Valley Gospel

Rise Up

Pastor Bob Ezatoff Season 1 Episode 2

Embark with us on a transformative quest that promises to unveil the limitless nature of God's blessings and the stirring call for a spiritual revolution. Our latest episode takes you through Biblical narratives and modern-day testimonies that will challenge the lukewarm, inspire the seeker, and equip the disciple. Witness the metamorphosis of figures like Gideon, and grasp how their stories exemplify the need for us to become less, so that the Almighty may become more within us. It's an invitation to those who dare to rise above mediocrity and become agents of change within the Church and society.

Amidst a world where sin is often sugarcoated and the stark realities of persecution are glossed over, this episode sheds light on the harsh truths confronting today's Church, drawing parallels with the warnings of Isaiah 58. Reflecting on my own journey as a preacher, I discuss the pivotal shift from seeking mass appeal to addressing the spiritual hunger of the earnest seeker. We tackle the sobering increase in demonic presence and the underreported plight of persecuted believers, detailing a clarion call for 'menders of the breach' to restore righteousness in a world growing cold to the truth.

Finally, in a world that increasingly mirrors the hallmarks of a spiritual battleground, we traverse the rise of demonic influence and the spirit of the Antichrist that infiltrates our society, education, and moral compass. As we critique the deviation of contemporary church practices from the essence of worship, we reaffirm the power of returning to scriptural bedrock and the Holy Spirit's transformative might. For those who stand strong against the tide, this episode is a rallying cry to uphold spiritual integrity and boldly proclaim the unadulterated truth.

Speaker 1:

Well, well, god will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and He'll pour you out a blessing. My God will open. He'll open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing I got to open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing and you will not have the room to know Not because of you, but because he is good and you will not have the room to receive him.

Speaker 3:

Hello, welcome to Valley Gospel Church Podcast. We are an independent full gospel church worshiping in spirit and in truth, located in Springdale, pennsylvania. Our single mission is to present a message of truth and hope centered on Jesus Christ and Him crucified. So let's go into a service recorded live at Valley Gospel Church.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to get right into the message. I'm going to get right into the message. In a believer's walk, you know what you can kind of if you'll turn to the book of Judges, but in a believer's walk there's a great difference. In our service to the Lord, and what I mean by that is the Bible differentiates between levels of service, levels of commitment, levels of belief, levels of spirit influence. In the Old Testament we talk about the Spirit of the Lord being with people, being with certain individuals or groups. Then we talk about the Holy Spirit in some instances coming upon people, holy Spirit in some instances coming upon people. And then in the New Testament, post-pentecost, we read of the Lord entering people by way of the Holy Spirit. Individuals, you all know the scripture. You are the temple of God and the Spirit of God dwelleth in you right, temple of God, and the spirit of God dwelleth in you right. But there's a fourth measure that the Lord led me to, one that I have not understood, not seen, and obviously I don't read Hebrew, so it takes a whole lot of time to try to figure out and translate from the Hebrew. But this fourth measure is a deeper infusion, it's more meaningful, it's all-consuming Judges 6. We have two readings to start this morning. Whenever you get there, you're going to have to stand for a little while because the next one's coming, but Judges 6 and 34. And we'll start here. Whenever you get there, in reverence to God's word, I'll ask you to stand. But the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet and Eliezer was gathered after him.

Speaker 4:

Small, tiny little verse. Maybe you don't think it has a lot of meaning, but it's powerful in that if you look at the translation from the Hebrew, it actually means that the Spirit clothed him, that the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, enveloped Gideon. The Amplified Version says this the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with himself and took possession of him. That's what the Amplified says and it's entirely different from with or upon, or within. It's the Holy Spirit taking your body of flesh and wrapping it around Himself. I know that sounds really out there. That sounds really crazy.

Speaker 4:

It's a process. It's a process that comes to fruition as we become less and less and he becomes more and more. It's not an event. It's not like the baptism in the Holy Spirit that happens. We know, we have it, we have the evidence of speaking with other tongues. It's a process and the only thing left of your humanity, your physical being, not. Not who you are, but who you were. Who you were. That's the conditions we need. Who you were, that's the conditions we need. That's the conditions that I aspire to, that we should covet if we are to see and to witness a spiritual revolution in this place, glory, if we are to witness that Holy Ghost invasion that we talk about, that we remember fondly from times past, whether it's Azusa or another, outpouring.

Speaker 4:

Throughout our history, listen, church, throughout our history, countries and kingdoms have been built and birthed on a revolution, a revolution. Crusades made up of people who refused to be denied, who refused to say oh well, what are we going to do? What can we say? Who refused to be delayed, turned aside in taking up that cause. It's not different for us, it's not different for the church of the living god.

Speaker 4:

Look, there comes a time in our christian walk where negotiation doesn't work anymore, where it fails, when going along, to get along is no longer an option, when meeting in the middle and let's be nice is impossible. Bowing or acquiescing to a standard that the world has set is no longer acceptable. And the Bible says this is the point when the body starts to groan, when it starts to travail. Hallelujah, the body of Christ groans under the pressure of an upheaval, a revolution. That's what it's talking about A spiritual revival that upsets the moral culture of our time. For the weak, it's not for the casual churchgoer who puts all of our life's activities before our relationship with Christ. No, this revolution will be manned and will manned by the brave, by the courageous, by the strong who have stepped across a line, out of their comfort zone, by the strong who have stepped across a line Out of their comfort zone when it feels a little strange at first, daniel, not used to this, and have committed to become a true disciple of Christ, true disciple of Christ. You'll know them, you'll know them. They don't need recognition, they're not interested in diplomas or plaques or titles. These men and women of God aren't seeking popularity or position or a pat on the back. They are just thrilled to be in the battle, just thrilled to take up arms against a common enemy, a part of this revolution.

Speaker 4:

And I believe, as I said at the opening of the service, before we close our service today, I believe some of you will come to the realization that it is time to rise up, that it is time to rise up, that it is time to rise up, a time to go all in, not wait for the draft, but to enlist Glory, enlist in this army and hear the voice of our commander-in-chief and engage our enemy. See, he's looking for a remnant. He's looking for a remnant, some warriors, strong and true. So this morning I sound an alarm. I call you to battle, battle. And this is our opening scripture Joel, joel, 2. Joel 2 and 1.

Speaker 4:

Blow ye the trumpet in Zion. Sound an alarm in my holy mountain. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness. At the morning, spread upon the mountains A great people and a strong. There hath not been ever the like, neither shall there be any more after it. It even to the years of many generations, a fire devoureth. Before them and behind them a flame burneth. The land is as the garden of eden before them my, and behind them a desolate wilderness. Yea, and nothing shall escape them. Glory, glory.

Speaker 4:

Bear with my exuberance this morning, my excitement as I try to bring what God has given me in a message entitled Rise Up, let's pray, heavenly Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for the privilege and awesome responsibility of sharing your Word. Lord, lord, I ask your anointing on me to rightly divide your word of truth. Lord, to not get too excited, lord, that it makes it not understandable. Lord, let your people hear and receive your word in the name of your precious, gracious, beloved, all-powerful, glorified Son. We pray Amen and amen. Please be seated. Glory, glory, glory, glory, glory, glory.

Speaker 4:

Whenever you have a minute, flip to Isaiah 58. Just going to look at it briefly it is time. It is time. It is time to man our battle stations, sam. It's time to lock and load. Let the revolution begin. Let it begin in tiny churches, small towns across the world.

Speaker 4:

But I can only speak for America, towns across the world, but I can only speak for America as sold-out believers, as we put on the whole armor of God, withholding nothing. As we all say, as we all begin to say let it begin with me, let it begin with me. You know, we may not have all we need right now. We may not be fully equipped right now. We may not look like much right now, we may be scattered, shoelaces a little untied, maybe we got the wrong shoe on the wrong foot, but clumsy. That clumsy, unkempt condition is something great in the hands of an all-powerful God. Don't sell yourself short. God can do a whole lot with a little. He can do a whole lot with a tiny bit. Look, the world's been doing a lot with nothing and the church has been doing nothing with everything. That little boy's lunch, right, a couple of slices of bread, a couple of fish, didn't look like much, didn't look like much, didn't look like much. An empty cruise of oil and a handful of flour didn't look like much, did it? A little baby wrapped in rags in a feeding trough didn't look like much Glory, glory look like much Glory, glory. But in the hands of a mighty God, in the hands of a mighty God, little becomes much, little becomes much.

Speaker 4:

Isaiah 58. Take a look, 58. Somebody read it for me, please, in NIV, or Amplified. 58 and 1, I think 58.1,. Yeah, somebody have an Amplified or a. Read it for me, donna, please. 58 and 1. And to the house of Jacob, their sin. Oh, read verse 12, donna, verse 12, please. Oh, that electronic's not quite so cool, huh? See, by pages, by pages, by pages and your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt. You shall raise up the foundation of many generations and you shall be called the care of the breach, the store of streets, the dwellings, hallelujah, hallelujah. Show my people their transgression. Not a popular message, don't want to hear it. Show my people their sin.

Speaker 4:

I don't think too many churches in America are reading, or like, the 58th chapter of the book of Isaiah. We don't want to hear that. And I kind of understand that strategy. If I was in the business of church building I don't know that I would want to read from Isaiah 58. I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm just saying I agree with it. I'm just saying I understand it. Preachers today for some reason have been protecting their congregations from truth like that They've been protecting them. You know why? Because folks tend to either give less or they tend to walk away.

Speaker 4:

When you start to talk about sin and we've got to keep the cash flow coming, hallelujah when you start to talk about. You know, a couple that came to church about a year ago walked away from the church over Matthew when we talked about. Two will be in bed, one will be taken, one will be left. Two will be gathering, one will be taken, one will be left, and it was a Bible study and we just talked about, probably not talking about the rapture, probably talking about the second coming, because if you continue to read on, it says the ones that will be taken, whether it's out of the bed or out of the field, will go to where the fowl eats the flesh. That's not the rapture, at least not a rapture I want to be a part of. Uh, but they but without a word, just kind of walked away because they were offended by the word of God and it affects. So we don't talk about these things that affect what we perceive to be church growth or a church's influence. We better leave those things alone.

Speaker 4:

You know, I remember Jimmy Viernesser telling me in I don't know 2015 or so. He said you know your preaching has changed and it did, because you know what, around 2010 or 12, I stopped trying to talk to everybody. I stopped trying to reach everybody, knowing I couldn't talk to everybody. My job isn't to reach everybody. My job is to reach everybody knowing I couldn't talk to everybody. My job isn't to reach everybody. My job is to reach somebody. Glory, hallelujah. Maybe one body Hallelujah, because in this building or in Harmerville.

Speaker 4:

God has a remnant. God has a remnant. He has a remnant that came here in tune. That came here in tune, just needing a bit more, just needing to be told to understand that that shoe goes on that foot and that shoe goes on that foot. Or maybe you need to tie that shoe or button that, button something. He's always had a remnant Barbie. He's always had a remnant Elijah and Elisha, david and Daniel, the three Hebrew children.

Speaker 4:

He's always had a remnant and today he has a remnant who came out of these established religious cartels and have no retreat in them, a sign to rebuild or rehabilitate the waste places, the dry places, the stagnant marshes of dead religion and denomination. Because you know why that's where demon spirits reside. I know you're going to get all freaky on me now because I'm talking about demon spirits. We don't need to do that. Listen carefully to this message today, please. These restorers who go into the dry places and the marshes and the dead religious places shall be called menders of the breach. That's what you just read in Isaiah Donna Just read. They shall be called menders of the breach. That's what you just read in Isaiah Donna, just read. They shall be called menders of the breach, restoring the paths to dwell in.

Speaker 4:

Today, in America, demonic activity seems on the rise and unstoppable, and I believe it may be even more pronounced in other parts of the world. But I speak of my home land, of the free home of the brave 2023, assaults on churches and religious institutions doubled from 2022. And 2024 is on a pace to more than double again. And by assault understand, I'm not speaking of unkind words or criticisms of churches. By assault I mean beatings and killings and fires and destruction on buildings of worship and on people of God. You know, one only needs to glance at a newspaper to see the attacks on innocents in this world Cars and trucks running into crowds, running over kids, running over old people at fairs, elderly men and women being stabbed to death on the streets. And here's the thing and I know you've all heard those things and read those things but here's the thing. There's a bit of a secret about this and unless you're paying really close attention, you haven't seen it. These events are aimed at Christians. Oh no, I'm not seeing that, pastor.

Speaker 4:

The school shootings in the past 10 years, all the school shootings Columbine, paducah have primarily taken the lives of Christians, of young Christians. Didn't hear that on CNN. You didn't hear that on the mainstream media. How many of you know that of those in Columbine, 11 of the 13 were born-again sold-out believers? A few years ago, a church group on a bus tour to Ocean City careened off the highway, rolled over it, left 22 dead. While their bodies were scattered about the median on this highway, evil men and women showed up and robbed these dead bodies. Church group my speaking of paducah, kentucky school shooting. 100 percent of the kids that were shot and killed in Paducah 100% were Bible-believing, tongue-talking Christians.

Speaker 4:

So what does that tell you? That this attack, what we're experiencing now and again, only in its infancy, now. But what we're experiencing now has been planned and prepared by Satan himself. It has been planned by Satan and carried out by demon spirits, and it seems that we are approaching the level of demonic activity that was only felt in the first century. Do you remember? Jesus was going around, casting demons out everywhere? It's coming again. It's here again and while unbelievers don't misunderstand, unbelievers aren't safe either.

Speaker 4:

These attacks are indiscriminate. Satan doesn't care who he kills. They're primarily targeted Christians. Why? Why? Well, for a few generations now, we've forsaken god, we've left the church. Do you know that of those who left the church after the pandemic, after we wrongly closed our doors, 70% have never returned. Wow, that doesn't play out here, but overall, 70% of those who left the church during the pandemic have never went back to church.

Speaker 4:

We've taken prayer out of schools. We've taken the Bible and the Lord out of the public square. We've taken Bibles out of school Forgive me for what I'm about to say and we've replaced it with books on how to sexually please a man or a woman, and it's in a library that can be accessed by third graders. We've allowed the media to lampoon Christianity. Call it a farce and a fake and a forgery, with no pushback. In fact, the church has joined in the jokes regarding the church and allowed us to become a caricature church and allowed us to become a caricature. All the while, and as Ted pointed out last Sunday, we've regressed in our morals, we've reveled in excess, we've become spiritually unfit, we're embroiled in lusts and pleasure, and man has elevated himself above his maker.

Speaker 4:

The crisis, brothers and sisters, is here. It's here. It's is here. It's here. It's not coming. It's here. Time, the danger is imminent. Something must happen in the heart of America, something must happen in the heart of the church. Time is running out. The choice is clear Repent or perish, return or be destroyed.

Speaker 4:

The question is, which way will we go? Which way will we go? And the answer is just as clear the body of Christ must rise up. We must rise up out of obscurity and complacency, and church is a thing I do for 40 minutes a week, out of indistinction. Away from go along to get along, let's all just get along, away from a culture of death and unbelief. That's where the church is nowadays unbelief. He hasn't called us to get along, he hasn't anointed us to play church. He has called us to rise above church as usual, far above that socially accepted hypocrisy of church normalcy, glory Of indulgence, of hyper grace, of the low expectation of he gets us, no, he don't get you. No, listen, wrong is called right for so long now. It's now become normal, it's now become the accepted norm, and right is the abnormal thing. Righteousness is now abnormal.

Speaker 4:

Do you remember our teaching a few weeks ago on Thyatira? Jesus commended their position on their teaching and their doctrine and he warned them about their acceptance of the culture of what was going on in Thyatira, that they put up with it, that they were silent, that their display of unity with the world was off course and of the devil really is what he said. Bumper stickers, just put it in today's terms. Bumper stickers that display support trans kids, that same-sex unions are just fine, that an embryo isn't human, a fetus isn't a human. We trust science Preferring single-parent households, and not only preferring single-parent households, but promoting single-parent households.

Speaker 4:

Do you remember that theme at the end of the 90s? You don't? Traditional marriage, those cultural perversions? Water is life, love is love, black lives matter, and no human is illegal. Do you know what those positions transport us to? Those positions transport us to Satan's inner circle, not my words, jesus' words to the church of Thyatira. They transport them to Satan's inner circle, where evil. You know what his inner circle is? His inner circle is where evil is declared to be good and good is declared to be evil. Isn't that where we find ourselves today? Isn't that where we're at? Abortion is good and righteous. Same-sex marriage good, righteous. Trans kids great idea, idea. Let's change them. But if you say well, the bible says hater. Well, our god said oh we don't hear about god.

Speaker 4:

Shut up hate speech. Our pastor says he's a hater. How many of you read that? I don't know if you listen to jack hibbs or not probably the let me just say a really great bible teacher. He's from calvary chapel and really great bible teacher. Uh, very conservative in regards to the word of God, but he was called, he prayed before Congress and he was called ill-equipped and a preacher of hate who should be put out of business by our elected officials. And I don't know him personally, but from what I discern, he is a true man of God.

Speaker 4:

We live in a nation where we save the whales, protect the dogs, the fish, and we abuse our children and murder our babies. See, why are you getting into this pastor? Because that's what opened the door. Doors have been opened, a door that has allowed the spirit of Antichrist to enter, a door that has allowed the spirit of Antichrist to enter, and it has allowed the spirit of Antichrist to use these demonic vessels fallen angels we call them demons To loot, to burn, to steal, to kill, to turn us against one another, and the rise of political and international madmen seeking power, unleashing viruses on the world. What we're witnessing in America. What we're witnessing in America.

Speaker 4:

And you can go verse by verse, through Matthew 24, wars and rumors of wars. You can go through it verse by verse and say that's today, that's today, but it cannot be of human origin. None of it, not the wars, not the madmen, not the viruses. It's not of human origin. It's an orchestrated, a carefully orchestrated attack on all of humanity by Satan himself, utilizing not only the power of Antichrist, but on six listen to the number six trillion demon spirits loose in the world today. Where did you get that, pastor? I got it from the fifth chapter of Revelation. Amen, just some simple math. Where did you get that, pastor? I got it from the fifth chapter of Revelation. Amen, just some simple math. Third of the angels cast out become demon spirits. Third of the original populations 10,000 times 10,000 times 10,000. And I come up with six trillion. Six trillion demon spirits. Six trillion demon spirits, these evils that have been loosed in the world today. And I don't care what you look at, whether you look at the looting, the carnage, the people being killed on subways and the National Guard having to go into the subways and the cities now to protect the citizenry, these evils are inspired by demon spirits.

Speaker 4:

What would cause a pastor a pastor to kill his wife and take up with his male lover, leaving a home, a children and a church behind? What we call a psychiatric failing or a psychological event? Murder? Mayhem is, in reality, demon spirits have entered our realm. Oh, they've been here for a while. This isn't really anything new, but it's come to the place where it is overwhelming, because all the righteousness has been sucked out. And they've come through. Understand this. They have come through doors, doors that have been opened, either knowingly or unknowingly. Opened by some with evil intent and some that actually meant well, that didn't mean to do evil. And we explained that pastor. I heard it explained. And we explained that pastor I heard it explained in a defense of that pastor, that he had a latent tendency of homosexuality combined with the pressure of running a mega church.

Speaker 4:

You know what the Greek word is for that? Bologna Demon spirits, demon spirits, demon spirits, demon spirits. A pastor trained up in theology sat under the word, taught under the word, prayed for and prayed daily, and this is what happened. Well, it was just he was already a homosexual and this just kind of released it.

Speaker 4:

Demon spirits that operate and they may have meant well, but they have operated for so long under a false. And if you're worried, then say well, this could happen anywhere and it's not out of the realm of possibility. But let me just give you the caveat. It's that while this pastor may have meant well, at some point he starts to preach wrong and he starts to feel the pressure of the congregation or society and he starts to preach and operate under false doctrine. That's actually pulling the church away from Christ rather than to him, toward meaningless activities and prose and poetry and affirmations, ungodly get-togethers of beer tasting and wine tasting. Oh, here he goes. Now you're going here Hallelujah, are you hearing me? All in an effort to fill seats, that we hold beer and wine tastings in our basement in order to fill seats, so the men feel comfortable coming to church and we keep revenue streams open. Let me be perfectly honest and open with you. Look, do whatever you want, whatever you. The bible has a term for that too. They did what was acceptable in their own eyes. Do whatever you want. If you think, that's okay, if you think it's good, but don't put a cross on it. Go and have your beer, go and have your wine. Don't put a cross on it. Don't you dare bring that stuff in here.

Speaker 4:

I don't care who decides that what I say, especially in regards to this, offends them and we're going to leave the church thinks that I'm singling them out. I'm going to preach on what God has given me. I'm going to keep on teaching, preaching about a particular vice that has someone me. I'm going to keep on teaching, preaching about a particular vice that has someone bound. Oh, I know, pastor meant me, I didn't mean you. I'm doing what God's called. I'm going to keep on preaching exactly as the Holy Spirit says preach, and you know what? Oh well, you know, know that church isn't going to do well. Very.

Speaker 4:

The holy spirit would allow me to set up a church in hell, because I won't back up. He would prosper. A church in hell, demon spirits would say, yeah, well, he's preaching the truth and god would have him contribute. Because we will not simmer down, we will not ease up, we will not pipe down, we will not keep quiet. We'll keep on bringing it in spirit and in truth. In fact, if you think today's message was offensive, hang on. Hang on. He's pouring into me like never before. Do you know why? So that this congregation and everybody who you encounter will grow in the fullness and the stature of God. That's what he wants, reflecting our King and our Creator, jesus Christ.

Speaker 4:

When I was a child I spoke as a child, but when I became a grown-up I put away childish things. My Bible still says that greater is he that is in the world than he's, greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. My Bible still says that no weapon formed against me. 1 Corinthians, and I'll hurry 1 Corinthians. 2.

Speaker 4:

And we talked a little bit about this on Wednesday, just touched on it, not 1 Corinthians, but this thought process 2 and 12. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us, of God, what we've witnessed and it's been longer than that, we can put a time mark on it, a time stamp at the pandemic that there's been a rebellion against the church, rebellion against churches and their leaders, and we talked on Wednesday just a little bit, that it seems almost justified and it pains me to say that, but listen to this Even in the full gospel, charismatic Pentecostal church of the day, we're afraid to worship, we're afraid to preach. We resist any manifestation of the Holy Ghost. I told my neighbor his wife's been going to the church at Mills Mall. Here's a Pentecostal church that was attended for 10 years and they don't even know it's Pentecostal.

Speaker 4:

All we can muster, it seems to me, is a forced shout, a learned tongue, a choreographed dance, and we wonder why nobody's getting healed or delivered. We wonder why there's no manifestation in the church. Oh, I, preachers can't stay with one wife and we make excuses for them. When preachers can't keep the pornography off their computers, when preachers use their cell phones to gamble and bet on sports, when preachers still have a rolled up penthouse under the seat of their truck, god is raising up a revolution against that type of leadership, against that type of leadership, against that type of preaching and believing and teaching, because there is still a God that says I change not.

Speaker 4:

There is still a God that redeems. There is still a Christ that saves. There is still a bloodstained banner draped over this church. There's still a spirit that fills, a truth that frees us. There's still a Holy Ghost that guides us and shows us the way. There is still a unified, all-in, remnant church just waiting for direction, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. Glory, I dare you to shout. I dare you to shout.

Speaker 4:

Rise up, church of the living God, kevin. Kevin, would you do me a favor if Steph's not tied up in something, ask her to come back, please. Rise up, church of the living God. Rise up. Let his spirit flow in you and through you, and from you. Let's be the beacon that he's called us to be. Let's be that unstoppable, unrepentant force that declares the truth of the gospel, unafraid, unwavering Reflections of the light.

Speaker 4:

Rise up. Trust that you were made, call that that you were made for a time like this. My Rise up, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Rise up, hear and receive the truth of our King. Rise up, let the redeemed of the Lord say so. Rise up, hear and receive the truth of our King. Rise up, dark, dark and all alone. That song said that we sang oh, colette, you're coming back to work right, dark and all alone. Listen to the words growing comfortable. Are you too scared to move, to walk out of this tomb? Buried underneath lies that you believed safe and sound, stuck in the ground, too lost to be found? You're just asleep and, brothers and sisters, it's time to leave. Let's rise up, amen. Hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, yes, lord, thank you. In the dark and all alone, growing comfortable. Are you too scared to move and walk out of this tomb Buried underneath the lies that you believe Too lost to be found? You're just asleep, just asleep, and it's time to leave. So come on, rise up. Take a breath you're alive now.

Speaker 5:

Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us Up from?

Speaker 3:

the grave like Lazarus.

Speaker 5:

You're brand new. The power of death cannot hold you. Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us out from the grave, like Lazarus?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Lord, oh, I like this verse. When he said your name, that thing that filled your veins, it was more than blood. It's the kind of love that washes sin away.

Speaker 1:

Now the door is open wide and the stone's been rolled aside. The old is gone, the light has come, so come on and rise up, take a breath.

Speaker 5:

You're alive now. Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us Out from the grave, like Lazarus, if your brand new power of death did not hold you? Can't you hear the voice of Jesus calling us Out from the grave, like Lazarus? Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Yes, lord, we pray. This message is a blessing and encouragement to you, most of all, that it fortifies your faith as the return of our Lord draws near.

Speaker 1:

We encourage you to share the love of Jesus this week and invite you to listen to next week's podcast. You may run on for a long time. You may run on for a long time, but let me tell you God Almighty's gonna cut you down. Well, you may run on for a long time. You may run on For a long time, but let me tell you God Almighty's gonna cut you down. Go tell that long-tongued liar. Go tell that midnight rider. Tell the gambler rambler Fact-fighter. Tell them, god Almighty's gonna cut them down. Stop, god Almighty. Let me tell you the news.

Speaker 1:

My head's been wet with the midnight news. I've been down on my bended knees talking to the man from the gallows. My God spoke, and he spoke so sweet. I thought I heard the shuffle of rangers ring. He put one hand upon my head. Great God mighty. Let me tell you what he said. Go tell that long-time liar. Go tell that midnight writer. Tell the gambler rambler bike-fighter. Tell him God Almighty's gonna cut him down. You may throw your rock in high, your hand Working in the dark and your fellow man Sure. As God made the day and the night, what you do in the dark will be brought to the light and you may run and hide, or slip and slide, trying to take the moat from your neighbor's hide. Sure, as God made the rich and poor, you combed the leaf with just what you saw. You run on for a long time. You may run on for a long time, but let me tell you, god Almighty's gonna cut you down. Go tell that long-tongue liar. Go tell that midnight rider.

Speaker 1:

Tell the gambler rambler back-fighter. Tell him God Almighty's gonna cut him down. Some people go to church just to signify, trying to make a date with the neighbor's wife. Brother, let me tell you, as sure as you're born, you better leave that little woman alone, because one of these days mark my word you'll think that brother has gone to work. These days, mark my word You'll think that brother has gone to work. You'll sneak up and knock on the door. I told brother you'll knock no more. Run on for a long time. You may run on for a long time, but let me tell you God Almighty's gonna cut you down. Go tell that one-ton liar. Go tell that midnight writer.

Speaker 1:

Tell the gambler rambler black rider. Tell him God Almighty's gonna cut him down. Well, you may run on for a long time. Run on for a long time. You may run on for a long time, but let me tell you God Almighty's gonna cut you down. Go tell that long-tongued liar. Go tell that midnight fighter. Tell the gambler rambler backbiter Killing. God Almighty's gonna come down. We'll see you next time.