiential reality in here, when he's in here, and that'll become clear as this message moves forward. Who are you? Who are you, lord? Who are you in my life, in my eternity? What do you represent in my now and in my future? What will you have me do? What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Sincere, committed, without the resources necessary to fulfill the task? See, that's the question that was asked on the Damascus Road Sincere, what do you want me to do? But without the resources necessary to fulfill that calling? Saul's led to Damascus, struck blind, to receive prayer from a believer named Ananias and, as we learned, ananias lays hands on him and the Bible says he received the Holy Ghost. Now, here's where the rub comes. So many. And if you listen to Bible studies, if you read Bible commentaries, so many teach that when Ananias laid hands on him, that's when he was saved and that's when the Holy Ghost entered him at salvation, that he is able to be born again. At salvation, that he is able to be born again. But we see back three days earlier. Saul says what will you have me do? One other thing that happens three days back on the Damascus Road. He calls Jesus Lord. Who are you, lord? Kind of a misnomer, right, who are you? I know who you are. He's been pursuing this man from his first day of ministry. Saul has he knew who he was. Saul has he knew who he was. Who are you, lord?

Speaker 3:

Saul has his life-changing experience on the road to Damascus. He has his epiphany on the road to Damascus. He is saved on the road to Damascus. He is saved on the road to Damascus. He is confronted by Jesus the Christ. Just like we all were, wherever you were, whatever you did, you were confronted by Jesus the Christ. He obviously repents. You say, how do you know that? Well, he wouldn't have called him Lord if he wasn't repentant. He would have called him. I'm sure he called him a lot of bad names while he was in pursuit. So Saul is gloriously, miraculously, wonderfully saved without an altar, without the melodious notes of an organ, without an altar, with no gentle singing. And that was with purpose. Man had nothing to do with it. But Saul died to Saul that day On the Damascus Road. Saul died to Saul Three days then, without sight, without food, without water. Maybe an example of Jesus? Maybe Jesus was showing him what the three days in the tomb was like? Or at least an issue.

Speaker 3:

At Judas' house, by the seashore, amen, on Straight Street. Isn't that amazing. The information that the Bible gives us pinpoints this information regarding the Holy Ghost at Judas' house on straight street. Ananias lays hands on him and calls him brother. Lays hands on him and calls him brother. Calls him brother. Wouldn't have called him brother. He knew what he was coming there for. He was warned by the Holy Ghost what he was coming there to do and he said he's my vessel. He's my vessel, in whom I will use greatly Judas' house. He calls him brother.

Speaker 3:

Saul is already born again. He's born again, but he is in need of supernatural power to face what he will face. Jesus told Ananias tell Paul what he will suffer for my name. Tell him. I always say I wouldn't have done that If I was in charge. I'd have said tell him how great he'll be. Tell him how much he's going to make. Tell him he's going to write most of the New Testament. People will remember his name 2,000 years ago, but the message that God chooses to send him is tell him what he will suffer.

Speaker 3:

Lives there with salvation, like many of us, but in need of supernatural power To face what he will suffer To receive. He is there to receive the baptism in the Holy Ghost At Judas' house when Ananias lays hands on him, having what he needs salvation, but not fully prepared. Having what he needs but not trained. Look, god's greatest gift to the world is by far salvation, but his greatest gift to the church is the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah, chrissy, let's go to work. You know there's so many today that simply do not accept what we call the second act of grace, an act subsequent to salvation. Do we receive the Holy Ghost at salvation? Absolutely, are we baptized in the Holy Ghost at salvation? Absolutely not. But it's a power that we need not, but it's a power that we need.

Speaker 3:

And so many teach and preach that there is no baptism in the Holy Ghost, that it passed away, that it expired, that we did in Bible study is taught and you're saying well, I don't understand what you're saying, pastor. I'm saying that if had Saul been saved, as most Bible commentators say, that he wasn't saved until Damascus First, that doesn't make sense, because now a man's a part of it and he had to be saved by laying on of hands. We know that's not true. It's not scripturally correct. Regarding salvation, it's also what I've heard teachers say.

Speaker 3:

Well, god delayed that until he could get in front of a real Christian. Come on, come on. What kind of nonsense is that. God delayed your salvation. What has he dangled it out here Like, come and get it, boy, but it's taught because if he saved Damascus, then you can eliminate the baptism in the Holy Ghost. At least you can say that it passed away, that it went away, that whatever. But if you say he was saved back on the road to Damascus, then you have to admit that at Judas' house, when Ananias laid hands on him and he received the Holy Ghost. Now you have to admit that it's the second act of grace. Now you have to admit that it's the baptism in the Holy Ghost. It's an act subsequent to salvation.

Speaker 3:

Even among those that believe that it's for now, they don't accept the baptism in the Holy Ghost as important or relevant for modern Christianity. Most of the churches that have the name Pentecostal do not accept the relevance of the baptism for today, and I'd like to explain in a very level-headed, calm manner for the most part, why every believer should earnestly seek and faithfully expect our Lord to baptize each of us in the Holy Ghost and fire. And why is that important? It's important firstly because Jesus said so. That's really enough for me, right there. I don't need to go any farther, I don't need to philosophically reason it out. Jesus said so. It's scriptural Jesus's last words before he left this planet.

Speaker 3:

All those who witnessed his ascension some estimates for 450, 500 people witnessed his ascension. All of those witnesses were told not to leave Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high, not to leave until they received the promise of the Father, which he went on to explain was for them, their children, their children's children and to whomsoever the Lord shall call their children, their children's children and to whomsoever the Lord shall call. So our reading today begins with Acts 1. Acts 1 and 4. Oh, my Acts 1, 4 through 9.

Speaker 2:

Whenever you get there, please stand as Chrissy reads the word of God, my, my, my, and being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father. Which said he, you have so much there.

Speaker 3:

First of all, jesus said look, you didn't read this somewhere in a study guide. You didn't pick this somewhere in a study guide. You didn't pick this up from someone else. You heard it from me. I called you, I told you this. This wasn't a suggestion, it wasn't something that was optional, it was a command, and it's how Saul became Paul. That's the message how Saul became Paul. That's the message, how he became maybe the greatest apostle of all times.

Speaker 3:

I used for a subject a title that might sound odd Behavioral modification. Amen, let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, we praise you, lord. Thank you, lord, we praise you Lord. Lord, I have the strongest anointing that I have ever felt on me this morning and I thank you for that. Lord. Please take charge, take over, lord, with everything that I say, everything that I imply. Lord, I want you to make sure that it's of you and it's the message you would have brought to these people today. It is in the name of your son. We pray. Amen and amen. Please be seated. Behavioral modification modification.

Speaker 3:

When a person passes from this life and they utter their last words, typically those words are very important right, especially from family, for family and friends, loved ones, not just for that moment, but for a lifetime. The words that someone uttered last your mom, your dad, grandparents are important, something you carry with you Most of the time, forever. Mom wanted that. Dad said this We'll see that his wishes are carried out. We'll follow him the best that we can.

Speaker 3:

Jesus was the creator of all things. Everything that was created was created by him Every mountain, every valley, every river, every planet, every raccoon no, not raccoons. Raccoons weren't created by God. They are satanic in nature. Somehow Lucifer got in there, I don't know how Every rabbit, every tree. He was crucified for our sin. He rose the third day. He walked this earth for 40 more days and ascended back home to his father. His last words were not about creation. They weren't about take care of this planet. They weren't about planting trees. They weren't even about church or outreach, or help or prayer. His last words were in regard to the baptism in the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I'm going to make a very bold statement here that I know will offend every non-Pentecostal or every unsure person regarding the baptism. But we can't really know Jesus as we should without the baptism in the Holy Ghost. The baptism in the Holy Ghost, you know, we can learn, either by teaching or by observation. We can learn the Christian rituals, how we see others conduct themselves, the tradition. We can even learn to speak Christianese. But he will not be completely real in our spirit, nor can we convey his reality to others without the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I know, I know. Strong statement, powerful statement. I think the Lord will back it up this morning. The mighty baptism in the Holy Spirit is meant to equip us for service. Just as he did with the apostle Paul, who was Saul, jesus said he'd equip us with power, which is his right, his domain, his prerogative. He is the baptizer in the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the power that we seek isn't for our enjoyment, it isn't for our entertainment, it's not for our to make us joyful. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to help us reach others for the cause of Christ and with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can turn this world upside down for Jesus Christ, hallelujah. Indeed, without him it will be far less than then it should be. You're saying we can't minister without the Holy Ghost. If we don't accept the baptism in the Holy Ghost, I'm saying that it will not be as great and as powerful as it could be. I often wonder some of the great evangelists that were not full gospel, that didn't accept baptism. I wonder how many they could have reached if they were. I wonder how many Billy Graham could have reached if he had the baptism and the Holy Ghost. Look what he was able to do without it my, at least by his own words. The Old Testament and the New Testament is known to talk about the Holy Spirit by symbols, a whole lot of them. We're going to just touch on a couple this morning that you'll probably know Wind, water, oil, fire, right, mighty rushing wind, dove, paraclete, all kind of things Acts 2 that he's known by. And these symbols are important. They're important that the Bible uses them. So we understand Acts 2, 1. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Two symbols that we find here are wind and fire, power and purity. This is the initial infilling Wind and fire, power and purity. This is the initial infilling Wind and fire, power and purity. You know, as the number, whatever that number was waiting in an upper room for the promise, I'm sure all, if we believe that 500 were at the ascension, I'm sure all 500 didn't go to this upper room. But of the 500 who were waiting for the promise and I have a theory about that that some, several hundred left the ascension and said wow, wow, Did you see that? Did you see him lift? I'm going to wait for this, I'm going back to Jerusalem, like he said, and I'm gonna see what this promise is. And these believers, however many, there were 300 that went back and they're filling the streets and sitting in the fields and they're attending this vigil, this watch, according to Jesus's command. But as the days start to click by.

Speaker 3:

Day two nothing. Day three nothing Everybody's praying. Day four nothing. Hey, you know what? I got animals to tend to. Let me just go back. I'm going to throw some hay in the barn. I'll be back. Or hey, I've got a family, I've got a farm to take care of, I've got crops to water, I've got things to do. And they leave in groups one, two, seven. Everybody's going away. I've got a dog to feed. Things more important than waiting for the promise of the Father? Hmm, after all, they had responsibilities, they had businesses to run and life wasn't easy. So they begin to leave. The days click down, eight days, nine days after his ascension, and it gets down to 120. 120 in one accord, 120 that say we're not leaving, no matter what, I don't care if it takes five years, I'm staying here. 120 with one mind in one place that wouldn't budge, that needed to see what was coming, just needing to be a part of what Jesus said would happen.

Speaker 3:

It was the Feast of Pentecost. The Feast of Pentecost had nothing to do with Pentecostalism. It was celebrated 50 days after Passover, 10 days from Jesus' ascension. And suddenly, suddenly, john, suddenly, without warning, nobody wasn't. Oh, things are getting a little breezy. Suddenly a rushing and mighty wind filled the house and actually, if you read it in the Greek, it implies that it filled the community, that it filled the whole community where they were. And it was the sound. It was the sound of a freight train, hallelujah. It filled the house and the Holy Spirit had arrived. That's why that song they sang this morning isn't scripturally accurate.

Speaker 3:

Send him on down. He already arrived. I know he's here. He come in with me, hallelujah, hallelujah. To be completely accurate with this, barry, I have to say that he, not only he didn't just arrive, he re-arrived, he came back and maybe that's a teaching for another time. But when we look back at the garden and you know, the Holy Spirit walked in the garden with Adam and Eve had to leave because of sin. So I think, to be completely accurate, we have to say that he re-arrived, but he'd come, vicki, in a whole new dimension.

Speaker 3:

They were told, they were told the disciples, the people, they were told what would happen, but they hadn't really realized. They could have read it in the Psalms. The psalmist talked about this, what was coming? But they were Christians not acting like Christians, christians not acting like Christians, christians not acting like Christians. But somebody was coming who would change everything.

Speaker 3:

Peter who, just a few days prior, denied he even knew him, cursed, cussed, spit against Christianity. On the day of Pentecost he delivers a scourging message to Jerusalem, quoting Jesus, quoting Jesus, quoting the scripture. What happened? What happened? Peter just said I don't know him. Aren't you from his town? You have the accent. I don't know him. Aren't you from his town? You have the accent. I don't know him, you. What happened? Let me examine what happened, but let me say this first If a frightened, cursing, lying man shaking like a leaf in the wind can change, so can we. Glorum e Sunday de la sepece. Hallelujah, his comeback. Do you know? Peter's comeback was prophesied by Jesus while he was still here. Jesus already told them that he would fall and he would come back.

Speaker 3:

Glory, the second greatest event in all of human history. The first was Calvary. The second is when he breathed life into a brand new, newborn church. My In the church today. Without the Holy Spirit, there is no life. In the church today, without the Holy Ghost, there can be no life.

Speaker 3:

Now, the Bible tells us that there appeared unto them cloven tongues of fire. The Bible tells us that there appeared unto them cloven tongues of fire. It happened then. It had never happened previous that we know of. It had never happened since, as far as we know.

Speaker 3:

Maybe it's a fulfillment of John the Baptist's prophecy of Matthew 3. I don't know, maybe it is, but he said I'm baptizing with water. There's one coming after me. He's mightier than me, I'm not even worthy to untie his shoes. He will baptize you. I'm fooling around with water. He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah the fire, hallelujah the fire purifies.

Speaker 3:

It purifies.

Speaker 3:

It separates wheat from chaff. It separates spirit from flesh. Glory, the flesh is our overwhelming identity. Absent the Holy Spirit, let me say that again Our flesh, who we are, the rascals that we are and that's a kind word is our true identity. Absent the Holy Spirit Is our true identity.

Speaker 3:

Absent the Holy Spirit, it's the untruthfulness in our life, the lust for gain, the unfaithfulness, the absence of a righteous character. That's all the flesh, all the flesh. Flesh, the spirit-filled person exhibits gifts and attributes of the spirit, not of the flesh Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. You see, after the baptism in the Holy Ghost, we're not our same old self. We're not wearing, we're no longer wearing the religious disguise. We are truly spiritually born again. Born again isn't a denomination, it isn't some sect of Christianity. You remember back when they called us born again Christians, those born again Christians, and it made it sound like it was a denomination or whatever. Call yourself whatever you want Baptist, methodist, lutheran, pentecostal, charismatic, full gospel. Jesus said you must be born again, hallelujah, born of incorruptible seed.

Speaker 3:

Requiring Barbie a change, requiring a change. Daniel says all the time if there's no change, you better check your circumstances, you better check your. Salvation Needs to be a change, a metamorphosis, a new beginning, a change of nature. And it requires more of us than a change of heart or some religious fresh start program or turning over a new leaf. It requires more the new nature.

Speaker 3:

When Ananias laid hands on, saul required power. It required power. Saul was still Saul. I'm not saying he would have fallen back to his old ways, but he may have. That pressure would have been great. It's the Holy Spirit that provides that power, our dead spirit being charged. Lights are up, the power's flowing. Do you still have the same old Joe? Yeah, you still got the same old Joe. But now you got a power to come against that same old Joe. Yeah, you still got the same old Joe, but now you got a power to come against that same old Joe.

Speaker 3:

Just going back to the apostle Peter for a minute, think about this. Peter walked with Jesus for almost three and a half years. He heard every sermon. He saw every healing. He saw every manifestation. He saw him heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead. He watched him love the unlovable. He was in continual communication with the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords for three years, continual Slept in the tent next to him, ate from the same plate he ate from. Yet he denies that he even knows him. Yet he denies that he even knows him. He questions the resurrection when they told him he was alive. Yeah, you're right. He wants to know what's in it for him if he continues to follow this religious way. But don't give up on Peter. Don't give up on him, because later on in the book of Acts he gets a vision from the Lord. He's supernaturally freed from prison.

Speaker 3:

History says that he joyfully went to his death with a smile on his face, even asking to be crucified upside down, because he wasn't worthy to die like his Lord did. So what happened? What happened? Maybe he studied up. Maybe he got a good online course teaching doctrine. Maybe he tried really hard. Maybe he really committed himself not quitting this time. Maybe he read some good self-help books I'm sure there were a couple around. Maybe he just applied himself. I'll tell you what happened. He had been to a meeting. Oh, he'd been to a meeting. He had been to a meeting in an upper room. Hallelujah, he waited for the promise of the Father and had been endued with power from on high. He was baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, and it affected a change.

Speaker 3:

The Holy brothers and sisters, the Holy Ghost wants to finish you, and don't misinterpret what that meant. He wants to finish you. He wants to complete you. He wants to change your heart, change your mind, change your priorities into what he wants them to be Glory. Change you into what you ought to be.

Speaker 3:

Romans, just one book up Romans 8. We're going to get some truth here this morning. Romans 8 and 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh, but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be are after the spirit the things of the spirit, for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace, Because the carnal mind is enmity against God and for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are of the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit. If so, be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now, if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his, is none of his. The world calls it and this is where I got the title the world calls it behavioral modification.

Speaker 3:

But the apostle Paul, who was Saul, says that it's the Holy Spirit that changes how we think, that changes how we view things, because it's him that leads us to Christ, that urges us to commune with him, that keeps our influences positive in our circle. Amen, amen. What do I always say? Tell me who you're hanging out with. Keeps our influences positive in our circle. Amen, amen. What do I always say? Tell me who you're hanging out with, I'll show you your future. Show me who you're hanging with, I'll show you your future. Hallelujah, hallelujah. He keeps us in the position of community and communion so that we can see things like he does my.

Speaker 3:

2,000 years ago, jesus chose 12 men and women 12 men, several women to learn from him in what might be called a master class I think that's an appropriate name. Quite a Bible school. In any event, what transpired between Jesus and those few men and women changed everything about them for their entire lives. Yeah, some of them fell away, some of them did some things that were unseemly, but still it changed their lives forever. But it took power to confer, to share, that they needed it, that they needed that power, just like we need that power. They walked with the king, walked it. I can't believe I said walked it. They walked with the king, yet they needed the baptism.

Speaker 3:

So how do we create a teaching now that says you never saw Jesus, but you don't need this? They walked with him arm in arm and they needed the baptism in the Holy Ghost. How can we not need him? How can that be possible? In that closeness we're changed, closer and closer into his image, closer into what he wants us to be, into who he wants us to be, through the baptism in the Holy Ghost, in his ministry, the Holy Ghost in his ministry.

Speaker 3:

Jesus changes who we are. Once we yield to the Holy Ghost and we really let him take control. He modifies who we are. He modifies who we are and let me just tell you this he is ready to explode in your life. Jesus is waiting this moment to baptize us in the Holy Ghost. Song says let his living water, colette, flow over my soul. Let your Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation.

Speaker 3:

Colette asked the most powerful question when are we at? Are we going to let him take control? Are we going to keep playing around the edges? Are we going to keep? Ooh, yeah, but I'm going to have to give up a bunch of things and I'm going to have to give up a bunch of things and I'm going to have to hallelujah when a when a sinner comes to Christ and I really don't even like to say that, because that implies that once we come to Christ, we're no longer a sinner. Yeah, you are. Yes, we are. Yes, we are. Every one of us will die with sin, probably within the last 10 minutes before we die, probably within the last 10 minutes before we die. We're clean because of him, when a sinner comes to Christ and has faith in what Jesus did at Calvary. That's all that's required to be a candidate for the baptism in the Holy Ghost. It's all that's required to be a candidate for the baptism in the Holy Ghost. It's all that's required to seek the baptism in the Holy Ghost. Because the sin issue has already been dealt with. It was dealt with at Calvary. It's done, it's passed.

Speaker 3:

The debt was paid, paid in full. We got to stop trying to find somehow we can pay for it. He already paid for it. Let me say, let me just share this, and it's something that I truly have a hard time across the church spectrum. I have a hard time across the church spectrum. I have a hard time understanding when you were saved, when we were saved, he made us an offer. He made us an offer and he says that I'll take care of all of your debts, all the debts that you accrued over the years. And he says that I'll take care of all of your debts, all the debts that you accrued over the years. Don't worry about it. I got it, I'll take care of it. You don't have to worry about what you did. I'll pay for it. I'll take care of your shortcomings. Now you know when you mess up, when you forgive my language when you screw up, when you slip up, when you make a misstep. He said I'll cover it. I got it. I got this. Even when you do something stupid and you did it willfully, I got this. Even when you do something stupid and you did it willfully, I got it. And for your future, all the things that you might do in the future, all the places you might slip and fall, all the stupid answers that you might give, I'm paying spiritually. Jesus said for everything I already got it. It's already taken care of. There'll be no bills come due at the end, no surprise interest. You have to pay Now.

Speaker 3:

If you knew that for a fact, if you knew that to be true, why would you not? Every time you would see this person, why would you not immediately thank him and praise him? Let me take it a step farther. Let me take it a step farther Even when you thought about him and what he's done for you and you thought about the price that was paid that he wouldn't you. Every time you saw your benefactor, your provider, your bill payer, wouldn't you get a little emotional? Wouldn't it be a cause to fall in worship Every time you think about all that he did and paid for and you didn't deserve, but he did it. Wouldn't it put a shout of praise in your heart? Now let me take it one click further. This is where you might get mad at me If he said I'd really like you guys to get together.

Speaker 3:

Look, two and a half hours a week, get together, study around my word, gather around my word, learn of me, learn my ways, get into Bible study, get into women's study, get into church service on Sunday morning. After all that he's done for us, would we say, yeah, but I'm busy, I've got a job, I've got kids, I've a job, I've got kids, I've got this, I've got that and I'm really tired and I've got important things that I'm responsible for. Long walk, long drive. Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe Sin had. Do we really believe that this morning, sin had left a crimson stain, but he washed it white as snow. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Being saved is the only requirement to receive this second act of grace, the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Everything that we receive from God, everything comes by. What? Faith, faith, faith. Baptism is no different. But the important part of that is there's no concern, and I've heard this. You know, being in Pentecost as long as I have, you hear the concerns. Well, I'm afraid this would happen. I'm afraid that would happen, and you know, I've either heard them or actually thought them myself, especially when it comes to speaking in other tongues. You'll force me to speak. I used to worry, sandy, that I'd be at Kmart shopping and it would just come on me, and that really bothered me, and so I resisted it for a long time because I couldn't be in Kmart with maybe somebody I knew. You must not even know what Kmart is.

Speaker 3:

The Holy Ghost is a dove, firstly, always a gentle giant. He won't force you to do anything. But I do have to tell you this Once you've welcomed him in, expect him to take control. Once you've welcomed him in, expect him to control or at least suggest controls for your life. Simply yield your heart, your mind, your tongue. Ask him, jesus, to fill you. That's it, that's all there is to it. No rigmarole, no special prayer, no, anything. But look, and I'm just fulfilling a promise that I made to God that I would teach on this every month or two. Just in case someone didn't have it, someone needed a refresher. Just ask them to fill you.

Speaker 3:

You will hear, sense, feel words or phrases that you are not familiar with, you will have to speak those words and phrases. See, I wish somebody would have taught me that, vicki, because I thought he would just grab me and I give you talk. He gives the utterance, we speak. That's the way it is. It's simply open your mouth, yield your tongue and speak what you sense and hear. Instantly. Instantly, you will be speaking in an unknown tongue. Again, we speak. He gives the utterance. Best of all. The Lord desires, in fact. In fact, he commands us to receive it. You know, we say oh.

Speaker 3:

Jesus said it would be a good idea. No, he didn't. He said you need this. Don't leave home without it. It's your spiritual American express. Don't leave home without it. Hallelujah, if you'd like to receive what Paul said you need and Jesus commanded that you receive, and that Peter said was absolutely necessary in the life of a believer, I'll invite you to come forward this morning. Amen. If it's an initial infilling, come and get it. If it's a refilling, come and get it. If it's a refilling, come and get it. If you have that feeling, you need to come forward and you're fighting it right now. Come while the Spirit's leading. Don't think about it. Don't think about it, because you'll think of a reason why you shouldn't. What if I do it wrong? What if it's not? If it's a gift, you have, come and exercise that gift. I'll pray out loud when you gather here, but you pray as well. Really simple Again. No lengthy prayer is needed. Simply fill me. Fill me. You said I need it. Fill me.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near. We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast Water.

Speaker 1:

You're the wellspring, you're the stirring, you're the life for your sons and daughters Eyes are open to the unseen and my faith is rising within me.

Speaker 1:

Bless the Lord now. Sing it out loud. Come and give the Lord his glory Deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still into your love, because your love keeps going. Holy spirit, take my hand now, lead me out in the living water. You're the wellspring, you're the stirring, you're the life for your sons and daughters Eyes are open to the unseen and my faith is arising within me. Bless the Lord now. Sing it out loud. Come and give the Lord his glory Deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going Deeper, deeper still Into your love. Because your love keeps going deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love because your love keeps going deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still into your love, because your love keeps going.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, holy Spirit, take my hand now, lead me out in the living water. You're the wellspring, you're the stirring. Yes, you're the life for your sons and daughters. Highs are open to the unseen and my faith is rising within me. So, bless the Lord now. Sing it out loud, lift your hands, give the Lord his glory Deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going Deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still into your love, because your love keeps going Deeper, deeper still. You're calling me deeper, deeper still. So I'm going deeper, deeper still Into your love, because your love keeps going. Hallelujah, yes, lord, deeper, bring us. Deeper, keeps going.