Valley Gospel

Proof Faith

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 3

Have you ever found yourself in a situation so challenging that it tested the very core of your beliefs? My conversation with a brother at a Holy Spirit seminar delves into the essence of such a faith—a faith that shines brightest when the heat is on, much like the biblical tale of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. We dissect the notion of 'Proof Faith,' that like gold tried by fire, our belief system must endure the brunt of life's adversities to emerge pure and resilient, ultimately shaping our eternal destiny as depicted in 1 Peter 1:7-9.

Wrestling with the idea that the divine is equally vested in our daily lives as in our eternal salvation, we traverse the 'Great Hall of Faith' in Hebrews 11. Here we encounter stories of those whose unshakable trust in the unseen led them to extraordinary feats. From these narratives, we draw parallels to our own lives, learning that faith is not only for envisioning grand outcomes in prayer but also for discerning the limits of our earthly petitions. It's a compelling reminder to nurture a belief that's proactive, shielding us against inevitable struggles while seeking a deeper communion with the Almighty.

As we wrap up this soul-stirring journey, we reflect on the profound impact of precious faith in guiding us through life's darkest valleys. Through heartfelt testimonies and shared experiences, we illustrate the transformative power of faith that can lead to unexpected healing and victory. This episode serves as an uplifting call to hold fast to your faith through every storm, emboldening you with the assurance that a faith untested is a faith untrusted, and inviting the Precious Lord to take our hand and lead us to a sanctuary of peace and rest.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you, out of blessing, my God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing, and you will not have the room. No, no, not because of you, but because he's good, and you will not have the room to receive him.

Speaker 2:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church as Shadrach, meshach and Abednego, but those are their Babylonian names.

Speaker 3:

They were in Babylonian captivity and these men, these Israelites, these Hebrews, were among the brightest and the best. We call them the three Hebrew children, right? Their Hebrew names are Hananiah, mishael and Azariah. That's their real names, that's their before they were changed. The book of Daniel records their fiery furnace trial. We call it, and while it's not our scripture reference for this morning, it does lay the foundation for the message that I believe the Holy Spirit has given me. You see, when Babylonia defeated Israel, babylon, they took Israel captive. They took only the best, the brightest and the strongest, and they taught them Babylonian culture and food, taught them all their ways, and their renaming of Hebrews brought into Babylon was part of that plan. It was part of this re-entrification. They were bringing them into Babylonian culture.

Speaker 3:

Now the king at that time is Nebuchadnezzar. Nebuchadnezzar decrees that he would set up a new Babylonian idol, a golden image don't know if it was actually gold, but it was golden is a pagan god called Naboo, naboo. Naboo is 90 feet tall. How many feet in the story, jeff? All right, so Naboo is somewhere around eight stories tall. So just to give you a reference, how big he is. Now the king commands his subjects, both Babylonians and Hebrews. However, it was really directed at the Hebrews that were being indoctrinated and converted. But he commands that at the sound of the psaltery, the harp, the dulcimer, everybody is to look at big Nabu and fall in worship. That's the plan.

Speaker 3:

Now the king gets word that these three Hebrew children, hananiah, mishael, azariah they refused to worship Nebu, even though they're being indoctrinated with Babylonian culture, they refused to bow, they refused to worship. Now Nebuchadnezzar has a little bit of a soft spot for these three. Some indication is that he was involved personally with their indoctrination and he kind of liked them. So he gives them a second chance and he calls them in and says Look, when the music plays, I'm going to need you guys to bow. Actually, the Hebrew text actually said that Nebuchadnezzar said please bow, and I think that's pretty accurate. Shadrach, meshach and Abednego tell the king play all the music you want Hard rock, metal, country, jazz, don't care. Play whatever you will. We will not fall, we will not worship. And should you decide to pass judgment and throw us in the incinerator, our God is able to deliver us.

Speaker 3:

Now the king is mad. Now he's mad and he shouts out the order to heat the furnace hotter than it's ever been heated and he throws Shadrach, meshach and Abednego in the furnace that has been heated seven times hotter than ever before, so hot that the men who opened the access to this open pit furnace they're overcome by the heat. Now the king goes up on the parapet where he can watch safely. The king goes up on the parapet where he can watch safely. And he asked the question didn't we throw three men bound into the midst of the fire? And the answer came back yes, king. Then why are there four unbound and walking in the midst of the fire? And the fourth man? And the fourth man looks like the Son of God. My Chrissy, let's go to work. If you have no, open your Bible to 1 Peter, 1 Peter, 1 Peter, 1 Peter, 1. 1 Peter 1, 7 through 9. I'll ask you whenever you get there, please stand for the reading of God's word this morning 1 Peter, 1 and 7.

Speaker 2:

That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes though it be tried with fire, might be found under praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ, whom, having not seen you, in whom thou now you see him, not yet believing, you rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, I'll use for a subject this morning the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Hallelujah, I'll use for a subject this morning the very foundation of a Christian's walk, in a message entitled Proof Faith. Proof Faith, let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for this instructional message, lord, that you might give to us. Lord, what we need the direction. Not only the direction, lord, but the confidence to move forward in faith. Lord, we ask you to open your word today. We ask you to bless your people to hear and to receive. Let this word be a lamp and a light. It is in the name of your blessed son, whose name is Jesus. We pray Amen and amen. Please be seated.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to begin with a really quick preface to this morning's exploration of God's Word, and I'll ask you to absorb this. Press the save button. None of us have ever seen heaven. None of us have walked through gates of pearl, we haven't tread on streets of transparent gold. We haven't touched jasper walls or walked on golden avenues. Yet we know it's real, we know it exists. It's as real as Pennsylvania. No one alive has seen the blood of Jesus. No one has touched his blood, blood that seeped from his back at the praetorium, that dripped down onto cobblestone streets along the Via Dolorosa, that run down a rugged wooden beam and puddled in the mid-eastern sun of Golgotha. Yet we know his blood is responsible for the remission of our sin, that it washes it away and protects every believer. No one has ever seen the Holy Ghost, the third person of the Godhead, the paraclete, the wind, the dove, the river, the fire, the mighty and rushing wind. But most of us have seen his manifestations right, have sensed his presence. We've felt his comfort. We've learned from his guidance. We've witnessed his power. Learn from his guidance. We've witnessed his power.

Speaker 3:

Many years ago a brother, george Gouliou, and I attended a whole and I realize most of you don't know him Vicki might remember him but he was a rough character and we attended a Holy Spirit seminar and it was in Monroeville. I don't remember if it was Monroeville Assembly or Gary Metrix, I just don't remember. But it was a meeting to member and oh did the spirit move. And after the seminar we were out sitting in the parking lot in the curb, just on the curb. We were drunk from what we had experienced for the last four hours. And a car pulls up, rolls the window down and said hey, you guys know where Westinghouse is. George staggers toward the car, still drunk from the holy gust, and said no, I don't, he said, but I do know where the powerhouse is and he growled that on the car, chirped its tires and sped out of the parking lot.

Speaker 3:

So if we trust God for all of those supernatural things heaven, the blood, the Holy Ghost, the core of our comfort, our hope, our salvation, our protection If we trust him for all those things heaven's real, I know it's real, I'm going there. I know there's a Holy Spirit, I know his blood remitted my sins. If we trust him for all that, why do we find it hard to believe and difficult to accept that he cares about your day-to-day life and he involves himself in everything you do? Why do we find that so hard that he can? To believe that he can mend a fractured relationship, that he can save your unbelieving family members, that he can heal your illness, that he can break every fetter and set you free? Why do we find that tough? Let's take a little closer look at our scripture today, just the seventh verse that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold, that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. All of us, everyone in here today, christ, all of us, everyone in here today, regardless of your position or condition, we are faced with trials and temptation and testings.

Speaker 3:

Maybe some of you have said or thought or thought look, I'm living for God, I go to church, I tithe, I try to live right. Why did this tragedy happen to me or in my family? I'm living for God. Why did my relationship fail? I'm living for God. Why did my relationship fail? I'm living for God. Why am I so broke? And of course, we know from the word of God that the rain falls evenly on the just and the unjust.

Speaker 3:

But by and large, the trials aren't from God. Almost exclusively they are not from God, they're from the enemy. Sometimes God uses those trials to grow us, to test us, but not to tempt us. Not, ever, not ever. God never tempts with evil. If you're struggling with something and this is if there's a bondage or a struggle in your life, god will never put that in front of you like okay, try that, let's see if you can quit that this time. Never, not, ever. He'll never put something in your path to tempt you, but he may use the enemy's temptation to make you stronger. And you know, sometimes those things come fast and furious. It seems like one, right after another. One temptation and if that's you're still wrestling with that and another one comes and it seems you're always in harm's way. You're always one step away, as Jimmy used to say, one step away from stupid.

Speaker 3:

I just want to tell you there is something that you can do, there is a place to turn. We need positive faith to overcome the fiery darts of the enemy. And that's what I'm going to talk about today our faith. Joshua 1 and 9 says be strong in the Lord and of good courage. Don't be afraid. God is with you every step. Don't be afraid. Let's turn to Hebrews really quick. Hebrews 11. Great hall of faith. You all know it. First verse Now.

Speaker 3:

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, for by it the elders obtained a good report. Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith. Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. Feist and Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous. God testified of his gifts and by it, he being dead, yet speaketh by faith. Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him before his translation. He had this testimony that he pleased God, but without faith it is impossible to please him, for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. You know, for everybody who thinks that, well, god is just, he'll just do it. You read that last verse, right? Those that diligently seek him. God doesn't just do anything, amen, except in answer to believing prayer.

Speaker 3:

The substance, the beginning of that and we quote this all the time, this scripture, the substance of things hoped for. Every study Bible, every commentary seems to interpret it a little bit differently. But what does it mean? The substance of things hoped for? And I'll give you what the Holy Spirit gave me. It's seeing, spiritually and supernaturally, the things that we're asking God to do in our lives. It's seeing Ed do the two-step. It's seeing him standing with a big smile, straight and true.

Speaker 3:

Now I just want to put a little disclaimer in there because that may not be appropriate. That may not apply if we're asking him to help us score at the casino or get a date with that hot girl or that handsome guy. In fact, that might be the very definition of asking amiss. I think, if you look up, ask amiss, that would be right there. It's seeing Lazarus walk from the tomb while his body was still in decay, from the tomb while his body was still in decay. It's seeing the Red Sea open and dry while there are still white caps on the water. Not saying it's easy. It's seeing your sister, your brother, your son, your daughter, your uncle, your aunt, your mother, your father standing in church with their hands upraised in worship to the Lord, while their hands are still upraised and whoop whoop at the club. It's knowing that God will provide when there's not enough in the checking account to pay your bills. But wait, wait, wait. That's only half. That's only half of the verse we quote all the time.

Speaker 3:

The evidence of things not seen. The evidence of things not seen. The proof, the proof, the title to this morning's message. The proof of what we hope, that we have but have not yet touched. The hope of what we have, but have not yet realized the hope of what we have. But have not yet realized the hope of what we have, but we've not yet received the money we need. But we haven't cashed a check yet, knowing that God's promises are true, that all things are possible, that our God wants the best for us and he will make a way for you. God's ways are not our ways. His death made our life worth living.

Speaker 3:

Think about the unnamed woman in the gospel. Issue of blood had positive faith. She had positive faith and just from a word that she received and things she had heard don't think she ever saw him, but she knew that if she could just push through this crowd and get a chance to talk to him, share her plight, tell him what she had gone, no, no, no. If she could just touch him, if she could just grab his hand and hold on, she knew she'd be wait, wait, no, no. If she could just crawl and touch the tassel of his garment, she'd be healed. Our faith makes us who we are in Christ, hallelujah. In fact, we're identified in heaven by our faith, not by your position, not by your condition, but by your faith. Faith is what you and I are rooted in.

Speaker 3:

Just like a garden plant, we need to feed our faith, feed it with community, feed it with Bible study, feed it with testimony, feed it with the word, feed it with Bible study, feed it with testimony, feed it with the Word of God Glory, glory. Feed it with the gifts of the Spirit. And why do we want to do that? So we can bring forth fruit, fruit Glory. How many of you know the fruit that we're intended, that we're supposed to bring forward, we're supposed to bring forward, is intended for others. It's not intended for us. In fact, fruit that's meant for others. Do you know what it means when fruit starts to eat itself? And it does? What does that mean? It's rotten, it's eating itself. And you know? That's where so many I don't want to say Christians that's where the church gets stuck Feeding on itself, feeding on itself, just a big circle, instead of sharing our fruits. That's what outreach is all about. That's what our podcast is all about. It's getting the fruit out. It's sharing our fruit Glory.

Speaker 3:

Faith comes by hearing, hearing by the word of God. And he told the woman with the blood issue. He didn't say go, the son of God has made you whole. He told the woman go, your faith has made you whole. Your faith has made you whole. It's healed you. And look, I'm not talking about positive confession or positive affirmations. I'm not promoting Norman Vincent Peale's book the Power of Positive Thinking. That's not what this is about. I'm talking about trusting God, no matter what happens, regardless of how it looks, how you might feel. I'm not giving up. I'm trusting in His Word. I'm resting in His promise. I'm looking to His holiness. Come hell or high water, I'm going in his word. I'm resting in his promise. I'm looking to his holiness. Come hell or high water, I'm going through Glory. I'm trusting in his written word. I'm trusting in his spoken word. I'm trusting in his wisdom, his prophecy, his rhema Glory.

Speaker 3:

Have you ever heard Christians that say I guess at some point early in my salvation I may have said this, but you hear them say well, I guess God wants me broke, or I guess God wants me sick. He's trying, and this is the reason. I guess he's trying to teach me something. Well, why don't you learn it? Hallelujah, maybe I don't. Here's another one. Maybe I don't need a mansion, just a shack. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Jesus said I've come, that you might have life and have it more abundantly. Jesus said you can do everything. Through him who strengthens you. We are your. Bible says we are more than conquerors. Through him that loved us and through him, everything is possible. Nothing's out of right. Reach, glory, glory.

Speaker 3:

The next type of faith that we'll look at quickly is precious faith. You all know that gold is called the precious metal. Right, god calls faith more precious than gold. Gold is so valuable because it never rots, it never rusts, it never corrodes, it doesn't fall apart. Probably everybody in here has a little bit of gold, whether it's in a ring or a necklace or whatever. But think about this the gold that was in the golden laver in the temple, in the tabernacle, is still in existence. The temple's candlesticks that gold is still in existence. The gold that hung around Cleopatra's neck still in existence. Somewhere it may be in your ring or your necklace that you have on today, which is pretty cool. Faith's value is more important, more valuable than gold, because without it it's impossible to please God. Not hard to please God, impossible to please Him.

Speaker 3:

1 Peter 1 and 1. Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, galatia, cappadocia, asia and I'm sorry. 2 Peter Thought that wasn't making a lot of sense. 2 Peter 1. Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. To them that obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior, jesus Christ. Peter's speaking to those of faith. He's speaking to those who truly believe. Not just faith that will get us to heaven. I'm talking about mountain moving faith. Faith that knows that I could say to the mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and it must obey. Faith that speaks to the wind. Faith listen. Faith that speaks to cancer. Faith that speaks to blocked arteries. Faith that causes Satan to flee and demons to tremble. Faith that knows Jesus Christ sits on the center of the circle and he hears your cry, he hears your plea.

Speaker 3:

First John 1. John 1. John 5 and 4. For whosoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world. Even our faith, even our faith. Faith is our answer. Whatever the struggle, faith is your answer. Faith assures us of victory. It assures us of victory One more and I promise we'll. Hebrews 10. Now it's going to get sticky. Hebrews 10 and 23. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering, for he is faithful, that promised. Hold on to your faith without wavering, because the one that promised is faithful, because the one that promised is faithful.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes we express our faith until it looks like it's not going to work. Until we hear a decree from a doctor or a lawyer, a court, it looks like it's not going to work or it's not going to turn out as we had planned or as we had hoped. And that's when hands get raised, not in faith, but in despair, thinking I've tried that faith stuff and it doesn't work. I knew it, I knew it wouldn't work. I can't tell you the number of times someone who has told me I knew that wouldn't work. I can't tell you the number of times someone who has told me I knew that wouldn't work. Well, you didn't really try that then did you If you knew it wouldn't work? Because that isn't faith at all, much less persistent faith Sometimes listen carefully.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes God allows us to be out of answers. Sometimes he allows us to have no more stopgap measures or carnal solutions, completely dependent on him, just like the three Hebrew children. Moses at the Red Sea, nowhere to turn, mountains on either side of him, water in front of him, egyptian chariots rumbling behind him All out of options. Abraham told to sacrifice his son Isaac until the very last moment, when the voice thundered from heaven and said stay thine hand, you've withheld nothing from me. Write this down, barbie.

Speaker 3:

Faith that cannot be tested is a faith that can't be trusted. Faith that cannot be tested is a faith that can't be trusted. God doesn't always give us the faith to escape. He doesn't always give us the faith to get out of a situation, fix whatever's wrong, but he always gives us the faith to get through, always gives us the faith to endure, for us knowing God will heal us, even though it still hurts, even though symptoms are still there. Still hurts, even though symptoms are still there.

Speaker 3:

So many of us have probably heard this phrase from some doctor, either for us or for a loved one. I've done all I can. You ever heard that phrase In a doctor's office? I've done everything I can do. No treatment is helping you. Either have to live with this or worse can do. No treatment is helping you. Either have to live with this or worse.

Speaker 3:

I remember years ago a doctor came into a council room or waiting room and told Arabelle and I, concerning my mother, that she had 14 cancerous lesions on her liver. There was no hope. This doctor literally went like this and said I know what it is, I've seen it before. We'll do our best to make her comfortable. Well, we petitioned the throne and two days later, in the same conference room, the same doctor came in to say there was no cancer, there were no tumors and, to be honest with you, you seemed a little disappointed that there weren't. But 25 years later from this proclamation of death, my mother was still alive and well. Hallelujah, hallelujah. We never stopped believing. We never stopped believing. And just so you don't think well, maybe that was a misdiagnosis or wow, that was pastor's mother, of course, of course, something good's going to happen. Let me relay another account, maybe a little different. Some of you will understand this, some of you will appreciate this.

Speaker 3:

Years ago I had a Dalmatian dog, zach. Her name in Italian was Pellini Spots. All right, that was her name. Pellini. Pellini Spots. All right, that was her name. Pellini. She was my dog. She was absolutely my dog. Actually. Later, because of her affection for cheese, we added the suffix to her name Zach. It was Pellini di Formaggio. She was Paulini Di Formaggio. She was my dog. Nobody really liked her in the family because she was my dog. She tolerated Arabal and Steph barely, but she was my dog. Every day was spent at the sliding window, the sliding door, waiting for me to come home. That's all she did. She'd allow people to feed her, give her treats, but she was my dog.

Speaker 3:

One October she wasn't doing quite well but she went out and dug a hole by the pond and laid in it to die. After 24 hours of her laying in this hole that she dug out in the yard, we decided to take her to a vet who ran a few thousand dollars worth of tests and told us her blood had lost its clotting ability. All her organs were shutting down. She'd be dead in 24 hours. But we'll give you a discount if you let us do the autopsy tomorrow so we can tell you what killed her.

Speaker 3:

Now we opted to take her home and we put her on a blanket a moving blanket. You know the real thick ones we have in the shed. But we put her on that blanket and we took her to the place where we would bury her would bury her. Michael, stephanie and I all carried her out to this spot in the yard where we would dig a hole. She was motionless, she was labored, breathing, she was nearly comatose and we laid hands on her and prayed this prayer Lord. We realize she's a dog, we get it, but she's important to us and we'd like to keep her around for a little while.

Speaker 3:

And I forgot to add, while we laid her, I told you her affection was cheese. She loved cheese, every kind. Velveeta was her favorite. But we laid this on that blanket, we laid this piece of Velveeta cheese in front of her nose. All three of us laid hands on her and we looked down and the Velveeta was gone. Five more pieces of Velveeta went and about three-quarters of a pound of bologna. She lived two and a half more years in health and vitality. And vitality. Our faith will never fail us if we don't fail our faith. Hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Finally, lastly, I'm sorry about the dog story, I just thought praising faith, praising faith First Peter, first Peter 1 and 7. Repetition, repetition, that the trial of your faith being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ. We praise God not because someone inspires us or some piece of music moves us, or a preacher or a worship leader entices us to praise, we praise him simply because he is worthy of all our praise Glory. Our testimony of faith is we believe he'll do what he promised. We believe that we bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the Lord and we offer up to you Hallelujah. We offer up to you Hallelujah, we offer up to you, we praise him for the answer that might still be on the way that we haven't realized yet.

Speaker 3:

Praise causes things to happen, brothers and sisters. Praise moves the hand of God. What we do in worship, that's not just to titillate or make us feel good. Praise moves the hand of God because praise is an expression of our faith. It's an expression we pray through. We praise through.

Speaker 3:

Carlette, you know this clearly and, incidentally, I heard the Holy Ghost did move at your house on Friday, at the dedication of Solomon's temple. The Bible says that 2,228 singers stood at attention, ready to sing, and they sang with one voice, one praising voice, practiced, practiced. And it says then the glory of the Lord fell After they exercised their faith. The glory of the Lord fell, and here's the important part of that. It's Shekinah glory. Shekinah, glory of God. Glory so strong, his presence, so powerful, that people were unable to stand, and I can't help but go back and think about that time in Monroeville that I literally staggered around the parking lot as high as I've ever been and only high on the Holy Ghost At my old church, first Pentecostal.

Speaker 3:

We couldn't wait till the end of Tuesday night service because all the musicians and singers would hang around and would just praise God, praise God. 10 o'clock, 12 o'clock still praising, still praising. Arabella would get mad sometimes. Still praising. 1 o'clock, 2 o'clock I've got to get up in four hours. Still praising. Oh, what the heck, I might as well stay up now. I'm looking for that day when we can praise without ceasing. I really am Face to face, seeing him talk about, seeing him move Glory. Do you know what we do now in worship and praise? What you all did this morning is practice, getting ready, getting you ready for what we will do for all eternity. An exercise now in what we can't see, but to a time and a place where we'll see clearly, face to face, glory, positive faith, precious faith, persistent faith, praising faith, the proof of your faith, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I'm going to stop now, hallelujah. I'm going to stop now, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

We pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you. Most of all, that it fortifies your faith.

Speaker 1:

As the return of our Lord draws near, we encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on and help me stand. I'm so tired, I am weak and I am worn. Through the storm, through the night, lead me on to the light. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home when my way grows drear. Precious Lord, linger near when my life is almost gone. Hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on and help me stand. I'm so tired, I am weak and I am bored. Through the stone, through the night, lead me home to the light. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home.

Speaker 1:

When the darkness appears and the night draws near and the day is past and gone. At the river, I stand, guide my feet and hold my hand. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home. Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me home and help me stand. I'm so tired, I am weak and I am poor. Hear my cry, hear my call, hold my hand lest I fall. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home. Hear my cry, hear my call and hold my hand lest I fall. Take my hand, press us on and lead me home. Take my hand, precious Lord, and lead me home.